I think people are distorting it on both sides. There is nothing wrong with keeping trout… period (and I am a TU member and I keep plenty of trout throughout the year). If someone asks you what gives you the right… show your fishing license and trout stamp.
I also don’t think the regulations are overly complicated. I wouldn’t mind a little simplification, but each stream is its own environment and, unfortunately, has to be managed as such. If you don’t know where you are or where a stream bend goes… skip it… look at a map and regs, and go back there again.
As for elitism… it’s there… it’s unfortunate… but again… who cares? Why would you let someone else diminish your enjoyment. Turn the tables… tell them how much you enjoy your style of lawful, responsible trout fishing and a darn good trout meal. Offer them a recipe… put it on them to go away upset… not you.
As for C&R as it exists and for extensions… it’s simple… those seasons exist to extend our time on the water without impacting pre-spawn, spawn, and post-spawn trout. All that = more trout. I’ll probably be the unpopular one too, but i would like to see the reinstatement of barbless in the C&R season **shiedling myself from rotten vegetables** there… i said it.
As for all of those self-title “purists” out there who think C&R and fly angling are the only respectable ways to fish trout… good for you… have fun… enjoy… but unless asked… keep your critical opinions, scolding, and admonitions to yourself.