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Posts: 130
Figured I would bump this up. It is time! ORDER YOUR HEADLAMPS! Get your extra batteries!
I have no gripe about this contest. I hope everyone has fun! I just find a hypocritical guy funny.
I’m pretty sure he is against the transporting them offsite contests…not money contests specifically.
All boats must be equipped with either a livewell or container that holds at least 25 gallons
of water (aerated preferred).
Aerated preferred? how about mandatory!
Fish MAY be culled, but any Flathead over 36” in length and any Channel over 30” must be
brought back and registered immediately after being caught. If the fish is less than the minimum
register length but appears to be in bad shape, please consider releasing it or bringing it back
immediately to register it. Anglers should use their best judgment and keep the safety of the fish
as their top priority.
fish are transported to the launch to be measured and carried from the boat to the measuring station…
So someone who is against the current money contests is having a money contest? HA! That is funny right there!
you should have seen the 38 x 20 channel I caught yesterday. I was going to enter it but then I realized I measured in mm…
I know what the contest does. but catching a few fish once a month will get you in these drawings. That is why I say, there is no benefit to lying about a length of a fish! The only benefit of lying about the size of your fish is to make the top three and brag about it?
get what I mean?
I agree! camera angles change things. If you catch a fish and you don’t want to be questioned, take a picture with it measured too.
If you think someone is cheating. Don’t play along with the game. That is my theory. therefore I will not participate. Besides what is the point of cheating? getting bragging rights that you caught the biggest baddest fish? And if you lied about it how would it make you feel good???
in regards to the 36 inch fish. I agree it is NOT 36 inches.
there is a ruler behind the fish in the picture. I digitally measured it with photoshop. I come up with 24.5 inches. If you used the measuring stick on the boat lift as your tape measure, your math skills need work.
Just saying I don’t believe it either….
really only 5 logs were sent in out of 200??? That is a huge disappointment! Specially since I know about a dozen people who had them there logs and were filling them out! Shame on them!
I run amsoil in almost all my engines. My car use to run amsoil, but the blend i use isn’t readily availabe at any stores so I switch to Lubro Moly for my car.
Amsoil all the way!
i had similar issues with verzion. i live in a valley at the top of the valley is a verizon tower. They offered me a signal booster, but i dont have internet. that is why i have my phone. So i declined and told them to fix it or ill switch as my contract is done.
they fixed the issue, i rarely miss a call, i still get spotty service in some spots of the house.
if you want a free extender, call customer service, ask for a supervisor, and then ask for their supervisor. I went from no we dont give you deals on network extenders to, here is 50 dollars off, to here is a free one…
I agree with the charcoal is the only way to go!
With todays advancement in charcoal and a good charcoal chimney I can have my grill ready to cook on in under 5 minutes!
recently someone offered me a gas grill as they were moving. Said I could have it! It was a nice 200-300 grill hardly used. I kindly turned down. Nothing beats grilling on charcoal!!
I think these should become standard on all boats that use the river. Be a fun method of removing carp!
Wow amazing job! Looks great.
One question… Why did the insurance companies drop you because of a bullhead pond? Secondly, why did you remove that beloved bullhead pond. That would have been the PERFECT bait station for you!!!
I mean the manufacturer site. I’m interested in a blank for building my own rod. I don’t think ill buy another rod from a store only in an emergency will i do that
This post makes me laugh! The best way to catch frogs in my opinion.
Window Wells. If you know anyone who has a frog problem, go check out their window wells once a week! I have a steady supply of frogs in my friends window well.
For those of you who do not have window wells, the bucket method works great to!
Find a source where you know there are frogs, like near a pond. Dig a hole deep enough so you can stick a 5 gallon bucket in the ground. Bury it flush to the ground. Frogs will hop a long and fall in. Best way to get frogs! little to know work!
So because I caught a flathead in January in a warm water retention pond for a power plant while fishing for channel cats. I am no longer a catfisherman? I didn’t do any snaging caught it on a cut sucker, I was as suprised as the the next guy. My cat was cpred so what is the big deal?
So what you are saying is the water was above normal temperatures when flathead turn lethargic at below 50 degree water temps?? So the ice you are standing on isn’t ice? and the water underneath it is above 50 degrees?
So, I guess that means all the videos you have just goes to show us that all of them in the video were full.
Yup! Full from eating lunch so they took a nap. So that means you just missed the feeding time and they were taking a nap?
Snagging Flatheads, what a sport.
It works with paddle fish.
I hope hes not snagging. Either way the DNR watches these forums anyhow!
hopefully season A will be misquito free, and cold and wet to keep those yuppies at home
Haha! Nope not from EP.
Im quiet a ways south of EP! I see crop fields and silos, not cougars and beamers
Didn’t I see that you were from EP? Kind of the pot calling the kettle black don’t ya think?
I think winter has your cabin fever has your weight estimating gauge off though
None the less! VERY nice snag!
I am excited to do first season. I am hoping the weather might hinder some people. I remember going two years ago during C season and it was wet and cold. Didn’t see many people out.
hopefully season A will be misquito free, and cold and wet to keep those yuppies at home
Two years ago I called in two little rug rats. They almost took a blast at my decoy when I finally said HEY. Boy did they go a running off the field! Wish I would have caught the two little kids that were tresspassing!
A nice channel puts up a good fight! Flat heads are just pure power and test your gear with its massive head shakes and runs. Sturgeon will always trump for the fight! I love the kitties but getting a nice sturgeon right next to the boat and having them peel line all the way back to the bottom is the best!
I share the wealth. When a friend comes out fishing I usually give them a hand full. Specially when they have a bunch of egg sinkers in their box! haha.