I have a 7, 5, and 3 year old that I try to get out in a hub a couple times a winter – it is quite a bit of work and like most of you know, it takes just as much time to get things ready and back as we spend fishing.
Some of my best ice fishing memories when I was younger was sitting in a permanent shack with my uncle, dad, or buddies fishing all day and late at night. Granted, that’s pretty much all we had before portables came to the scene.
This fall we found a decent deal on a wheeled house which was just an empty shell with minor finishing and decided to give it a shot-didn’t spend the big $ on a nice house with all the amenities, but something that would be warm and I could leave out on the lake. Questioned myself most of the winter if we should have bought it as we waited for decent ice and finding a spot to be able to bring it (in Duluth area). Finally got it out on the ice 3 weekends ago.
We have fished in it every Saturday/Sunday night since, usually about 3-4 hours, bringing supper and lots of snacks (bucket/potty a must). We’ve done nothing but play games, talk, and fish – every week it’s been the question of when do we get to go fishing.
The kids are already planning the fish house remodel as they want bunks and to sleep out on the ice now. Another thing to add to my to-do list this summer.
From my perspective, it’s been worth it. It wasn’t cheap, but it’s now something we all want to do and we all enjoy. I’ll still force them to fish in a hub early season, but if we can get a couple months of solid fishing to help grow that fishing bug it’ll be worth it. We’ve also been lucky that we’ve been a decent bite of small crappies. I haven’t caught a fish in the last 3 weeks – like everyone said, it’s all about them.



