The camera is attached to a mount which has the same wire as a musky bucktail spinner. so I tie my main line to that and run a 3-foot leader off the back wire loop of the wire.

Posts: 86
The camera is attached to a mount which has the same wire as a musky bucktail spinner. so I tie my main line to that and run a 3-foot leader off the back wire loop of the wire.
Cool stuff, Thanks for posting.
How do you know when to pause or slow it down to try to trigger strikes?
Thanks everyone!
I don’t, this camera doesn’t have a live feed and I don’t know if the fish is following or not. I did see fish on my fish finder and was making a turn around an island so that often slows it down. Or my partner getting a fish would cause me to slowly put the boat out of gear for a bit and often triggered a strike.
Yeah, I apologize for the shaking! I have tried everything to stop the shaking. Bought a special trolling anti-shake mount for the camera however it restricted the dive depth of the luers so I stopped using it and it still shook haha. It can be seen on the second last fish. anyway, thanks for watching. The walleye one I am working on has less shaking. It all depends on what bait I have on and speed. For lake trout I troll fast.
Nice video…Looks like somewhere around 50 mile.
Thank you and Yeah around there, We call the spot where I got the 21.5 inch “Grand Canyon” and the others were caught around pine rapids
Nice video…Looks like somewhere around 50 mile.
Yhank you and Yeah around there, We call the spot where I got the 21.5 inch “Grand Canyon” and the others were caught around pine rapids
Thanks, guys haha, I have thought about that but do not wanna get the camera lens scratched up as they fight
I agree, cool video. Looks like some sort of collapsible rod.
Beautiful area-what river is it?
God’s River in Manitoba.
I’m assuming it’s for the brookies you need such a weak rod? Seems way underpowered for current conditions, not suprised it snapped after the first fish.
Beautiful backdrop though. Waters look pristine.
yeah, it’s a perfect rod that has handled probably over 50 to 60 brookies over 2 seasons, about 15 of them being around 20 to 24 inches. That river is very fast and from shore, I mostly walk down current with the fish or when in a boat its best to float down with the fish, however, I was alone in the second scene and it was super shallow there so not an option. I am working on a video of some brook trout I caught over this summer from this river and should be out in a few weeks. this is the exact rod I use and I said why in the previous response. ^^
Ok, just watched the vid. Not a big fan of fish eye lenses, but pretty cool. Like the first release underwater shot.
I noticed multiple times you horsing the fish in and grabbing the rod above the reel. Death sentence for your rods in my opinion. Looked like the rod snapped right as you grabbed the rod shaft that last time. Need to resist that temptation. That or make sure you have good warranty!
Thanks, I did horse that fish way too much and its a lighter rod (telescopic and folds to fit in any backpack) combined with the current and myself pulling above the reel did it. I was worried that the fish would catch the current and really take me far down river. I fix my rods myself so Im just ordering the replacement blank and glue the guides back in. I would use a normal rod except this place Gods river is a fly in only place and there is not much room on the float planes and the guest gear is a priority so a backpack rod has to do. Also I want to say that Im sorry if I offend anyone with my posts I just like to share them for anyone who wants to see them and what better way then a fishing site. If they are bad let me know.
Go back and play with your friends.
thanks, and yeah that was my favourite quote he said.
Have really enjoyed these underwater vids with the Water Wolf. Watching that big mouth open directly in front of lens as it attacks the camera is seriously priceless!
I know you didn’t ask, and maybe not your goal for these videos at all — but I would love it if you had a second above-water camera angle that you could fade to as you start to net the fish. Just a friendly suggestion!
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you and It has always been on my agenda to do that and will hopefully get some simultaneous footage next summer.
If I’m not mistaken…but did one come in and strike the camera? Is so, perhaps put a treble hook on that.
yup I have had a few bite the camera. Lake truut love to bite it as well.
Thanks guys!! and yeah it was the 40 mile section, we also call it Pine. The video also features sturgeon falls and shorties falls. I drove the full length on the river near the end of August to bring the boats back to Elk Island lodge and it was such a beautiful ride. (but shallow haha)
I assumed you were trolling. After watching again, now I wonder…were you casting and retrieving?
This is all trolling and yeah some of those bites I thought were just weeds. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. I have another video coming next week where I cast the camera with some spoons. I will post it on this forum next week.
I have a couple of buddies that just bought water wolfs. They fish Superior often. They run them off of the downrigger. They have some pretty cool video of the Lake Trout interacting with the spoon. With the clear water you can see a long ways. It is crazy how fast the Lakers can go when they are chasing the spoon.
oh nice nice I have some lake trout footage as well. And am working on a video. I trolled for lake trout using spoons and similar 30ft divers. They are super fast and I found for about every 6 you see you hook one.
Thanks guys, and im using a water wolf camera with the heaviest weight they provide, then I use the 30 ft diving Rapala and let out plenty of line. I dont think it makes it all the way down to 30 ft but forsure 20 ft
The real question is does that fish still count towards your limit
hahah good question, I would say no
yeah there are 3 native species in Manitoba Canada where I fish but they are very rare. Im pretty sure this was a silver lamprey.
Winnipeg manitoba, & Pk flutterfish, Nickel/silver colour and size was 2.5 inches
use 8 to 10 lbs ice braid. sufix 832 or power pro and 3 foot florocarbon leader
yes its plowed. here are some more tips for lake winnipeg
Live target rattle baits, and rattle bait for that matter, flutter spoons but your best bet is a jig and minnow never fails salted or live. check out my video from last week on lake Winnipeg also have others that should give you some tips–x4dgw1Ync