ACMetals in Fridley has the best prices on aluminum in the metro, at least for stuff they stock.
Otherwise try DiscountSteel or Garlick’s.
ACMetals in Fridley has the best prices on aluminum in the metro, at least for stuff they stock.
Otherwise try DiscountSteel or Garlick’s.
Try a Giant Suede. Great bike, reasonable, and very comfortable.
I apologize in advance as this comment will annoy some, but it’s a comment based on IMHO after all.
I don’t eat canine, and unless you do, what’s the purpose of hunting it?
And don’t give me any anti-hunting crap. I have no problem hunting deer, bear, moose, elk, antelope, rabbit, squirrel and whatever else, but I won’t hunt coyote, wolf or fox because I’m not going to eat it. If I depended on skins to stay warm thru the winter, that might be a different story. But, we have warm houses and synthetic insulated clothing to keep us warm now. Of course, the animals I’ll hunt for food have skins that will keep me warm if it ever actually came down to that.
Hunting should be more than just the thrill of the kill. If I don’t like eating what I hunt it just doesn’t make sense to hunt it.
I’m in Anoka/Andover, but according to Thorn Bros, they have heard of at least 5 stolen Terrovas in the last 3 weeks.
Click START then in the search box type:
notepad.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
then press “ENTER”.
This is the hosts file. Make sure that each line in that file has a # (number sign) in front of it. Unless you are a programmer, there shouldn’t be anything in there. If there is a bunch of stuff in there, please send me a PM and I’ll try and tell you what’s going on, but first put a # in front of each line and save it.
If there is a # in front of each line, then go to this website:
This will check to see if you are infected with a DNS redirector virus. The web page will tell you if you have that problem or not.
Hope this helps a bit.
I buy the box of rags at menards, and when they get too gross, I toss ’em in the trash.
I’ve had both. The iPhone is by far much more reliable and dependable. THe droid works great, but the system degrades over time and the phones just get slower and slower. I’ve had my iphone for as long as I’ve had some of my droids, it doesn’t crash, doesn’t act weird, and just plain works.
Dragon ‘Em In
I purchased a laptop with those specs, and i7 processor, 8 gb ram, 1920 x 1024 display, 17.5″ screen, and a 1 TB hard drive for $900 at costco about 6 mths ago. You don’t need to spend over $1000 if you look around. I’m not real familiar with those cad programs, but a bit bigger resolution screen will be fine. Here’s a link to a machine similar to mine.
Also, DO NOT BUY DELL. Their laptops fail just after their warranty period runs out. The best laptops are Toshiba and HP. I’ve also been hearing good things about ASUS, but stay AWAY from ACER (they are cheap and break easy).
Dragon ‘Em In
First of all, what program are you looking at? I may have a few suggestions that are more cost effective or easier to use. I know quite a few different CAD programs.
Secondly, the computer with the highest resolution will be the best one you can buy. I personally use a laptop with a 17.5″ screen, 1920 x 1024, and sometimes I still wish the resolution were greater.
Also, what are you going to be using it for? That has a lot to do with which program you are selecting, as does the type and style computer that you are getting. Some programs require a much more powerful computer than others.
Dragon ‘Em In
Sent you a PM. Anoka, Andover, Coon Rapids are all great spots for easy access to good lakes.
Dragon ‘Em In
I think your post should be redirected from the DNR, who have taken only an administrative role in this mess, to our legislative and judicial branches who have created this mess.
You are right, I didn’t think about the legislative/judicial branches being as involved. It is entirely too easy to blame the DNR for it all. They do have a play in it, but so do other factors. The owner of the resort I stayed at this weekend even mentioned that the slots were more political than DNR based. I will revise my statement to “Whomever is involved in setting the slot needs to get their heads unstuck.”
Thats a mighty big arm and hand next to a 20# fish. And that must be a new numbering system on that ruler below the fish.
Or they do know what beer is down there or something a bit stronger.Just ribbing ya.
Ive heard those bass get big and they fight awfully hard. Some say as strong as a King salmon.
I know your ribbing, but here’s a better pic of us with the fish, gives a bit more size perspective. I think the beer my friends down there like is something ultra light. I prefer southern comfort myself.
No, I’m not blaming DNR for anything, other than a slot that basically precludes catching fish to eat. And I don’t expect a livewell full of keeper fish everytime, but at least a few keepers is nice to have.
And yes, I agree it’s a walleye factory. It’s an amazing lake. But if you are going out to get fish to eat, it’s not the lake to go on. Don’t get me wrong, we had a lot of fun catching the fish, but not being able to keep any just irked me. That’s what my rant was about.
Dragon ‘Em In
I’m not exactly sure how you expected your outcome to be different… Not every trip will end up with a livewell full of fish. I’m sure you’d blame Mille Lacs and the DNR for the 90 degree weather and the drunken ppl on the launch as well
Enjoy it for what it is which is an amazing walleye factory within a short distance of a major city
20 or 2 lb ??? They would have to be made of lead to weigh 20….
No, they were all in the 15-20lb range. This was in May, but smallest was about 15lbs, largest was 23. Those fish fight better than any other fish I’ve caught. It took 15-20min to get some of them in the boat.
Arkansas… is there even fish down there ???
and have they not heard of BEER
Yes, there is definitely fish! Check out the pic. Striped bass, these were all in the 20 lb. range, but they get up to 50-60lbs.
Dragon ‘Em In
Farm Island has a slot limit as well.
I know, their slot is no fish 16-19″. I caught several under and several over, I can deal with that slot, plus I can easily get big panfish, northern and bass on that lake that is NOT slot controlled.
Dragon ‘Em In
Me personally, I just don’t like them. I like having a windshield to duck under, which also allows a bimini top for crummy weather.
I still wouldn’t go tiller, my only regret is that I never went center console. I bought a walk thru windshield boat this year, and then had the opportunity to fish a center console boat.
Kinda wishing I’d have gone center console.
Me personally, I just don’t like them. I like having a windshield to duck under, which also allows a bimini top for crummy weather.
I fillet everything. Last fish I gutted were a couple of trout. 2 was more than enough for me NOT to consider gutting/gilling anymore fish. I can fillet sunnies in about 45 seconds as well. I just go along the backbone, cut thru and go down to the tail, reverse the knife and detach all meat up to the last rib, clean the cut on the backbone, grab the loose skin above the rib cage, give it hard yank till its loose from the side bones, then use the fillet knife to get the meat off the ribs. Very fast and quick. I never get potato chips off a sunnie larger than 7″, if I do, I really screwed up that fillet.
No. Down imaging needs the special DI/SI transducer that comes with unit. I have a 798csi mounted on the back of my boat, and I use a standard 788 with the US2 transducer in my Terrova.
Dragon ‘Em In
Another reason to go on the port side is the starboard side is usually where your transducer is located, and the propwash typically goes towards the port side. Keeping all the propwash to the port side keeps the starboard side clear for your sonar.
Grumble. Now I have to buy a whole new unit. Between Linked and the Hummingbird 360, I’ll wind up with electronics worth more than my boat and motor. Grrr. I just can’t seem to avoid the toys.
Cabela’s brand reel with line counter is a GREAT reel for leadcore fishing. I have 2 of them and love them, and each reel will hold 10 colors without a problem.
Depthmaster II Reel from Cabelas
Side Imaging is definitely worth it. It’s really nice to find the fish or structure on the sides of you, mark ’em with the GPS function, then come back and hover over your marked point. It’s really nice on new lakes.
I’m glad I spent the money on SI. Took me a while to understand it and how to use it, but it is definitely worth it.
Dragon ‘Em In
Well, I’ve decided to sell both my Terrova 55# and the Powerdrive #70. I’ve sent messages to the people who emailed me already.
Thanks for all the input everyone gave,
Dragon ‘Em In
Definitely a Bradley. I picked one up used to see if I liked smoking, now i’m getting ready to get the digitally controlled one with temp control. I love the tasted of the food, and puck conveyor is fantastic. I’ve also read that if you have a lathe and cut down your own pucks it actually works fairly well. I have some crab apple I’m going to try it with.
Also, if you get the chance, try smoking some corned beef. OMG!!! It is the best mean I have smoked yet. It absolutely FELL APART in your mouth.
Dragon ‘Em In