Look at this, it might help…
Forum Replies Created
July 19, 2024 at 7:51 am #2281628
The mine pit lake you see from Mn 6 is Portsmouth Mine Pit Lake. It has one of the easiest boat launch ramp of the bunch. I fish a 16′ Lund Pike classic loaded with electronic toys. I drive 6 often most days no one is on the water, summer or winter..
You will need a MN parks pass, plan ahead. They are available online and come in the mail in about 2 weeks.
July 18, 2024 at 10:09 am #2281496I live retatively close to the Crosby Mine lakes, I have fished them in the summer and the winter. Most of them are over 300 ft deep in the center. There are no fish there. The first 60 ft from the shore on most of the pits are submerged pine forrests. Fun to look at on side imaging but really tough to fish. My advice would to fish is 70 to 100 ft from the shore. They are all designated trout lakes and they have some bait restrictions that protect their futures.
If you wanted to try some non-restrictive mine waters, try the east lobe of Rabit Lake. I has some interesting structure, a 300 ft mine pit and a road bed heading to the bottom of the pit. Roosevelt Lake is also mine lake..
Hope this helps. Trout are a fun catch. The mine lakes with steep banks and undeveloped shores have the feel of being way up north. If you don’t find fish, enjoy the beauty.
May 14, 2024 at 8:48 am #2272451Most of my neighbors manage to get their pontoons into garages with 7ft doors. You have to drop the bimini. Tilt the motor up some, put the boat on 4 short roller stands and carfully slide it through the door. It is a squeeze for my neighbor with a modern 20′ Harris or 24′ Weere. But it is doable with a scissor trailer.
I have a friend with 17′ Forrester that manages to slide his pontoon sitting on a bunk trailer into a double garage with a 7′ door.
Most pontoons without the bimini istalled are roughly the same height.
When I had my storage building built, I had it built with 9′ walls and a 8′ door.
In the winter there are 6 boats in there, all neatly slide in there sitting on roller stands. Brought in with a scissor trailer.
May 13, 2024 at 8:10 am #2272244I live on a small lake inside the city limits of Crosslake, it has a DNR built public access with a concrete ramp. My pontoon boat is tied up to my dock at this writing. It goes in in the spring (last week) and comes out in the fall (after leaf season). I don’t even own a trailer for my pontoon. In the winter my pontoon sits in my storage building with 5 other boats all on caster based boat stands. Three of the boats are pontoons, the largest is a 24 footer (not mine).
The pontoons go in and out in and out on the same trailer (owned by the 24 footer). I basically rent it from him for 50 minutes of use a year. I picked my pontoon up with that trailer in the Detroit Lakes Area (some years back). There many places you can rent a scissors trailer in the area (under $100 for a couple hours). I doubt I will ever own a pontoon trailer. I DO have a well equiped fishing boat that travels. Decide how you are going to use your boat, if your pontoon is going to travel often, go with bunks. If not I would rent, save your trailer money, if it is going to sit outside year round, spend your saved money on shrink rap and wood blocks.May 6, 2024 at 8:32 am #2271193I have a lot with a driven well in the Crosslake area. The well is 2″ dia 20′ plus a 4′ sand point. A friend and I drove the well with an rented electric 60lb jack hammer and a drive cap. The well can produce about 10 gal/min and I have a 3/4hp shallow well jet pump. The well has been tested and is registered with the state on MN.
It produces potable water and I use the well to water my large garden.I have a Johnson stainless steel well screen. They are wound, welded, triangular wire and more permiable. Are much more durable to drive and long term much more reliable and less likely to plug with sand.
Mn has driven well regulations
March 26, 2024 at 11:33 am #2263529I installed one of these on my storage building
It uses a std door bell type button…
March 4, 2024 at 8:50 am #2257882I have a Powerdrive V2 with a IPilot Link, Minn-kota has not made the Link version in years. The spotlock is not the super tight over the big rock in a wind, jog version that you get today. Since I don’t fish in gail force chop, it works for me…
If I had to choose a feature that is worth every penny it is follow the contour…
February 21, 2024 at 7:18 am #2255487Try CanvasTech in Pine River, MN… Close to Bertha Boat Works….
I was in ther one day and they had a lot of Pontoon Boats in varies stages of repair/reconstruction….
I was looking for a boat cover, so not for me but…
February 13, 2024 at 8:09 am #2253672A helix 7 has a 1024 x 600 pixels screen, 6.125″ x 3.625″
A helix 12 has 1280 x 800 pixels screen, 10.26″ x 6.41″Here is the math, a 100ft range is 100ft out each side of the transducer or 200 ft on the screen edge to edge with avertical height os 100ft. 1ft square cube on a helix 7 is approximately 5 pixels x 6 pixels on helix 12 is approximately 6 pixels x 8 pixels. On a helix 7 it is approx. 0.03 inches x 0.037 inches on the screen. On a helix 12 it is approx. 0.048 inches x 0.064 inches on the screen.
The real question is what are you looking for, fish or structure or both.
Fish are going to be really small in either case or the fish need to be really big…The other thing about side imaging, it only really works when you are moving, it is really a narrow slice of the water column. With all that said, most side imaging transducers have a dedicated 2d crystal in them. Which can give you a 20 degree cone and cover a large area moving or not. No pretty pictures but great depth detail…
January 13, 2024 at 8:55 am #2247267I wouldn’t buy anything else. My last truck Std Cab – 8′ box with topper small block V8 4×4 manual trany lasted 23 years and was still going when I sold it for $3000. Took me 9 months and a special order to get a close match replacement.
More bells and wistles than the old one, but it was the only way to get it….Cost more than twice what my 2000 – 1500 Chevy 4×4
December 5, 2023 at 8:27 am #2240086December 5, 2023 at 8:21 am #2240081My two cents about dishwashers…
Look for a dishwasher with a soft food grinder, the new super quiet ones are a filter system that you will need to clean with so regularity…I don’t care how quiet it is if it doesn’t get the dishes clean…
We have a 13 year old Whirlpool, it still work resonably well with some care, we have a septic system with a tank and lift pump… My wife and I disagree, I scrape and rince before I put the dishes in the washer, she just drops them in, food and all. I unload the washer most of the time and about 10% to 15% of the time hers are not spotlessly clean.
A dishwasher is a tool it all depends how you use it…
I run ours every night full or not, an over filled machine doen’t have a chance sucess… My two cents…
November 21, 2023 at 7:58 am #2236901What ever it is, it is a safety issue…
Is your house breakers or fuses? Is it the only device (outlet/fixture) on the circuit? Is your house wired with romex or greenfield cobuit? Is it copper or aluminum wire? Did someone add this circuit extension after the house was originally wired?
Somewhere in that circuit you have a loose/curroded connection…
Happy hunting, it could be anywhere, inside the light fixture, at the back of a an outlet, at the breaker/fuse panel, in a pull box, a conduit, wire nut, or taped joint.. If it is ronex wired, someone could of driven a drywall screw or nail through the insulation… Have you hung any new shelves lately?
The questions can go no…
October 10, 2023 at 8:47 am #2229281I had a JD LX178 (1998) with blower that I used for 12 years (summer and winter). Last year I replaced it with a JD 345 (2001) with a blower. One of the drivways is concrete and the other is class 5. So I set the scraper height about 3/4″ above the surface. My wife likes the house driveway clean, so when I get less than 3″ I use my cheap Craftsman (1995) paddle type 2 stroke walk behind. The walk behind takes twice as long as the tractor, but a happy wife is important.
The hydraulic transaxle on the LX178 failed which forced me to replace it. After replacing the transaxle, the LX178 became my eldest daughters suburban yard lawn mower.
I have a blower for the LX178 listed on the Brainerd Craigslist if you are interested…
September 25, 2023 at 7:51 am #2225972would buy these
and add one to my PC10 cable, no cutting and splicing required…
July 16, 2023 at 7:36 am #2213594I would look for a Grundig or Sony Tabletop Transister AM/FM radio from the ’60s or ’70s. There are pleanty around on Etsy or Ebay for about $100.
They typically have great sound. The color commentary of the ballgame on the radio is worth the effort….
May 25, 2023 at 7:29 am #2204791How about a little bobcat grading and a little grass seed, it will become a spring damp area in your yard. I don’t think you need a permit to level your yard…
May 7, 2023 at 8:25 am #2201226Did you try pairing it with the remote plugged into the power cord….
April 22, 2023 at 8:05 am #2198032I would try my local rental store, a 4′ x 4′ drag harrow would work nicely.
I have one in my storage building you could borrow, but the cost of gas to pick it up and return it would be more that the rental cost.
Good Luck…
February 19, 2023 at 9:19 am #2182797Do any of you use a Julienne peeler to make hash browms. If so, do you have any recommdations?
January 24, 2023 at 8:01 am #2175718Did you try these people….
https://www.crosslakecarwash.com/They do toons…
Crosslake Autobody use to do detailing when not busy… you could try them
Hope this helps
November 30, 2022 at 9:04 am #2162622Is there one of these “Honeywell FV180A/U” on the top of the boiler. It uses water to raise the float inside seal. Or you can twist the cap top get it to seal (maybe). It could also be yourpressure relief valve.
October 15, 2022 at 7:59 am #2152868Did I miss something here, are these seasonl homes?
I am sure there is a breaker to the well in the meter panel, give the 3 that pay the bill a key and lock the panel. The last one to leave on Sunday or Monday goes over and shut off the electricity to the well every time the 3 that pay the bill are not at their homes.
Eventually the VRBO owner will have complaints of no water. If the VRBO renter comers over and complians tell him that water is available for $50 for the weekend or $100 for the week. Collect from the renter for the water. Post a note on the door that water is available for $xx, contact yyyy.
August 26, 2022 at 9:05 am #2143738You might take a look at
I have one of these on my PowerDrive…
August 26, 2022 at 8:35 am #2143730I have a “Cyclone Rake Classic” connected to my John Deere LX178 tractor
I have used it for about 10 years, it works great. It takes about 10 loads to do my yard once and the 200 gal block is paced tight. Would I buy one again, YES.
Back the rake out to where you want the leaves and dump it.
I do my yard about 3 or 4 times a year.
July 31, 2022 at 4:27 pm #2138597Hello Iowa,
I have no idea what the coctail is supposed to “fix”. It was mentioned by “Dave of Mpls” in your thread about NKG plugs.
I was curious, so I was just trying to get educated. I went to
Google and basically learned nothing.Anyone have any input….
July 20, 2022 at 8:10 am #2136472My suggestion is to buy the equipment and learn to do it yourself. If you have any mechanical skill at all it is not hard work, you just have to be patient and take your time.
Don’t skimp when you buy equipment. You may or may not need new gaskets (order them before you start). If you took it to a good local shop they would take carbs off carefully, (there is a small plastic piece between each carb that links the throttle shafts together, it is easy to break and hard to replace). Disassemble and clean them one at a time. Count the mixture screw turns as they are disassembled them and write it down, so they can be returned to the original position. They will then probe all of the small openings in the crab throat to loosen any lodged goo (very fine wire). Take them completely apart including removing the jets. Put ALL the part in a heated ultrasonic cleaner with a very strong non-corrosive detergent solution and let them “cook” for at least a half an hour. Remove the “cooked” parts rinse with hot water and blow them dry with compressed air. re-assemble the first carb and repeat. You can see if you are paying the shop for, time in the tank, it could easily be an hour per carb.
I had wrenches and screw drivers and an air compressor, the thing that is the most important is the ultrasonic cleaner. I purchased one off ebay for about $150 and use a high concentration (1:3) of Simple Green “purple” as the cleaning solution (“purple” is non-corrosive, do not use “green”).
I have cleaned carbs on my John Deere garden tractor, my Lawboy mower, my 60hp 86 Merc, my portable generator, the neighbors 9hp Merc, my neighbors portable generator….the list goes on…. It is not my neglect that causes the problems, the yard tools are used by many others in my family.
Here is a shot of the Merc 60hp, they look like new
July 18, 2022 at 8:10 am #2135947I am assuming you are by Crosby, do you have a boat?
I have fished the mine pits both winter and summer. A couple of the pits have drivable public accesses. Stay about 50 to 60 ft from the shore and slip bobber fish about 35 ft down. This should keep you out of the submerged pine forests that you can see in your side imaging.
My bait of choice would be crawlers.
You will more than likely be all alone. The pits are stocked with assorted Trout and naturally have Pike, Bass, Sunfish, ….
Since the shoreline is steep and undeveloped, it is like fishing the north woods.
July 1, 2022 at 6:41 am #2132929You are both responsible. Your responsibility ends at the property line.
Your home owners insurance considers it an act of god … and as long it hasn’t done any damage to personal property they have no financial responsibility to pay for any clean up costs.
The last two storms in my area is costing me more than $6000 in clean up costs. One of my neighbors had over 30 trees down, his chain saw has been running every day since the last holiday…. I choose to pay….he chose to work…