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  • Bruce Klieforth
    Posts: 2

    I saw in an earlier post that a Kdrill will bolt directly to a Clam plate. This is true only if you get a different adapter. The Kdrill uses, at least on the one I have the larger shaft size as is used on power augers. That being said, if you buy the Clam extension, the thicker part above the holes will fit the Kdrill, you just have to drill a hole and make it large enough for the Kdrill bolt which is also larger. I have been using this for up to 3 feet of ice and have not needed extra length. That is about the limit though.

    Bruce Klieforth
    Posts: 2

    What you guys are missing is the Kdrill ices up when it is below zero. Such that unless you take it in your shelter and thaw the ice it will not drill a hole. I have used one for 3 seasons A LOT. Being retired I fish about 3 or 4 days a week. My buddy has an 8 inch Lazer hand auger on his Milwaukee drill Clam plate combo and can drill more and faster holes than I can. He used his all of last year and never changed the blades. We probably drill 20 to 30 holes per trip each. When the ice is thick enough I will partially drill another hole with the Kdrill to clean the blades and this helps, but drill enough if it is cold enough and it will freeze up. I looked at the Lazer 8 inch today at Scheels and it will bolt up to a Clam plate easily, just remove the adapter. No need for an extension as it is built into the Lazer unit. It is fully adjustable with a set screw and there seems to be a lot of adjustment. My only question with the new Lazer unit is will it freeze up? I would sure like to try one first. It does have a centering point and chipper blades.

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