nice fish and cool video. My only concern would be that you left the crappie lay on the ice for some time before deciding to release it. That is a decision that must be made when the fish comes through the hole. Frost bite on a fishes fin can cause major damage to the fish.
Yes i know i did that. i was intending on keeping some but ended up letting it go. I am sorry. The fish swam away fine luckily. I would of kept it had it hesitated to go down the hole.
Like my dad used to say before he got divorced, “it was the best 9yrs of my life, 14 total.” lol hopefully you don’t end up like him but he is defineatly my idol when it comes to fishing! Congrats!
Im new to this whole turkey thing in Wisconsin and am just making sure that i can buy extra tags later on? It doesnt matter what season or anything. I just enjoy that spring air and being in the woods! Thanks