I’ve had natives for 5 years now and have had two warranty claims. The first one was due to my dog chewing the glasses to pieces. I called up Native and they said to send them in and they would warranty them. I collected the pieces, mailed them in and in about a week or so a new pair arrived. I highly recommend them can’t go wrong for the money and the warranty is second to none. They also hold up I am hard on my glasses and the lenses are still relatively scratch free after 5 years of hard use.
Forum Replies Created
December 10, 2008 at 5:45 pm #727570
I replaced the shocks on my 94 440’s with Kimpex Gold Gas shocks about 3 years ago. Made a world of difference in the ride. Would highly recommend them as a replacement shock. As for the front shock I replaced mine when I did my rears, but i used a hydrolic shock and not a gas one in the front. I don’t remember it being all that difficult to replace the front shock on mine, i think the spring slid off pretty easily. I would replace the front at the same time as the rear, I would also look at the idler wheels and the bearings and replace those as needed. No sense in having to pull the skid out again to replace a bearing. Good Luck
January 31, 2008 at 6:26 pm #649861I was out last weekend and the fishing was pretty slow. Had a lot of sniffers and only a few takers. All of the fish were caught on eye droppers or mimic minnows tipped with a crappie minnow. Managed about a dozen crappies in about 6 hours and all can while deadsticking.
November 19, 2007 at 8:12 pm #21476I put on a short stabilizer for hunting. If you are shooting at the range only, you would probably want to go with a longer stabilizer as they will provide more stabilization, but they are not practical for hunting. I bought a 4″ stabilizer for my bow, more for the noise suppression than stabilization, but I think it does help to stabilize the bow for me.
August 30, 2007 at 8:31 pm #604607I’ve been driving an 02 Tundra for the past couple of years and i have to say it is one of the best trucks I have every driven. No complaints the truck has around 160,000 miles on it and still drives like new.
August 14, 2007 at 6:16 pm #599943Yes I am running the deep tail dancers. I know I’m getting 12-15 feet because I trolled up on a sandbar that starts at that depth and that was the first time I felt bottom. I don’t have a line counter on my reel, so my line out could be a little short. Does anyone know if those line counter that you attach to the rod work or am I better of with a line counter reel?
June 5, 2007 at 10:54 pm #578147It takes about 14-21 days for the products used to take affect and control the vegetation. The reason most people make applications to their properties is recreational use of the water, aka swimming and boating. The DNR will not issue a permit to a person who wants an application make solely for the purpose of aesthetics. It would be my estimation that there are other factors at work in the lake that makes fishing tough after applications. I have talked to a few fisherman who will actually return to treated areas and fish the newly created weedlines and catch more fish. Again this is hearsay and not personal experience.
March 29, 2007 at 12:09 pm #554641When launching the boat, make sure the plug is in. I’ve launched a few times in the beginning of the year without the plug.
I now have it on the top of my checklist.
February 20, 2007 at 5:05 pm #539252If I remember my college days correctly, I think the origin of many of the swear words are old english. It had something to do with the Normans taking over England and therefore making French the language of the elites and enlgish the language of the commoners. Over time as English evolved words used by the commoners in the old times were viewed as dirty or swear words. This also why we have the word venison for deer meat. The french word for deer meat was venison and the servants in the castle would call deer meat venison as opposed to deer meat. Overtime English adopted the word venison to describe deer meat. This also describes beef, poultry etc. Something to think about. I’m done playing professor now.
February 16, 2007 at 4:33 am #537646I fed my lab Purina One large breed puppy for the first year and then switched to Purine One Large breed. Had no issues with the food until my dog developed an allergy to it. I then switched to Iams lamb and rice and have had no issues with that food.
February 16, 2007 at 4:33 am #29264I fed my lab Purina One large breed puppy for the first year and then switched to Purine One Large breed. Had no issues with the food until my dog developed an allergy to it. I then switched to Iams lamb and rice and have had no issues with that food.
February 14, 2007 at 5:32 pm #536816My buddy and I where out last weekend in front of the Eagles Nest and did ok. Caught some smaller crappies and then got in to a bunch of sunnies. The fish where hitting of Powerbait crappie nibblers, couldn’t buy a bite with a minnow. The crappie bite was slow but consistent until about 11:30 and then they just shut off completely. We were set up in about 12 feet of water and where catching the fish with lines set up about 2 feet off the bottom. Hope this helps.
February 2, 2007 at 8:40 pm #531953My dog is usually kept outside, but when the weather gets this cold I’ll bring her in. With the length of the projected cold snap I might be ending up with an indoor dog.
February 2, 2007 at 8:40 pm #28787My dog is usually kept outside, but when the weather gets this cold I’ll bring her in. With the length of the projected cold snap I might be ending up with an indoor dog.
February 1, 2007 at 2:37 pm #531193Try calling White Bear Rental. Someone told me that they rent out fish houses. Not sure if they do or not, but it might be worth a call.
February 1, 2007 at 3:42 am #531098Thanks for all of the info guys. The video was awesome!! I’m heading out this weekend and now feel a way more confident in jigging. This site is the best out there
January 18, 2007 at 8:11 pm #524824As far as I know its the only access on the lake, but there may be one hidden out there that I’m not aware of. I always use the landing to get out on the lake.
January 18, 2007 at 7:49 pm #524814My buddy pulled his permanent out on the lake last weekend and told me that there was around 8-10 inches of ice as of Sunday. I was out there two weeks ago and found 6 inches on the north end and right around 8 near the middle. The fishing has been pretty decent. No monster fish this year, but quite a few smaller sunfish and crappies. Enough fish to keep you entertained. Personally I wouldn’t drive out there yet with the varying ice thickness that I saw 2 weeks ago, but might take the wheeler out this weekend if I get a chance.
January 18, 2007 at 4:57 pm #524659I’ve seen the adapters at menards and I think that cabelas sells them.
January 16, 2007 at 9:57 pm #523642I used the X67c for the first time last weekend and I thought the flasher worked great. It took a little time playing with the settings to get her dialed in, but once it once I had no problems with the flasher. Ran it for about 8hours and the battery remained full. It was able to pick up the split shots on my line that were about a foot above my lure. Kept thinking there were fish above my lure, until I realized what I was looking at. The graph mode worked pretty sweet when fishing above a weedbed. Overall I am very happy with the unit and can’t wait to try it out on open water.
January 11, 2007 at 4:40 am #521275I’ve heard of guys overheating their sleds on very cold days when there wasn’t any snow to cool the heat exchangers. I personally don’t run my sleds on the lake if there isn’t any snow due to abuse the hi-fax take. Just my .02
January 10, 2007 at 10:59 pm #521104kizew:
Thanks for the update. I’ll stop at Indianhead Sports before I head out. I’ll post a report of how we do when we get back. Hopefully we can get something to bite.
December 21, 2006 at 3:27 pm #513814I’ve ran an electric auger off my wheeler for a while now with no problems. Hooked it up to the relay for the winch in the trunk and away i went. I always have the machine running when I’m drilling my holes too make sure I have enough battery left to start the thing when I’m done fishing. Probably not needed, but its a habit I got into.
December 20, 2006 at 3:04 pm #513303I haven’t checked the ice depth on those lakes, but I did see quite a few people in portables out in the channel between Chisago and South Lindstrom last night.
December 8, 2006 at 3:23 pm #26825My own mutt 1/2 lab a 1/2 golden retriever has turned out to be an excellent hunting dog. In my opinion a person can train almost any dog to hunt it just depends on how much work you are willing to put into training the dog.
December 8, 2006 at 3:23 pm #508671My own mutt 1/2 lab a 1/2 golden retriever has turned out to be an excellent hunting dog. In my opinion a person can train almost any dog to hunt it just depends on how much work you are willing to put into training the dog.