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  • bwtr21x
    Posts: 3

    I was up there all of last week and found the same as you. (sort of ) Most fish are post spawn, some spawning still, like you said. However….I got into three large schools on Friday that bit topwater ALL day , 37 fish between 3 areas on top. Got a handful of others on tubes. Started with a spook and only got a couple. Then, as I was staring at a bed below my boat I stopped working the spook. As it sat there a smallie smashed it. So I changed to a pop R and it was game on all day. even in the wind

    Posts: 3

    All this that I saw was in one area. All the other areas I fished had nice healthy fish. Apparantly this spot has become popular. I probably wont be fishing it much anymore. There are a couple other spots that I don’t fish anymore either because of this. I’m sure the low water doesnt help either. Any large boulder off by itself usually holds fish. a lot of those are off the reefs a little so you have to do a little explorering to find them. But with the water low, they stick out like a sore thumb. And if there is a fish spawning there it will get caught over and over and over.

    And I know I’m not the only person catching these fish and there will be signs of stress, or some type of mark from being caught. But whats with half their mouth getting ripped off? 99% of the time I catch them on a very small hook that leaves a hole you can’t even see.

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