I got a Havenhurst knockoff for about 18$.
Time will tell if I can stop patting my ass wondering where my wallet is…
February 28, 2025 at 7:36 pm
I got a Havenhurst knockoff for about 18$.
Time will tell if I can stop patting my ass wondering where my wallet is…
Do you guys with the ridge wallet carry your fishing/hunting licenses in it along with your credit cards?
We just had to put our dog “Sioux“ down a week ago. I’d name the new pup Sioux again but the heartbreak with the family might still be too fresh. We’ll see.
Ha. Good one. Doubt if the wife will approve it- but that’s good.
Thanks guys. I got enough ideas for lots of sausage making. One other thought. I’ve got a bunch of snow geese that I’ll make jerky out of, but, have any of you used them to make sausage (obviously mixed with pork). Is it similar to deer?
Yup. I’ve got four sitting in the shed. If it works I think they will look pretty cool.
We were out west the first day and SW the second day. Way too much corn up obviously but there were definitely birds around. Hopefully it dries out fast and the corn starts coming down.
You use the wabble to your mechanical advantage. I bought a cry once saw a few years ago. Watch a YouTube on how to use it. You can get tired, or you can do it right.
When the pole sags you pull (pole pushes into wood for more cutting) when it lifts you push (pole lifts on wood as you return the blade for anther cut for less Reisterstown resistance)… get into a motion and rip up some limbs.
Ah ya. Definitely a rhythm thing. Good video. I’m getting there. Thanks.
I decided on the 21ft Notch Sentei. I found it for 300$ with free shipping. Still – Yowza. Anyway, I’ve got about two hours on it and I can say it a quality piece of equipment. Cuts through the green stuff like butter. 4 inch stuff is still easy. 5-6 inches takes a little work if the branch is way up there. Gets a little wobbly at full extension. I was careful about binding. That could be a problem if you don’t watch it. Build quality seems really good. Time will tell.
On top of a ladder with a tree limb coming at my head is not exactly where I would want to be. It’s going to hurt when it hits you and when you smash into the ground. The OP is almost 60 so he’s not going to recover as fast from doing something dumb as we would of when we were younger.
You got that right
Last year with the heavy snow we had a lot of brushing to do on the snowmobile trails and I bought a cheap green works pole saw and it was actually awesome. Cut 6 different days. Only thing is you will need a couple of batteries if you want to cut all day. Very easy and light to use.
Yeah, the only reason I’m strongly considering a manual is I’ve got to reach way up there, like 20+ feet
I see more yellow on that map than red or brown. Statewide up 10% from last year so maybe the map is deceiving.
Here is the 2022 map:
I love the light on my Pro 550. I can spot my dog from a long ways away when he’s wondered away from the house(I live in the country) and it’s great for walking at night.
I understand why you guys want good kennels and if I was in the market I would look at the exact same brands. However my cheapos just keep going and going. I have no doubt they will fail at some point but man I have had them a long time. And they are lite.
My Pet Porter is 20 years old and keeps going. The thing about these kennels are that you can find them used for really cheap prices on Facebook marketplace. I do get the appeal of a premium crate but I’m not sure about the prices- holy crap!!!
Ok, peppergate has been solved. I think they are the yellow jalapeños that were not labeled correctly. Some heat but not as much as the green ones.
The yellows and the greens on the same plant is what really threw me. But, when I looked closely, I think there are two separate plants that looked like a single stalk. I didn’t look closely the first time.
Hmmm. They are more of a light green color, and definitely not yellow. To the best of my knowledge, the Green jalapeño pepper that you see on the plant has always been green and hasn’t changed color at all. Same with the maybe lemon spice pepper. They have maintained the same color throughout their growing cycle. At least I think they have.
Do you still think they might be lemon spicy pepper?
Edit: they are kinda yellow. But not a bright yellow. Yellowish green??
That is weird. Did you buy the seeds or save them from last year? The flowers on a pepper plant are whatever the plant is. If pollen from a different type of pepper pollinates that flower, the seeds inside that pepper could take after the pollinator species when planted next year but the pepper will still be whatever variety the plant itself is. In other words, if a bell pepper were pollinated by a jalapeno it may produce spicy bell peppers if the seeds were saved and grown next year. This year’s bell pepper wouldn’t be different.
I’ve never seen the same plant with two different peppers on it. They all look like jalapenos to me but that color difference isn’t something I’ve seen before. I’ll have to do some digging.
I bought them as plants. I have no clue what’s going on.
Anybody know what happened to my jalapeño pepper plants? Look closely at the pictures, especially the first one. You can see one pepper that clearly looks like a jalapeño, while the others look banana type. Did they cross pollinate? I only have what I thought were jalapeño plants and bell peppers. Anyone? Weird.
Wayback, when I taught drivers education, I told students to stop at a point where they can see the entire rear wheel of the car in front of them. Reason being, if the car in front of you stalls, you have room to pull around them and if a car hits you from behind you have a reasonable safe zone if your car lurches forward.
Late season public land roosters = 12 gauge with high velocity #4’s all day long. Save the 20 gauge for early/mid season. I’ll never switch from a 12 for roosters given the choice of only 1 gun. Love my 12 gauge.
Right now I’m thinking that it has been, overall, no dryer than the past few years, so we’re going to have decent numbers barring catastrophe. Grasshoppers are good….
Need rain badly. Drought isn’t helping here.
Seems like that has been the story line the past few years.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dirk-w. wrote:</div>
My wife and I must be getting old and cranky. We walked into 5 Guys Burgers in Woodbury this afternoon and each ordered a burger,fries, and a soda. The nice girl rang it up and with a smile said, “that will be $38.50 please”. I knew she rang it up wrong, but after 10 seconds we determined that was indeed the correct price. I started laughing and said “I’m not paying that for a burger and fries”, and walked out the door. First time for everything. WTH?? I was so stunned – and have been both chuckling and amazed they can charge that (and get it).So you just walked out and didn’t pay your bill? You didn’t look at prices prior to ordering? Unexpected high price or not, that’s a crime.
Seriously? The order was canceled.
5 Guys is expensive. You only need 1 order of fries though. My wife and I split the small order. The regular cheeseburger is 2 patties. The regular fry is HUGE. So maybe you were going to get more than you expected.
Like I said in the beginning they are pricey but are very good.
Ok, I’ll remember that if we ever go again. We ended up at Culver’s in Hastings. $18 for the both of us.
Protec is good. If you are going to dip jigs I’d start out by building a fluid bed. A ton of videos on Google. I wish I would have gone with a fluid bed when I first started dipping. Cure properly and you don’t need a clear coat on top.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dirk-w. wrote:</div>
Too bad Prescott to the dam isn’t open.Working on it Dirk!
Seriously? Most excellent. Odds?
The guys I know deal with the pool4 crowds rather than the pre-spawn bite on pool 3, at least this time of the year. When the backwaters open up it may be a bit different. Too bad Prescott to the dam isn’t open.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>luttes wrote:</div>
bass pro/cabelas fish eagle in 7ft mlxf works just fine for me.X2. These are nice rods that retail at $79.99 and go on sale often. MLXF or MXF in the one piece model.
So you guys don’t get tired pitching with a seven ft rod for hours? I have several Cabela’s fish eagle rods, which I like. I’ll have to give the seven footer some thought.