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  • bzzsaw
    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    My (used) fishing boat came with a bumper sticker on the back transom. I liked the sticker so it stayed on. Not sure if I consider it my boat name though. I guess it could be. The sticker says.



    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Couldn’t you just buy the same thickness of cables from the hardware store and not buy them through the lift manufacturer? That is what I did when I changed the cables on my ShoreMaster lift. They just need to be similar lengths.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Do you guys with the ridge wallet carry your fishing/hunting licenses in it along with your credit cards?

    I’m with Captain Musky. I put my fishing license inside the case on my cell phone.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Another vote for a Ridge wallet.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Paul, Do you know Nick Dahl? I believe he also works with his dad and I know he refinishes wood floors and I think he may install them too. Let me know if you want his number. He lives in Stillwater area.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Plan to try a recipe someone posted here back in 2009. Bacon wrapped walleye bites. Everyone likes the bacon wrapped wieners. Hoping the walleye bites will be equally as good.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    I’ve been in IT for 38 years now. I’ve worked for 4 different companies. I’ve never had to collect unemployment. Got laid off 1 time when they outsourced our entire department. Hope to retire within next 2 years when daughters are almost finished with undergrad degrees.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Back to original question. I just use my ice scooper. It has lines on it but most of time I don’t look at the lines. A ball park idea is all I normally care about. It is easy to determine if it is over a foot or less than 6 inches. I would error on the side of caution when driving an ATV or vehicle on the ice. A difference in 1-2 inches is not going to matter to me.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Tyrel Pehrson wrote:</div>
    Paint pen worked out pretty good this outing. We will see how long it lasts but no signs of fading this time

    I am in town visiting with my son whose dream is to go out on the frozen river. Where we are from it never gets this cold.Anyone know how I can safely do this?

    You can drive on St Croix River out of North Hudson Ferry Landing Park. Lots of vehicles driving out there now. Search on Google and it will show up.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    My buddy has one for sale in Stillwater. It is only 89,900.00. His wife has it posted on FB. I asked his wife if I could try it out on Devils Lake ND. Let me know if anyone is interested. I can point you to the add on FB.

    SNOBEAR with Garmin GPS Maps 1243 XSV Livescope System
    2022 Snobear TL with Hyundai Engine
    Only used one year, under 10 times.
    Completely serviced, ready to go.
    100AH Lithium house battery with charging system
    Jardum System touchscreen dash
    4 Speaker Stereo System
    Rear exterior auger mount
    Billstein shocks upgrade
    AquaTraction Flooring
    4500 lbs. winch with winch receiver plate
    48″ Bench with Custom Top
    Custom cooler rack
    Custom grill rack
    Espar diesel heater mounted in bench
    Garmin GPS Maps 1243 XSV Livescope System
    Front mount 22″ Livescope HD TV
    Back mount 20″ Livescope HD TV
    Front and Rear interior auger mounts
    3 swiveling premium gaming chairs
    5th hole
    Front generator rack
    30lbs LP Tank
    Hardkor LP Tank Regulator Heater
    Remote operated, changing color LED strip lights on the floor and ceiling
    LED interior cabinet lights
    Miles – 167
    2022 Aero Trailer $15,900
    8.5′ x 20′ TA52 Custom
    Snobear trailer/Insulated Cap
    No Trades – Cash Only
    Need to sell Snobear first before trailer is available.
    Location Somerset, WI

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    My daughter had a bunch of her college friends up to cabin in Cumberland this weekend. They planned to ski at trollhagen on way up from Hudson last night. They have a ski special from 9 till 3 am. I tried to encourage them to leave at midnight. Nope they rolled in at 230. There were 5 of them and none are big partiers. I went fishing this morning and didn’t see them before I left. On way home after fishing was 1/4 mile
    From cabin and came over hill to T in our road and holy poop. Sheriff cars and ambulance. Then I see my wife’s car. Turned corner and saw another car down embankment and in the sticks. It was the car that was parked in my driveway when I went fishing. Didn’t know what to expect. They are very lucky. 5 girls in car had gone in to town for coffee at noon today. They hit T intersection and turned left but barely slid sideways down embankment and rolled 1 time and stopped against a tree. They were very shook up but worst injury was a concussion. I will be saying my thanks tonight. Luckily they were wearing seatbelts.

    1. IMG_0061-scaled.jpeg

    2. IMG_0059-scaled.jpeg

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Congrats. Jon. Hope you enjoy every day of your retirement. Cheers to you bud.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    I picked up a new ugly sweater this year for Christmas. And they don’t make them any uglier. -) Saw it advertised on FB.

    1. ugly-sweater.png

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Nice fish Bob. No doubt about Alex growing. He has to be bigger than you now. You better behave or he may not let you use your boat anymore. -) Hope you are doing well.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    WTF was MNDOT doing yesterday. I went duck hunting in the Alex area yesterday and hit any icy spot west of St. Cloud on 94 for about 20 miles. Where the salt truck had been it was wet/not slippery pavement.
    On the way home yesterday afternoon I thought that’s how it would be wet but not slippery. Wrongo Amigo. 20-40 mph from St Clould to Minnetonka. Never saw a MNDOT truck. Saw several cars in the ditch. A semi on west bound 94 in the median pointing east. shock A semi trying to stop to avoid a car doing circles in front of him went to the shoulder but the trailer went in the ditch. Pulling it diagonally until he stopped. I thought it was going to roll.
    If MNDOT would have stayed ahead of it and treated all day it would have been way better. Perfect temps for the salt to work. They have some splainin’ to do.

    X2 on this. I had to pick up a new to me truck in Shakopee last night. Left 3M in St Paul and it took over 2 hrs to get there. Another 2 hrs to drive back to Hudson. I drove 494 to 169. First Salt Truck I saw was 8 pm. I left at 4:30. 169 was a bumper to bumper parking lot. The car I was trading in was in need of new tires. That made the ride even more special. Black ice was every where.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    I have a 5 by 8 Aluma trailer that I use for my atv. It works great for that but it is not big enough for a shack too. I don’t know if a snow mobile is longer than 8 ft. I put the shack in back of my pilot.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Even if you could grow it outdoors, you would need to hire a security team to keep the dopers from stealing it. Where did you say your property was EPG? -)

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Tight lipped is an understatement considering how many boats I saw concentrated on the Croix last Friday “near” Hudson…..Something is/was up.

    Guessing it is the Sturgeon guys out there now.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    My daughter is in her first year at University of Tampa. My wife and other daughter went to visit her on Friday. They started paying attention to this on Saturday and changing their plans. My daughter had to evacuate their dorm the first one and now again for this one. She stayed with my niece the last one but we booked her a flight home for this one. One daughter left Tampa Monday night at 5. My wife and other daughter drove to Orlando Monday to catch their flight for Tuesday morning (630 am). The 90 mile drive took over 5 hrs. There wasn’t gas anywhere along the way. They were very freaked out until they got in the air Tuesday morning. Glad they are all home safe now.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Figure 8 until you are sure it isn’t following anymore. Then throw back as others have mentioned and mark the spot and come back later.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    What’s been the problem with the Hudson launch? Just curious- I never launch there.

    I believe with the lower water some of the bigger boats are backing off the bottom of the ramp. Add in the power loading wash outs at the end of the ramp and some trailers have gotten hung up. Heard the tow truck has been down there and some trailers have been damaged.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    I’ve never had trailer steps. But curious if it would be easier for someone with mobility issues to load/unload using the steps or load/unload from the dock once boat is in the water?

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Are lake district regulations even enforceable ? Are they state or dnr regulations or something local land owners would like to see ?

    Mike m,
    I believe they are in WI. I also believe our Lake District worked with the Maple Plain Township to come up with the restrictions we have. I still am skeptical on how you would get them enforced though.

    Sorry, I have a good link that explains the powers provided to a Lake District but IDO doesn’t make that very easy. I give up.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bzzsaw wrote:</div>
    The lake our cabin is on in WI is 350 acres. Our Lake District has approved and implemented restrictions on when they can be used with Wake Enhancing. They are to pretty much stay down center of Lake and I believe are restricted to 10am – 6pm use. I don’t think they will ever go away. We don’t have a good means to even enforce the restrictions they came up with. Most owners of them on our lake are good about following the restrictions, but definitely now all. I personally can’t stand them. I ended up putting rip rap on my entire shoreline because of the erosion they were causing. Same can be said with 80% of my neighbors.

    A lake association can ask politely all they want or put up their own signs. Not that you would have to follow that request.

    In Wisconsin there are Lake Associations and Lake Districts. Lake associations can’t tax lake owners or have regulations. A Lake District can. Our lake has a Lake District that was approved by the majority of lake owners. We pay a lake district tax each year that helps treat milfoil as well as other things that benefit the lake. Lake Districts can apply for DNR grants but Lake Associations can’t. Our district has spent alot of time studying the impact of wake boats. We have had surveys regarding the wake board boats and the overwhelming majority of property owners voted for the restrictions.

    All this being said, it is still hard to enforce the Lake District regulations. I’m not sure how you would get the DNR or sheriff out to enforce something. We do have signs posted at the landing listing the restrictions.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    The lake our cabin is on in WI is 350 acres. Our Lake District has approved and implemented restrictions on when they can be used with Wake Enhancing. They are to pretty much stay down center of Lake and I believe are restricted to 10am – 6pm use. I don’t think they will ever go away. We don’t have a good means to even enforce the restrictions they came up with. Most owners of them on our lake are good about following the restrictions, but definitely now all. I personally can’t stand them. I ended up putting rip rap on my entire shoreline because of the erosion they were causing. Same can be said with 80% of my neighbors.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Congrats to you and your boy on the awesome season Ron. WTG.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Yes, there are islands in the Hudson Channel that are above water now. They aren’t nearly as big as when the water goes down. Same with Kinni channel. Would guess they will be more crowded with not as much beach though.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Your not alone. We are also having what we call Code Events (DR) this morning related to the IT Outage. We have an ERP release that is supposed to be deployed tonight so it is going to be a long day.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    I saw a fish kill on the St Croix last night too. These ones didn’t go to waste though.

    1. walleyes-7-16-24.jpg

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bzzsaw wrote:</div>
    I launched at Bayport once earlier in the year when Hudson was full. It was a Saturday in May. I was expecting it to cost 30.00 for a weekend launch but it went up to 40.00. And that didn’t include parking either (onsite spots were full). Was supposed to pay the city to park in the City Park lot too.

    $40 to launch…too rich for me, good thing I can launch for free down here in the ghetto.

    Your a lucky man Onestout. The COVE launch kicks butt. -) Now you just have to find time to use it.

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