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  • BoatsHateMe
    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I wish I had your fortitude.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Thanks for the replies. Current health issues would prevent the ascent back up the hill.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    If you like to build AR rifles Aero Precision has 30% off. I couldn’t wait to tell my FW all the money I saved peace

    I think I’m going back for more to build her a purple and gold anodized AR15. Not because she’s a Vike’s fan but because it’s purty. has some good deals too. Now’s a good time to buy. Prices may not be like they were in the good ole days but it is available. Add in a sale and it’s a win.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I’ve been a member at for about 15 years. It’s more of a gun forum but you’ll find discussions on most any subject. I’ve met members from all over the country and they’re all stand up guys and gals. Some have become good friends of mine and the FW. The owner of the forum runs a very tight ship so anybody that shows their azz gets shown the door.

    You can probably deduce this on your own but if your signature has your pronouns or you have a puzzy hat in your collection, you probably won’t last long, even if you wanted to.

    If you want to talk about guns, and not just Sigs, it has everything you want. No ads either, the owner pays for it all.

    I highly recommend it.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    SlingTV seems to have everything except the local channels. However I just discovered the clowns that hooked us up and switched us over from DIRECTV didn’t hook back up our antenna. So now I get to call them back to come out and get that done.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    After 27 years of crappy DSL (4-5 mbps) we finally got fiber with 1G service from Bevcomm. We have been using DirecTV dish for the past couple of decades I’m sure. Not a lot to complain about except for weather interruptions but that was enough to look forward to the switch to Bevcomm’s TV pkg.

    Turns out their internet TV is not great at all. The remotes suck, small buttons on a huge remote with spongy buttons that respond slowly, if they do at all which leads to double pressing and chaos. Unlike DIRECTV if I pause live TV I can no longer fast forward to catch up. If for whatever reason I need to pause something I now have to hit record and watch the recording. Also, if I pause, then in pause, when it gets to the end of the show it starts all over from the beginning instead of playing the next show. Very strange and Groundhog Day like. It’ll do that as long as I keep the TV on and/or stay on that channel.

    I looked at YouTube TV which doesn’t look bad except there is no History Channel (or A&E I think which the History Channel is part of). There are some shows like Alone and others I enjoy.

    I do want to be able to record Live TV on local channels for football, NASCAR, Jeopardy or whatever else. I can receive them with my antenna to watch them.

    The Hulu sight is not very intuitive on what they actually offer. I think it’d be easier if they’d publish the channels they DON’T offer but of course that’ll never happen. I really don’t want to be stuck with this Bevcomm BS or go back to DIRECTV.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I’ve never noticed those lights before as many times as I’ve driven through there. I’ll certainly be more attentive now going through there.

    Very sad news.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I’ve heard that not being able to stick to just one topic is a sure sign of ADHD.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I guess I won’t be dropping by the camper with some whisky anytime soon. toast

    63 is still open, isn’t it?

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Hmmmm… why is it you never see Brian and the Hamms Bear in the same place? It’s uncanny!

    1. C7A6C55B-67F0-4EA7-B304-AD9BF37EBA0A.jpeg

    2. BD249974-13B3-4B0B-971D-A2202E05231D.jpeg

    3. D9D51832-EA04-4243-B73D-DE081EA4CD1A.jpeg

    4. 0F06A191-4C3D-45B5-A990-1F86FEADF303.jpeg

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I’ll take one of those heavy downpours ASAP please. Scrub the roads off of sand and chemicals so the Shelby can come out of hiding woot

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I see threads like this and the absurd political comments made on both sides but particularly from the intolerant tolerant side and I remember, despite the good people like Bearcat, BK and so many others, I disappear again. It’s like going to Whitecastle – sometimes you just have to go back once in a while to see how bad it is.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789


    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Your oh so sophisticated pallet cant stand a Busch Light cause them other beers are so tasty.

    I knew I’d trigger somebody.

    I just REALLY don’t care fore the Lattes

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Yoders are an impressive unit for sure! That is a perfectly cooked steak. I made a few ribeyes in the same fashion you did on my RecTeq last summer except mine will get up to nearly 1000 degrees with the sear grate for searing. It was the best steak I have ever had and Ive been to high end steak houses multiple times.

    I’m going to see how high this gets next time. My phone said it was 682 degrees when I put it on the flame. I’m going to put a Pizza stone in there and crank it up, try my hand at a wood fired pizza. Yoder even makes a wood fire pizza insert to put in that looks awesome but at $500 for that alone I figured I’d try it on the stone first.

    Recteq was a consideration but I was looking for instant gratification and best I could tell Recteq was online direct order only.

    There was a Traeger 855 Ironwood at Sportsman’s Warehouse in Coon rapids I spotted on my way to Northern Fire & BBQ in Minnetonka, the only Yoder dealer in MN. The Traeger is normally $1599 but they had one left, assembled on sale for $1,399.

    Northern Fire and BBQ is a great store. If you’re in the 169 and Bren road area in Minnetonka I highly recommend stopping by. If you are easily tempted, leave your wallet with your wife or life partner.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Ummm…. the Hamm’s is un-opened. Do you have a token can of Hamm’s? whistling

    Heck no! I thought of that after I took the pic though. I prefer old school – Hamm’s, Brain Melt Premium etc. I draw the line at Pfeifer’s though.

    You’ll never see a can of Busch Light on my property though and if you bring some you’ll be escorted off the property by security.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Cooking is a major part of my life, it’s my love language so I didn’t want to settle and have regrets.

    Pork chops are on the menu tomorrow night. Maybe some Gouda mashed taters and some more grilled zucchini.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I am a huge beef guy. Very nicely done. toast

    Thanks! The Yoder makes it easy with the ability to monitor and adjust the grill from my phone. It’ll do exactly what you tell it too and as long as you tell it to do the right thing you’re golden. I made some wings last night and pulled them at 160. I should have let them go a little longer, they were a little underdone. So as long as you know what you are doing and give it the correct input you can’t go wrong.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Mmmmm… Tacos I’m down for some of those right now. I just need someone to cook them for me.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I have 2 Spypoints which are cellular. The cell service doesn’t cost anything. I do pay for a higher number of photos per month. I get alerts each time it goes off. Makes for a nice security device with the alerts. I’m able to keep an eye on my home and family when I’m away.

    I got a Gardepro for Christmas. I think I’ll get that set up tight.

    Make sure whatever you get use lithium batteries.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Thanks for the heads-up, that certainly took a little heat off the Christmas budget this year!

    FWIW: A quick Google search shows that Essendant, which is a food service company, is owned by the same private equity firm as Pure Fishing, Sycamore Partners. I’m sure this code wasn’t intended for use by general public but I’m not going to lose sleep over it.

    I got my Pure Fishing order in today. I might go back again. Staples50 worked for me.

    I looked at some of Sycamore’s other companies. I was hoping the same code would work at Staples. No joy. It takes a numbered code.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Bacon is way overrated.

    Busch Light is undrinkable.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I’m heading to Minnesota next week, will be in the Twin Cities on Saturday the 30th and in Park Rapids Aug 1st – 7th, then up to LotW the 7th – 15th.

    1) any good shops along the 694/10 corridor where i should stop? MN has a different selection than WI, so it’s a chance to mix things up.

    b) i have a fair collection of allocated bottles that i’m willing to turnover in exchange for ducats. PM if this is something you’d like to discuss.

    If you’re willing to deviate from your corse in the Twin Cities I can recommend a couple.

    Ace Spirits in Hopkins. World class selection.

    France 44 in Edina. Another store with a great selection. Also has a very nice Tasting bar if you are there on a weekend.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>BoatsHateMe wrote:</div>
    I was dropping a freezer at my local junk yard and asked about their going rate on junk cars. I have a 2000 ford Escort ZR2 that’s been sitting for 8 years and for me not worth putting money into. They told me $150 ton. I think I sold them one about 10 years ago, same car, for $300.

    Back in the day it was $400 a ton. Good news, not long ago it was $90.

    I’m not an economist but it blows my mind that with the price increases that my vendors for trailers, equipment, attachments etc have been hit with in the past year causing some products to go up by 50-75% or more, that the price for scrap steel is not higher. Their raw steel prices are close to 150% higher than 2 – 2 1/2 years ago. Then again, I’m sure their operating costs are up too just like everyone else.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Sounds good Bearcat! toast

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Just south of Prescott WI

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    I was dropping a freezer at my local junk yard and asked about their going rate on junk cars. I have a 2000 ford Escort ZR2 that’s been sitting for 8 years and for me not worth putting money into. They told me $150 ton. I think I sold them one about 10 years ago, same car, for $300.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    For those who have had it, how would you describe the taste? Like chicken? jester

    I’ve had it once, might have been at the fair or some bar. Didn’t care for it. It was like fishy chicken and not in a good way. Kind of like some wild meat is gamy, only this leaned more towards not so fresh fish. It wasn’t overwhelming but enough to make it not on my list of repeat meals.


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