I am not an expert but one bit advice is to watch your depth finder and make sure to crank it up if you are near structure or the bottom. That will save you losing lead core and your lure.

Posts: 9
I am not an expert but one bit advice is to watch your depth finder and make sure to crank it up if you are near structure or the bottom. That will save you losing lead core and your lure.
Fife that encouraging news about the people you know with the 1910 and are happy with the boat. If it wasn’t for the virus, I would have one in my drive today.
Thanks Musky Ed, I doubt at my age that I will go with a bay boat, if I did, it would be Key West 1720 with a 70 Yamaha 4 stroke. I like my type of boat with full windshield. I will have to think about the sho if end up ordering a boat.
I had a question and ended up calling Ranger headquarters. He said before the jump seats in he 1880, 10 1850 to every 1 1880. Now with the change the numbers have switched, 10 1880 to every 1 1850. I like both boats, but also looking at the Skeeter WX 1910
I didn’t know the VMax 150 Yamaha was a 4 stroke, I might have to look closer at this engine if I cant do a Skeeter. The Wx 1910 that I am looking at has the 200 4 stroke I am also going to look at the saltwater Yamaha.
Mike appreciate all the information. I am 77 yrs old and not sure I want to get into all of this with a Skeeter 1910. I have a great outfit but for peace of mind, I thought it would be best to get a new boat one with a 5 or 6 year warranty. Maybe I am stressing myself over nothing and should just keep my Ranger 1850. I guess since I have to stay home, might as well do some reading and decide if I want to keep my boat or if I buy a new one, do I go with a 1850, 1880 or 1910. Again thanks for the insight of the boat. I do like the layout and all that I have seen. I just dont want a boat that will not give me the ride that I have now. I hope this all makes sense. The the other day my wife says you always wanted a center console boat, why not get one now?
Smellson, thanks for you honest input. I will read more info on the Hydrofoil and if I need to go to trim tabs. I know on my 1992 Skeeter 1850 I did go with the trim tabs after a couple of years and what a difference.
Dusty thanks for your input, I will look in to the price of a Warrior. As far as price, I am 77 yrs old and will only buy a boat that I can pay in cash. I will fne tune build my own boat at Ranger and Skeeter to a better idea of price. I know this is not a good time to sell a boat so I am looking at a fair trade. I also looked into ordering a 2021 at 2020 Ranger prices and will look closely into that. I do like the WX1910 but need to read more and watch more You tube on both boats.
All of you stay safe, things will improve but will take time. Wife and I have stayed put in Northeast Ohio for the last 4 plus weeks. It hard not seeing the 8 grandchildren but I look at the long range benefits, my wife and I being around after this is over. This week not easy since this was our time down south with most of the clan. We will do again, looking forward to Easter 2021 and still good times in Ohio for the rest of 2020.
Thanks for the input Fife and Dutchboy, it was at this site and a few guys talking about the need for hydrofoil. One had a video, they were 2015 not sure if any other years. The threads were older ones that I was able to fine using google.
Matt, I am not able to go with the 200 on a Ranger 1880, out of my price range. The Skeeter as a better price point for me. If I go with Ranger it has to be a 150.