Interestingly enough i was informed by our own deer ecologist in Northern Wisconsin in the year 2000 , at of all places a turkey seminar ? At the end of the presentation he piped up and asked the audience if they had any deer management questions ? I asked are you concerned about CWD in Wisconsin . He said and quote “I would be more concerned about eating a British Slim Jim , than CWD ” Everyone laughed ? The he went on to say “If it shows up in Wisconsin , it will be in the southern part of the state and we will have to kill everydeer in the endemic area ” Wow wow wow a full year before it was officially made public that CWD was in wisconsin ??? Then the poop show started false positive tests false negative test etc Then the experts, biologist arguing with each other One claiming this the other claiming that ! It continues to this day Who do you believe ??? After all the research done , i don’t know anymore about it now then when i first heard of it !