It was long time I was monitoring reviews on Panoptix forward and the main disadvantage for me was – max speed is 20 knt. As an engineer I was looking for solutions on a flexible mount. The www was empty and seems nobody sees that as a problem so I went ahead and started the construction myself. This coming Friday I will have my 1st prototype ready and it will be installed on my 37” boat sometimes next week.
The idea is to use gas spring of know force to keep the sonar at 45 angle up to 6-8 knt speed and go up from water pressure at the speeds above 8 knt. The main goal for me using Panoptix fwd is not the fish, but to see the bottom in unknown areas to approach the cost line. The repair of underwater part of the boat that has sterndrive…probably starts from 5k USD and up, excluding rescue activity. Of cause it wont help at a speeds of 15 knt and above, but we all know how we want to find the fish closer to something, that is not on a chart… the picture of idea is attached.