Gary…try It seems to have some good info on lakes in Wisconsin. It’s a good site for info on lakes, but some of the people ruin it for others. Not the case here though
I’d recommend a vex! I’d also spend the extra 100 bucks and get the fl-18. I let the wife talk me out of that one The camera is great….the best way around that is let a buddy of yours bring his, and everyone will be happy Need help let me know……..
Hey Blue Fleck! I’m following the wife up to the boat there this weekend. I’d like to join up with the group, but not sure where to start. I’ll have all my own gear….more than i need I won’t bother people much…..just like to look and listen. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You
Well…don’t know if I’m doing this right. Just like Cooner I’m new to this sight as well. I’m an avid ice man, and got onto this sight by way of Iowa Outdoors. Just want to let everyone know that if I have any success fishing…..IT WILL BE POSTED! I believe it’s good to share with my fellow commrades(not sure if it’s spelled right)! Just wanted to put my 2cents in. Thanks to you all