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Posts: 292
Comes with the milwaukee chainsaw I think which I have been hoping they would come out with for awhile. I get lots of holes drilled in the ice with my 5.0 battery so the 12 should be awesome.
Anyone else going to try to follow around a white Silverado and the blue basstard next year?
Nice video and really nice fish
I respect your reply Bass_attack. I really do. I’ll just say you have no idea how many ways I have worked with kids in the fishing field, so its best not to assume.
That is great! I respect you for that and your service to our country. I didn’t want that directed at you but at everyone who reads it because the future is in the hands of parents and children equally I believe. Hopefully we can put our differences aside because I think we have a lot of common ground.
Its really too bad that these kids have to see the guns in schools and the mass killings but I still content that these kids spend 13 years of their lives with these nut cases they go bad. They see these people change. They see these people implode. But they don’t say anything or don’t say enough because they don’t want to snitch. Mum’s the word and 17 die for no reason, then guns are to blame. This is how skewed young minds work today.
Now your blaming kids because they are afraid to snitch. Well authorities were notified 40 some times that this kid was going to shoot up the school and they didn’t act on it. Authorities failed they are to blame.
I know a lot of thirty year olds that shouldn’t be on social media….twitter, facebook, etc. IDO is an information site. And you reference to Hitler just gives you less credibility.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bass_attack wrote:</div>
Also a volunteer military is much better than a mandatory militaryAnd I assume then that your name is on the dotted line then, eh? Which branch? Or should I plan on saying “that’s what I figured, a no show”?
Considering almost everything you said was authoritarian right my reference to Hitler was not far off. I have two health conditions that will not let me serve. I have no control over them. But I do know that men who have the heart and the mindset to fight and die for their country and volunteer are much better on the frontlines than people who do not want to be there and who may rather just die than continue fighting.
You always reference kids these days are the problem but how about saying parents these days are the problem. Everyone is the same when they come out. Its the parents who mold them into what they are to be. Most parents are no longer parents they rely on athletic organizations and the rest of society to raise their kids. No first grader needs an ipad but parents see it as a great way to get the kids out of their hair. Quit blaming the kids and do something about it yourself take them fishing, hunting, trap shooting or play some pond hockey. You don’t see many kids in the outdoors anymore because a lot of guys want “time with the boys” or they need to look like a hotshot with no time to teach a kid how to fish. Well the kids sit at home and resort to playing video games and smoking marijuana. They aren’t going to take their kids outdoors when they grow up because their father never did so then they end up as lazy 30 year olds sipping beer all day as you referenced.
Parents rarely discipline children anymore, you are considered a child abuser for dishing out a spanking or washing the kids mouth out with soap.
Parents these days allow kids to watch indecent shows and movies. Then we wonder why they have potty mouths and don’t have respect for others.
Think about what you can do. Introduce a kid to the great outdoors. Otherwise hunting and fishing will be extinct in 50 years.
Somewhere I read that maybe the voting age should be 21. I think that would be a start. While in school they should have to adhere to a strict dress policy…girls wear identical apparel, boys wearing identical apparel so everyone is equal. Personally I don’t think these kids should have smart phones or computers until they hit the 11th grade and then only the most basic products without any form of social media access until they are 21. I think no teen should have a drivers license that does not have a gpa of 3.5 or better, nor should they have any type of employment during the school year if they have less than a 3.5 gpa or if the job requires them to drive to it or for it. I think we should have mandatory 4 years of military service to the country BEFORE they go to college, the draft never hurt anyone when we had it except those who took up arms against an enemy of the country, the same persons who fought for the freedoms that these kids today choose to dismiss.
Sounds like Hitlers youth parent your own kid and they will turn out just fine you don’t need more laws and government influence in the family. How do you tell an 18 year old adult they can’t use their first amendment right on social media? I am under 21 and your telling me I’m not old enough to use In Depth Outdoors?
Also a volunteer military is much better than a mandatory military
Sorry to ruffle some old feathers here, but does anyone have any knowledge on whether to expect another walleye shutdown on mille lacs this summer? Or possibly when this could be determined? The star trib wrote an article about it for the first time on March 21st last year, so maybe soon?
Looking to book a cabin on Mille lacs (anyone have a recommendation?) for the middle week of June, but really don’t wanna get burned and be forced to fish for <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>bass
Even if they do have a shutdown you should be fine booking for that week as the shutdowns are usually later in the summer than that
Yep they are screwed up right now. I heard someone purchased $20,000 worth of vehicle tabs for their business and didnt get one set back. Your not the only one that’s for sure.
I don’t blame the guns, I blame the process. Raising the age to 25 for semi automatic weapons and handguns would greatly reduce these nutjobs ease of acquiring these types of guns for bad intentions. I have yet to hear of a school shooting with a bolt action rifle or a muzzle loader.
Why can’t you just blame the individual? What good does it do if they wait until they are 25 to do the shooting, buy off of the street or have someone older buy it for them? 25 to purchase a semi auto waterfowl shotgun? How about a spring assisted knife does that fall under your definition of a semi automatic weapon? I don’t understand what more laws are going to do in this country. Enforce the laws we have. Law enforcement knew about the Florida shooter they didn’t enforce the laws. He threatened to kill people that is illegal. Pull people over and ticket them for distracted driving. More laws and more laws it never ends, never fixes anything either if the laws aren’t enforced so why make more?
If you absolutely have to look at your phone do it at a light or pull over. Its not that difficult.
Agreed it’s not difficult. Then I have to lay on the horn to get em to move at the light
Almost got pushed off the road 15 mins ago by a texter going 15 under the speed limit which is the other problem they can’t keep up with the speed limit most times.
What about eating and driving? That’s just as bad especially if your jimmy John’s falls apart in your lap.
Shaving, doing makeup, brushing teeth, reading a book, kissing I’ve seen it all
Have you thought about going to Canada for the spring hunt? My Dad went a few years back and so few people even knew there was a spring season they had trouble finding a place to buy a license. Once the birds got over the border there was no pressure and they were quite easy to hunt. They did have a guide, but I haven’t had any trouble getting permission to hunt in Canada in the fall. All the farmers up there are happy to have you shoot snows. Just a thought, beats the rat race in the Dakotas.
Havent thought of it for a spring season but always dreamed about the fall duck and goose hunting. Just don’t like the idea of crossing the boarder with firearms.
Thanks for the input all.
How many dozen dekes would you say to traffic snows? We have a FoxPro to use for calling and everyone has a layout blind.
Same thing happened to me and it’s almost impossible to keep the handle on now. This evening on mille lacs the handle fell off towards the bottom of the hole and spun my wrist around. Feel like sending it in to Milwaukee…
Purchased the Benelli Montefeltro 20 in December for pheasant and grouse hunting. The montefeltro is a tried and true gun being around for awhile. I was told by a relative that the franchi affinity doesnt cycle trap loads nearly as well as the benelli. Something to keep in mind for grouse hunting and trap shooting. I only got to take it grouse hunting a few times before the season closed but it did everything I wanted it to do. Light weight and smooth swinging. The finish is beautiful also.
Helix 5 on my genz box second would be Milwaukee fuel on mora hand auger does about 400 to 600 inchs of ice on a single xc 5.0 battery
Is baseball really a sport?
you got like 14 guys just standing around out in a field while a pitcher stares at a batter then steps off…then stares some more then steps off…
Plus it takes no actual physical skill to play baseball
Well I guess fishing isn’t a sport anymore
Outdated as it is, it’s only 3 yrs old. Considering how much these things cost initially, and how often they are used they should go way longer than 3 yrs without $300 repair bills.
I agree they should last a long time. Tech companies make their money by coming out with new technology and making the the previous obsolete. Your smartphone batteries only last 2-3 years and apple and Samsung will not replace them to get you to buy the new product. Not just batteries but software updates are not offered for older products also. On a side note this product was purchased after the helix series came out which is why it would be considered outdated.
So you need more government regulations to help you with your $200 repair on a now outdated piece of technology?
Just did a trailer deck last fall. Go with the white oak. More durable all around. Treat it with linseed oil so it repels water.
Why not Milwaukee fuel with k drill or a hand auger bit?
Use the drill around the house or maybe you already have one.
Depends on the drill and battery. I can get 80 holes in 10 inches of ice with my Milwaukee fuel with an xc5.0 battery on a mora 7 inch hand auger. I have never used a k drill but I would think it would cut better than an old mora.
I wonder if he took it back and claimed it was defective? The sales guy said it was good for snow and ice driving
Which part of the lake did this happen at? I can’t tell from the picture.
Appears to be public access on the north side of the lake