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  • Brando Lakes
    Posts: 11

    Well I made it up there Thursday morning and left Friday night before the storm came through.
    Best fishing was 11 fow
    A lot of pressure as of Friday so branch off if you can or try to keep your distance. Bite definitely slowed Friday. Was a few hundred Thurs and a few thousand come Friday. Jr’s was slick. Beer, liqour, food. 15 a day for access/parking 30 for 3 days. Was a great experience for my first time. No fish under 17in top end was 21ish. For me anyways. Thanks for all the great info/advise! I’ll be back.

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    2. IMG_20191129_101306581.jpg

    Brando Lakes
    Posts: 11

    Thanks everybody. Think I’ve got the info I need to make it all come together. moustachesteve and bearcat keep me posted if any weather related issue happen as I’m coming from about 7 hours away. Beers on me!

    Brando Lakes
    Posts: 11

    The above advice about going out through a resort/guide is worth following. Doesn’t cost much to access and they’ll keep you on safe ice this early in the season. I’ll be out of JR’s Friday through Monday. If you find yourself in the SE corner and see a couple Otter hubs and wheelers stop by and say hi. Good luck!

    I’m thinking about going out of JR’s Friday morning. What do they usually charge for access? Do they allow you to park overnight? As I plan on staying in my otter hub on a my cot. Brining my wheeler as well just don’t want my truck to not be there come Saturday or Sunday.

    Brando Lakes
    Posts: 11

    You won’t have a problem regardless of where you go out. Just follow the mass migration. smirk With much of the lake still off limits finding elbow room is more likely to be the problem this weekend. I was going to head up today and fish today and tomorrow but the snow and the roads made me think better of it. Besides I have plowing to do at home now. sad

    How much snow ya get last night?

    Brando Lakes
    Posts: 11

    Where do you get your satellite imagery from?

    Brando Lakes
    Posts: 11

    Little birdie told me 4-5 inches in central ND as of Thursday.

    Brando Lakes
    Posts: 11

    Thanks everybody for the great input! The votes pretty much backed up my initial gut feeling to stick with the 12V system. I have the storage for a 24V system but for the extra weight and price I don’t think it can be justified. Especially since I spend 80% of my time casting structure and shoreline. I don’t pull plugs and only pull spinners a few times a year. Going to go with the 12V 55# Terrova w/I-Pilot from Scheels (their return policy is second to none). Appreciate all the good advice.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)