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  • David Patrick
    Posts: 8

    Unfortunately, there is no cleanout, but thank you for the help.

    thank you everyone for all the help, i guess i am just gonna need to get someone out here to take a look down there and go from there.
    i do appreciate it.

    David Patrick
    Posts: 8

    that does all make sense, and thanks for the additional info. i guess one think i do really wanna know: is it possible that my amount of TP usage is going to be a problem on a septic system?

    that may not be something that can be answered definitively, but if thats the only issue, then i really dont want to pay for pumping my system, if a month later im going to have to pay to hook up to city sewer. it would be a very frustrating waste.

    That said, like i mentioned previously, after the first time this happened after 1 month, i switched from super thick TP to RV & Marine super dissolvable, and i also cut my amount of usage in half, but it happened again after the same amount of time. if the issue is solely my TP usage, i would expect, if nothing else, it to take longer before reaching this point.

    David Patrick
    Posts: 8

    i do not have any exposed covers

    David Patrick
    Posts: 8

    not sure the exact year, but im pretty sure it is an older house. compromised pipe sounds possible, however, i did have the home inspection when i bought the house 2 months ago, so should that not have been caught then?

    home inspection does not include full septic system inspection, but they do run all the water in the house for a certain amount of time to “flood’ the system, and i did do the dye test as well, which i believe is just to supposed to check for leaks, but everything checked out good.

    David Patrick
    Posts: 8

    @bassn dan,
    noted about the draino. TP quality though, i was using the thickest, most high quality TP for the first month. after this happened the first time, i happened to have some Marine & RV TP and i switched to that, but it still happened again 1 month later.

    ive been very careful about what i flush since i moved in, so no wipes or anything.

    David Patrick
    Posts: 8

    so when the plumber was here the first time, he also mentioned the baffle probably being blocked/clogged. if the problem is the TP needs to break down before getting into the septic tank, then i do wonder if my issue is sending too much down in a day.

    but the second part of what you said sounds like its saying your problem was actually inside the tank, not an issue getting it into the tank.

    i will say, im pretty sure my amount of TP usage during the 2nd month was almost cut in half compared to the first month, and both times it took exactly a month to get to this point. Also, once the toilet wont flush, the tub is also filled up with toilet water by that point. i can either violently plunge the toilet for 30 minutes and the waer will be down, or if i leave it alone for a couple hours, it will slowly drain on its own. same as last time, except last time, after trying for a day to clear the clog, i tried some draino. after the draino, it wouldnt even drain slowly. it wasnt going anywhere. not sure if any of this context info adds anything…

    David Patrick
    Posts: 8

    i do have a drain field. i guess im trying to ascertain if the problem is that m septic tank is full or not. the lines from my bathroom all the way to the septic tank are full with everything ive been flushing for the last 4 month.

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