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  • dkremer99
    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Awesome car I use to work in a body shop and we always fought over who got to work on the classics.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I guess I don’t understand why people are complaining about buying an ’08 liscense you’re going to need it next year anyway. I guess I don’t see anything wrong with the extended seasons especially doe only.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    hey Whitetail
    Do you seem to get a better average price out of your coon by streching them? Around where I’m at it didn’t seem to pay for itself.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I just love to see pictures like this to show my wife she still thinks I shouldn’t introduce hunting to my daughter, needless to say this makes the arguments a little more in my favor.


    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    hey husky I was just looking at cabelas website and it looks like there dogtra models may be a good unit that reach up to 3/4 mile and have a selector on the transmitter to controll intensity.

    Dan cabelas

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Hey Husky I would say no putting one on your dog at that age will not hurt. I use a tri tronics classic 70 with the different plug powers, but I hunt coon hounds and need the extra distance sometimes you may be able to pick up one cheaper that doesn’t travel quite as far.


    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I will agree that letting big bucks walk is very important but there I believe more issues to look at besides. I see hunters here in Iowa and I’m sure MossyDan will agree that shoot the first thing by regardless of button forks or 10 pointer. Not trying to say that selective harvest should be ignored just that other things need to change also.


    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    nice buck grifter, I think almost anyone would have trouble passing that one up.


    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    mossy dan hit on alot of good points I believe the timing of seasons is very important. I think maybe the winters snow cover or hard ice cover has alot to do with it same as for other species such as pheasants. I seen a couple years back(cant remember when now?) we had terrible ice cover and i seen some pheasants that I believe actually i believe died from not being able to eat. My dad and I started dumping corn in the field behind our house everyday you should have seen all the different critters coming around. I have also noticed alot of deer will pick a soy bean field early in the evening versus corn maybe others have noticed this also. I don’t know if many soy beans are grown up your way due to a shorter growing season or not. Maybe someone else can chime in on this and give their opinion.

    everyone hunting 2nd season in iowa saturday have a safe and fun time, I live in the timber and theres still some big ones out there

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    i want in

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I just seen this post and cannot believe how many people clump all of us coon hunters together. Yes this guy sounds ignorant but not all coon hunters and especially there dogs are this way. Everyone thinks I should control my dogs and I agree 100 percent exept there are times you dump them out of the box and they have the scent before even hitting the dirt and are gone and will not listen for nothing. I’m not trying to defend this guys actions at all just to say we are not all bad hunters by nature. I would not go zipping thru someones land on an ATV and I stop hunting for shotgun seasons down here and also know all of my neighbors that muzzeloader hunt and bowhunt and stay out of there way, most of the time except when my dog gets that bull headed streak. please remember we are all hunters after the same results and don’t assume all coon dog hunters are ruining everything.


    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    sounds like you may have got the unlucky one, my 94 hasn’t had near the problems. I did do away with the oil cooler lines just plugged them at the filter.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Not wanting to get everyone fired up again but I don’t think this is a walmart problem at all. I work for a union who bashes walmart all the time for sending jobs overseas then see them buying foriegn things. As citizens maybe we should be looking for more american made things because they are not always more expensive as people think. For example the auto parts store I go into I always ask for the American made parts, one day when buying brake shoes the clerk told me that USA would probably be alot more I said I didn’t care, he looked them up and they were actually about 5 dollars cheaper. Another salesman at a tool fair here at work told me after asking him if the wrenches he was selling were made in america that no they were made in taiwan as pretty much every wrench today is. Well that lit a fire under me I told him do you want me to start naming american made wrenches and did, craftsman, snapon, mac, armstrong, proto, S&K, Martin, cornwell, bonney, wright. I think I irked him a little but oh well as americans we shouldn’t just be so easy to accept that everything is made in taiwan. Once again I’m not against walmart or the people who work there they are doing what they have to, i believe its us as purchasers who are to blame.

    Sorry I’ll get of the box now.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Hey Mike You dont have to use dogs in WI?

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Hey Mike You dont have to use dogs in WI?

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    you shouldn’t have any problems with you computer I cut my cat of and ran true duals just left the oxygen sensor in one pipe and I have no problems.


    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    thanks for the update honda. Ive been getting the itch to get out now youve made it worse.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I thought maybe I was the only one that thought the cabins were dry. I was waking up with sinus headaches so I started boiling water on the stove. I think the headaches were from dry air anyway?

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    seems alot of people are worried about price gouging from the oil companies, but has anyone ever considered the national average tax on a gallon of gas is .46 cents a gallon. Now I would say whether rep or dem that this is price gouging.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    hey traumatized, I live in CC and haven’t seen hardly anyone fishing there nor have I heard any reports around town. I’ll let you know if I hear of anything.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Hate to see you go steve you were always so helpfull when I came up and stayed at the cabins. I won’t be able to make it to your party but I wish you luck in you and your wifes future (oh and ziggy).

    P.S. welcome aboard Dean (fishmar)

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    hey Jr. nice fish and happy birthday. If I would have known I would have stop down by your camper and told you myself but wasn’t sure if that was you or not. I was the one in the green crestliner that was right behind you when the tree lodged it self into everts dock.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Thanks for all the input guys hey eye let me know what you think of your power drive after you use it.
    Dan Kremer

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    thanks guys for the input. tony do you mean the pedal is to sensative, because I am having a heck of a time getting use to the pedal on my motor guide and was thinking it was because I have always run a cable drive before.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    hey coggon, Im from central city just down the road. great to see others from the area.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    D.E.I has to be

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    thanks for the post wisbass, but I think I’m going to keep looking for a different boat. When I was at the dealer he told me he couln’t seperate the boat and motor, so if I bought yours I would still have a 50 horse and no use for it

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    thanks alot guys for the input, you have reinforced my idea that it is too small. One of these days I’ll see you boys on the river with a new crestliner.

    Central City, IA
    Posts: 36

    thanks guys for the advice you have made my decision much easier. that must be why the boat was fairly cheap.

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