gret catch! He’s going to be hooked after that!
Forum Replies Created
June 20, 2012 at 9:36 pm #1077511
How bout we all just relax. It seems that if anyone has an opinion other than sending a guy to some well know spot,you just want to kick him out? I dont personally know this freeman dude but his advice was logical and informative. Seems to me you few sorry fellas get all hurt from someone not throwing a steak on someones plate…as for anyones g-pa goes, he would have prolly done the same thing as mfreeman451. Ever tried asking an old timer where to fish?? My guess is not
Give this guy a break and just enjoy learning on your own. That is part of the fun right?…am i right?
June 20, 2012 at 8:52 pm #1077489I would say i have to agree with mfreeman451. I really do not think he was giving this fella’ a hard time. How many spots that you all are pointing out will be the spot your going to this weekend? …tossing up some of the most known waters does not really help this guy either. Personally i would never ask this question about where to go. Why? Becuase i know i would be sent to a zoo, just like you all deacribed. I can’t speak for the pm’s sent….but i still bet your not giving this guy your go to spot.
Hes prolly better off looking at lakefinder. I have found many limited access spots with no skiing and recreation that are much more suitable for what hes looking for…
I just laughed when i saw fish lake and marion posted. We all know they will be zoos this weekend just like every other…
Dont mean to side or offend. Good luck with your old man! I dont think it will matter how many fish or what lake. Just that your out together
April 26, 2012 at 1:55 pm #1062742I would say you should use the WaterGate marina. I believe it is 10$ to launch but I have stayed out several late nights and it takes the wory away from having to leave the bite. Also you can buy a season pass I think for around a hundo. BTW the launch is very protected from current.
April 10, 2012 at 1:02 pm #1057469It is official. Found my first two last night April 9, 2012. one at 1″ and another at 2.5″ Right in the sun……
I just hope this cool weather is not going to kill the first batch rising!!!
Good luck all
January 12, 2012 at 3:23 pm #1027256My dog was swimming in the open water there last weekend!! I was sitting on about five inches almost everywhere I went. Good luck, maybe Ill see you out there.
July 22, 2011 at 1:02 pm #982920really the latin kings….
I would run from anyone weilding a large cat rod. That almost worse than a golf club. espcially with a big weight attached…
I guess Ill be weaving in and out of boats attempting to get to my spot come tonight and saturday.
Hope to see you out there freeman
unless you just want to go with…
July 15, 2011 at 5:38 pm #981168From a run in with the local DNR in Trempeleau area of the mississippi down by winona the entire river is open to your license and even some waters beyond the main channel. I believe he told me 100 yrds from the river is still considered fishable on the other side.
June 28, 2011 at 4:33 pm #976803Ben
I really would not be any more worried there than any other spot on the river accesible to people.I have been fishing down there since I was in middle school and have never encountered a problem.
Gimme a call next time your out. Ill journey down and show ya the better spots to fish other than the two spillways.
June 10, 2011 at 6:23 pm #972505I would not use garlic salt, but garlic powder or fresh garlic.
cut in half and wash with cool water, let sit on folded towel to slightly dry.
bring butter and garlic, or onions to simmer at mushrooms
toss and cook till they are pretty limp. I like to add a dash of wochsteshire, or red wine at the end, put on steak or eat by themselves.You can also lightly flower them before doing this as well but you would want to use smaller batches and higher heat
June 7, 2011 at 9:02 pm #971648only pushing buttons pug. Please dont get upset, I also may be mistaken, I have just seen many people looking through binocs, and it sure looked like you were scoping our secret cat bait out! I mean you already know my spot now so I was prying to see if I need to re invent my secret bait. All in fun on my end.
June 7, 2011 at 2:38 pm #971499Pug I am not worried about you fishing “my” spots after all this is all public area and we are all welcome to fish all spots. The trick here is to know if the spot was a fluke of the day or a normal producer.
If I find you in a spot I may not turn around next time but pull up right behind you. JK been on the end of that before and let me tell you the down stream boat ended up leaving.
There are so many spots on that stretch of river. I’ll remember the nephews boat for next time. I’ll stop over and see what you got rigged up as your secret bait.
I believe he did have the binocs out that evening, but I think I remember them being in your hands. lol its the positioning of the fore arms that gives it away. im not botherd by this however just thought it was funny.
June 7, 2011 at 12:53 pm #971457I cant seem to get my cell phone photo on here from the fish, I am waiting for my buddy who is also and IDO er to post it up himself.
I fished that stretch when I was a little younger from shore all the time, your right being in a boat is a little strange but makes the experience ten times better on the mn river.
Yes, we were the boat that turned around. we were heading right to where you were at. I wanted to head farther south to the monster jam south of valley fair, but we were in my buddies boat. We got the channel closer to the launch on a big barge turn around spot 2:15am.
By the way that guy in the red speed boat who lost the channel, he stopped by us becuase I waived to him. He was jammin his 80’s rock with a mullet. I was at first bummed he came over to us but he ended up giving us a ton of med. suckers.
I might make it out again this weekend, I have a few repairs to make to my lund first before I can put it in again.
btw what kind of binoculars do you have?
-JackJune 6, 2011 at 9:43 pm #971349Yea the guy who lost the pole to a catfish!!!! what a character. I thought that I reccognized you in that boat tucked behind the logjam. We ended up getting one fish almost 30lb channel hit a big bully. Ill get my buddy to share the photos from his cam.
you coulda borrowed one of our spotlights….we had two 15 mill candleJune 3, 2011 at 1:01 pm #970672A buddy and I will be down south of there closer to valley fair.
Was on the sip the other night and we had a couple good runs. well see if we can connect tonight!
August 20, 2010 at 3:53 pm #894665I would really recommend lake owen. It is just north of hayward in cable wi. I have been lucky enough to go there to a friends family cabin and have never been on a more clear, sandy, good fishing, and boating lake. Not sure of any specific resorts but im sure theres several there. lots of smallies,largmouth, crappie,perch,sunnies. The bass bite has always been the most fun there. I have not fished for panfish but have caught them on crankbaits plenty of times.
-jackAugust 20, 2010 at 2:36 pm #894650Check out the catfish safari rods. I got one from mr. moore just before he closed. He asked me if I was going to be fishing for sharks. Thats what I look for in a flat rod. I cant remember the exact model but I know you can get them online at catfish safari. By the way they have a wrapped handle instead of cork very easy to hold onto.
July 22, 2010 at 1:30 am #888431Flathead was caught on good old moores bully’s and the channel was cutbait. The water was quite high, fishing current seems. This one was right in the heavy current.
May 27, 2010 at 7:42 pm #875660all-
I beleive spotlight was mentioned above. however I found a nice way to run a spotlight for extended time by having a dc plug with the attached 12v battery clips,(bought mine at radioshack) and have an extra battery that you may normally use for your trolling motor. This allows for you to move the connection from boat to boat or around the boat. Comes in real handy for landing as well. I chose to use a 15 million candle power, it might be over kill but I am not hitting logs!May 20, 2010 at 10:41 pm #873563Wittsend-
Do you live near Eau Claire at all? If you do I have fished the Chippewa river a few times with good success for both channel cats, flathead, and also sturgeon.
I have used sucker minnows for both cut bait and live presentation. whole filets off of large suckers works the best for me. I would not doubt that lake wasota would be good with these tactics if it is part of the chip.May 20, 2010 at 10:33 pm #873559Thank you for the welcome. I noticed that the water was flowing quite fast the other night while I was out as well. We did get one good one on but he ran too deep into the snag that we were fishing. I was fishing the Mn and it seemed extremely fast, must have been all the rain the past few days.
May 20, 2010 at 6:26 pm #873499Therapy is about needed for me. I feel like I have moved at the wrong time each night I have been out this year. I dont usually move more than three times when I am out, time limits depend on how the action is, but usually anything over an hour with nothing on either cut bait or live, its time to move.
drto- you got the therapy thing right on the money, this year has been frustrating to start off.