What is it about Minnesota people going to Wisconsin and thinking it’s Vegas or the wild west?

Posts: 699
What is it about Minnesota people going to Wisconsin and thinking it’s Vegas or the wild west?
He should download Mercury VesselView Mobile on his phone. https://www.mercurymarine.com/en/us/gauges-and-controls/gauges-displays/vesselview-mobile/
There’s been scattered incidents over the years throughout the park, both by Rangers and occasionally the MN CO Dutch referred to. I think a big part of the issues come from federal employees that have zero ties to an area, come in doing everything by the book and may have a certain attitude towards nature and tourists. A few years back there was a Ranger who thought he was super cop and it was his duty to protect HIS park. He had come in from elsewhere and he only lasted a short time at VNP due to complaints.
Why not pop the cap off, put a block of wood on top and give it a few wacks with a large hammer to drive it back down?
You know they are going to realign the divisions again. The west will most likely move Purdue and one of the Illinois teams to the east and add the Kalifornia teams.
Not that it is likely now but this means that Minnesota,and Nebraska will never compete for a conference or even division title, especially in football.
Next they will be put on the protective species list.
No next they will be given the right to vote.
As much as I don’t like the wakes the stereos blasting out of the back of their boats like we all want to listen to their music is more annoying!!
100% agree, unless it’s a song I like, but it never is.
FWIW no one has to wait until the legislature does something about wake boats. Local governments have the ability to make surface use ordinances.
Any reports from this weekend? Both boating-wise with debris and fishing? We are still debating on cancelling our houseboat trip on Saturday
Fish are biting at the HWY 53 and 11 intersection.
FYI if anyone is planning on fishing Rainy or the other border lakes, make sure to keep in contact with your resort, houseboat outfit, or check with the VNP on updates if you’re camping. Property owners on Rainy are being told to start preparing if they are staying put because there may be no fire protection, water delivery, or other access to services. Numerous county roads are covered in water in addition to HWY 11 at Sha Sha. Depending on the weather, there are plans to close HWY 11 if certain conditions are met. The County has placed gravel on some roads to try and maintain access but that will only last so long. Slow no wake within 300 ft of shore and also on some of the roads. There is floating debris throughout the system including peoples docks.
Rainy River Basin Summary Page
High water levels are occurring across the Rainy River Basin in far northern Minnesota and adjacent parts of Ontario. This is a historic flood that has already exceeded the records set in the 2014 flooding, and will likely break the current all-time records. It will take a long time for these levels to decrease once they peak (crest), and those experiencing flooding should be prepared for weeks of high water levels into June.
As of May 25, many of the major tributaries upstream (like Basswood River, Vermilion River, Kawishiwi River) have crested and are beginning to drop. However, this will only slow the rise of Namakan/Kabetogama and Rainy Lake – continued rises are still anticipated in the coming days:
Namakan Lake and Kabetogama Lake are currently at 1122.0 ft (341.99 m), which is 17.7 inches (45 cm) above the 2014 peak level. A rise of 5 to 7 inches (12-19 cm) is expected between May 25 and June 1 with continued rises into mid June possible. At this rate, Namakan Lake will reach the all-time record high level of 1122.8 ft (342.24 m) set in 1916.
Rainy Lake is currently at 1111.7 ft (338.85 m), which is 4 inches (11 cm) above the 2014 peak. A rise of 11 to 13 inches (27-33 cm) is expected between May 25 and June 1, with continued through at least mid June. At this rate, Rainy Lake is expected to break the all-time record high level of 1112.95 ft (339.23 m)
So water is still rising?
The water has passed the 2014 level and climbing. It’s almost into the parking lot at the park and almost across some of the roads near the park. I wouldn’t be surprised if they closed the access soon.
We took the boat out last August because the water was too low at the dock. Now this year we can’t even get to the cabin by vehicle and the dock is almost unusable due to high water. What a fun 12 months.
I just checked my bearings today and added a bit of grease. I did the passenger side then the drivers. When I did the drivers side, I noticed the plunger moving out compressing the spring. I didn’t remember seeing that on the passenger side so I went back to check it. I noticed the plunger was a bit cockeyed and the bearing buddy was pushing off the hub, so I straightened out the plunger and removed the buddy to take some grease out. I tapped it back on and it stayed flush to the hub so I pumped a bit more grease in to make sure the plunger moved freely. That was the first time I had seem too much grease actually push a bearing buddy off. Long story short, I’m betting on too much grease.
I was having all kids of problems getting a program to do what I wanted one day and I banged on the keyboard and somewhat loudly said Da#^ it! Well guess who happened to be standing right behind me, the IT guy. He wasn’t too pleased I gave the keyboard more persuasion than needed. I still don’t know why he was there.
The electrical tape on the mouse laser and removing the ball was a favorite too. Same with unplugging a monitor but keeping the screws in just enough that the cable wouldn’t fall out.
I’m thinking of starting a new net company called Yardich.
Sorry I’m childish.
Rainy or Kab.?
The MODIS photos look like Rainy may go out before Kab. The ice on Rainy looks quite a bit darker. The One Stop webcam has changed quite a bit over the last day or two also. https://www.earthcam.com/usa/minnesota/internationalfalls/?cam=rainylake
X3. Stores nicely under the rear seats. I have the side and rear curtain in the left side storage.
With today’s wind and the rain coming in the next few days, I expect the ice will be out by the opener.
I was planning on opening the cabin on Thursday but Rainy is still iced up and I put my auger away for the summer.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>3Rivers wrote:</div>
For those that haven’t noticed, it’s complete disaster up there currently and would recommend thinking twice about any near future plans to fish the Rainy. Not even fishing, but from a safety standpoint. It’s not pretty right now.Because of what? The runoff making the river too fast and debris coming down?
They have had a ton of rain which melted a ton of snow. Rainy Lake has come up about 2 feet in about 2 weeks. The paper mill in I-Falls had to close gates on the dam to keep from flooding properties on the river from flooding. LOW has come up a bout 1.5 feet in the same amount of time.
Please fill my bag full with your feelings of barriers.
Our primary goals for the Summit — identify the barriers that prevent better fishing and the strengthening of fishing’s economic benefits in Minnesota, so we can begin working together to eliminate them.
Identify the barriers that prevent better fishing…Ahem…politicians.
Kick them right in the teeth
How does one kick a meth head in the teeth?
Since the question was once in a lifetime my list is:
Hunting – Alaskan Moose hunt, maybe a caribou hunt too.
Fishing – Fly-in trip for lake trout, big pike, grayling in NWT.
Same games and adventures here. Whatever sport was in season is what we were playing outside. I don’t know if I had cloths that didn’t have a permanent tinge of grass stains. During the summer we used to go down to the local creek and catch leeches, frogs, and minnows. That lasted up until a couple of kids got beat up by the local idiots. The final nail was when two of us got swimmers itch on our legs so bad we nearly ended up at he hospital. Luckily my mom had some sort of itch cream from Canada because nothing else touched it. That cream must have been something that would have been prescription strength here. When we got a bit older we spent a lot of time at the river fishing for carp and catfish. Bike rides, go carts, swimming and fire works filled my youth.
I don’t think the guy is that bad. After all the guy goes fishing for a living and he doesn’t have to do anything other than bring lunch. I’d be excited too. I have to say I certainly wouldn’t share a canoe with him though.