Just call Dean. He is at the Ramsey location. He must not have it listed yet because I still have the titles. PM me and I can give you his cell number.
Forum Replies Created
February 12, 2017 at 1:48 pm #1673386
Almost positive. I still was rounding up titles. Give Dean a call as soon as you can.
February 12, 2017 at 9:39 am #1673344This boat has been traded in to Skeeter boat center. Give Dean a call. However, I can answer any questions. There is 900 hours on the motor.
July 30, 2016 at 8:56 pm #1631561A year ago at this time you would have been lucky to boat 15 pounds. This year there is fish everywhere…And multiple year classes. They didn’t magically appear! Mille Lacs is in better shape than people think. Maybe it was a large amount of food last year, poor conditions during DNR shocking…etc. The population may not be what it once was, but I personally think it’s in much better shape than people think! A summer of catch and release fishing will only help, however I don’t think restrictions needed to be this tight…definitely hurting local businesd. I guarantee you hooking mortality is not as severe an issue in a lake this size, with this much biology. This lake will take care of itself with even “reasonable” management. This is my personal viewpoint.
July 30, 2016 at 8:42 pm #1631559Although I never met him, I feel like I knew him as a friend. I have a tear in my eye as I write this. That shows the power of writing, truth, family, generosity and so many other qualities I can only imagine he had. Rest in peace Gary. I’d love to fish a quiet trout strean with you someday.
July 23, 2016 at 10:54 pm #1630530I’m guessing jonb is right. I’ve had two of the minnota plugs go bad. The whole plug (male and female end) can be purchased and reconnected in short order. Solved the same problem you are having.
May 9, 2016 at 10:07 pm #1618417The video shown just goes to show where our government and society has gone. He was a really nice guy, but he was uninformed and nieve. His reactions displayed indicate he knew more than he lead onto. Don’t kid yourself thinking he didn’t. The United States is no longer the strong country it once was. It is overrun by money and corrupt politics. Sorry to turn this into a political rant, but I feel this is what has come to. When Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the top candidates……shame on us. And we are all responsible because we have allowed Mille Lacs, the presidential race, and all the other catastrophes to happen….every great nation falls. Look at History. Won’t happen in my life, but I feel bad for my five kids and future grandchildren.
April 8, 2016 at 9:01 pm #1612538Throw me an offer IDO folks. Gonna throw it on Craigslist this weekend if I can’t move it here. Thanks.
April 7, 2016 at 8:01 am #1612096Sounds like this model year cannot have the head updated. I thought I was told it could have the remote/auto pilot update, but it would have to be looked into.
April 6, 2016 at 9:55 pm #161206124 volt. 60″ shaft. It’s a 2003 with a brand new foot pedal. Never have had an issue, just upgrading. No Ipilot, but I’m pretty sure a new head can be put on it.
April 1, 2016 at 9:21 pm #1610977Gizmo hit it on the head. The forks rose big time and flushed everyhing out. If you look at the reports on multiple sites the debris and muddy water coincided with the graphs rising. Reports now talk about it clearing more with each day and debtis has pretty much vanished. However, flows are still high because the gates must be open at the dam. A fairly good rain event would muddy it up again. Now the choice becomes a gamble on waiting for warmer temps (which aren’t going to happen in the next few days), but knowing one storm could end the season. Gotta love the “Spring Rainy Lotto”.
March 27, 2016 at 9:18 pm #1609681Was this a resignation or a forced thing? Don’t want to start any controversy, but I’m just curious. Between you and Dean, you guys were their best marketing department they will ever have. Enjoy your Spam burgers by the fire….it’s well deserved!!
July 17, 2015 at 11:15 pm #1555225Anyone know why Brad doesn’t post his summer updates anymore? It was nice knowing when the bite was going. He never gave exact areas so you still had to figure things out, but it was great knowing a bite was on.
With that said, I would love to know what James and others involved with IDO think of results of the new site. I love the layout, but I feel like there is far fewer reports. Too many forums maybe? Lost too many people in the change? Maybe I’m wrong?
July 12, 2015 at 9:59 pm #1554332Forgiving to me is when you have practiced all year and you notice shooting that a small jerk here or there throws the arrow 3-inches off rather than 1-inch. I shot a Darton starting in 1991 and then a Matthews, followed by a Hoyt. The reality is when a 150 class buck comes in you aren’t perfectly calm. I’m not ripping Hoyt one bit. They make an incredible bow. In fact, it may just be the guy behind the bow…lol. I’m Just looking for something to give me full confidence…maybe just a change.
March 17, 2015 at 5:54 pm #1524439Anyone try Ivan’s? I’ve heard better comments on other forums. I’m heading down in April as well.
April 5, 2011 at 5:07 pm #954248I’ve been doing the run for about that same amount of time as well. There are so many things that go into timing this trip it can drive a guy nuts.
I firmly believe the big girls (lake walleyes..much lighter in color) start showing up at 37-38 degrees water temp and when it hits 40 degrees it’s in full swing for the lake fish.
The problem is there is variables such as precipitation, water elevation and flow that can change things in a heartbeat. I’ve been up there on years where I was chasing the ice toward the lake, but the water temp directly upriver was 38 degrees and pounded the big lake fish. I’ve also been chasing ice when the flow was high and water temps were much lower and did poor for big fish.
With the internet and USGS sites you can now sit on the couch and wait for the conditions to get pretty close to ideal….but about that time you get a bunch of runoff and the river muddies up and it’s over!
In a nutshell I do believe water temp has ALOT to do with when the lake fish begin arriving in big numbers…it’s just the longer you wait for the temps to get up there the more chance you take of the Fork Rivers letting loose and the river getting muddy. I do think you can typically get good number of the males and resident local river fish as soon as the ice goes out if the weather is steady and considtent. The weather has been constantly changing since iceout this year and I think that is why the bite seems to be off.
I’m heading out at 4 am. Good luck to all over the weekend!
March 10, 2008 at 4:02 pm #663892Not enough time for pre-fishing to go as an Angler, but I’d like to get in as a CO. Is anyone looking for a Co-angler to sign up with (all events or individually). Tuck, if we’re both fishing as CO’s it could lkead to some serious hangovers.
June 20, 2007 at 8:02 pm #582706I really appreciate the great resposes guys. I definitely agree different situations call for different line. Like I said, I definitely use braid for slow fall trolling or anything associated with weeds simply to be able to “read” the bait. I also don’t mind it for long lining. The shallow flats I troll in Pool 3 & 4 with less than say 100′ out, I again like mono for the hookups and lost fish and minimal weeds. I guess my question was geared for the open water trolling with boards, but hey this is creating some nice discussion. I think I’ll keep a couple line counters with mono on and a couple with fireline (with mono backing of course so I can strip the fireline after I lose two fish
). Oh, by the way is the Trolling guide based on XT or XL, I guess I never noticed. I just always use XT for open water trolling because of clip abrasion, big walleye teeth
, etc.
June 20, 2007 at 4:25 pm #582598Chris,
Did you guys try trolling the face of the dams at all or did you primarily hit the tips at the channel edge? The tips have been putting out some big fish further downstream.
June 18, 2007 at 2:50 pm #554209If you don’t mind me asking, what depth are you guys getting your fish trolling in the lake?
June 18, 2007 at 2:16 pm #581546Great job Chad! Sounds like you had one exceptional week of fishing!
June 13, 2007 at 2:32 pm #580200I owe you a beer next time I see you on Mille Lacs! Happy Birthday.
June 6, 2007 at 3:26 pm #578286Great report! Good to know the bite has started. I’m going to be up June 22-24th for the open water bite. I’ll have to get in touch with you before I head up!
April 10, 2007 at 4:14 am #558979Great job Dustin! You should be back into the swing of things about the time Pool 3 heats up!
March 27, 2007 at 3:59 am #553755Should be for small boats at Birchdale, but I’m guessing the ramps won’t be cleaned until the weekend or early next week. It sounds like it has about 8 miles to get to Birchdale (usually goes out 2-4 miles a day once it gets going). My patience is getting thin!