Check Hart Brothers Weaponry(1-507-377-0201) in Albert Lea Mn. just south of the old walmart on hwy 13 Milan will set you up with new or used and get what you want good luck
I troll with an I/O, Best way to get down to 1.2 mph is hang a drift sock from your bow and let it go underneath your boat, works great Best of luck Jeff
Try Point Pleasant, They are mostly a seasonal camp ground but they do have some cabins, or if you have access to a camper the county runs a camp ground on the south end of the lake, Bray Park real resonable too, very nice good luck
I have a place on Madison Lake and can’t believe people are keeping the cigars like they are, please throw these back, I also haven’t been able to catch the gators like I used to, and the crappies haven’t move to under the docks like usual yet, I think the water is too cold yet and also unusually clear
the state of minn has a “one over 24″ limit” on inland waters, don’t know about border waters but in my opinion it should also be in effect, there is talk about going to “one over 20” which is also ok in my opinion
hey Inge, what line are you using, try using 4 or 6 pound fireline, no stretch, low diameter, less resistance, quicker hooksets, give it a try, works for me
we also did very well today, lots of little saugers with 2 legal eyes, found to be biting light so we put stinger hooks on and found that to be the trick, also pulled 3 way with plain hook and stinger/fatheads which worked well