Anchoring is a very popular method on the River. Most of the time, if your going to anchor you’ll want to concentrate on the front and back lips of the Holes throughout the system. Basically the fish are migrating up the river following the Shiners into the river, along the way they use these holes to eat and get out of the main flow. I myself never anchor unless im out in the mouth of the river where I anchor on the channel edge.The river has a channel up to a few miles south of clemensten. from there the channel ends and it becomes more holes and flats.I personaly troll the majority of the time with leadcore line and #7 shad raps or small reef runners.Some real good trolling areas are the church area east of the clemensten(known for big walleyes) access. From there keep headin east and troll the bends in the river and if you see holes fishem’. Usually if im in a spot and am catchin fish I’ll slow down and work the area with jigs and minnows.You will see boats and those are the areas that are worth looking around, take mental note when you make contact with walleyes because the same patterns hold true throughout the system. I know Im rambling, finally if your headin up in the next couple of week, concentrate ano the mouth of the river in four mile bay. Again this area is really where the anchoring excells.just anchor, watch you sonar and when you see the shiners coming through, hold on walleyes arnt far behind
. Best of luck and God bless.