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  • jeremey Carel
    Posts: 13

    I havent gotten the time to talk specifics with him yet – I do know he has had this beast on his trail cam for two years. So he did know this buck was in the area. He put in food plots this year – Grant actually interns at a company that produces food plot seeds. Hunting and maintaining quality hunting land is his passion. Glad to see his hard work and time paid off.

    jeremey Carel
    Posts: 13

    What’s really cool about this is the hunting community that gathered to help measure and take pictures. Great group of people. Grant used a bow on private land that he asked permission to hunt. That’s another neat thing about this hunt, he took the time to ask landowners if he could hunt their land. He had some no and yes responses, but it all worked out in his favor.

    1. group-buck.jpg

    2. grant-buck.jpg

    3. measure-buck.jpg

    jeremey Carel
    Posts: 13

    If I remember correctly, I talked to a gentleman working the TUCR booth named Dan. Very nice guy. He was in the same boat as many in regards to being new to ice fishing. He shared his thoughts and guided me to a Bullwhip. Couldn’t be happier – I did buy this on Friday evening though. The inventory was still good that night.

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