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  • bigstick56
    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I have an Otter lodge, and was sick of the big buddy in the way of the door and creating the “puddle”, so I did some mods using UHMC and some pins to make this shelf that the heater sits on. Works great solo or with another person.

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    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Take a look at Choas rods, Sounds like the Assault stick Surgical Strike or Tactical Strike would fit your bill perfectly. They run about $219.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I recently purchased a LED Lenser MH10 and it has been awesome for me so far. I purchased a handfull of spare EBL 3.7V 18J rechargeable batteries for spares, those batteries also fit in small flashlights that I have so there was some cross over. Really like the light and battery platform.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    When I put it in my cart and used the code SAVENOW, the total went to $467.99. I figured there might have been a glitch or something and continued with the checkout process, still not believing that would be the final price, but I just got it delivered to my house today and my CC was charged that amount!!! Maybe I got lucky, I also just went to the website and see they are out of the FLX30’s…

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Had to check it out as that was a good price, I was playing around with the website and promo codes and ended up buying a FLX-30BB Pro Pack for under $500, pretty sweet deal.

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    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I got the tiller version kicker, so the tiller handle touched the seat of folded up or down, I have already removed this. Much like you this is a 3 year old boat and I still haven’t put a drop of water in the rear livewell, maybe I will start using it now that I have access to it!!

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    The casting deck when folded down looks to be about 59″ x 19″.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Like many other have mentioned, Cant go wrong with the Wustohof Classic, I have a a set of the classics and use those for most of my kitchen needs. They hold a great edge and are just a good knife…..Lately though, my wife and I are doing a ton of cooking and I purchased 3 sizes kitchen knife of the Victorinox Chef’s knifes. I tell you what, for the price, these are really good knifes. I watch the bearded butchers on YouTube, and they have always recommended the Victorinox boning knifes, so thats how I started in the brand. They for sure use a softer metal, but it sharpens really well and I enjoy using them.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Is any launch besides Everts and the Wisconsin Chanel open? Just curious?

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I actually pulled the trigger on this, I had deleted my Navionics app awhile ago, so I figured I would play with this one. The mapping is awesome, I sure hope eventually they get a desktop / computer version to play on. I haven’t linked it to any of my graphs yet, but hopefully some information of what I just purchased becomes available! It is much better than Navionics, and better than most of the Lakemaster Chips that I have for my Helix’s

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Natedh, this is still available. Thanks

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I have a 2019 205 Sport with a 250 SHO, I recently switched to Lithium batteries so that took about 150 pounds out of the front of my boat, I am currently getting about 58.7 mph in the cold water and perfect conditions, I would say normal would be 56-57 for a average load.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I have the Minn Kota charger, when I initially got the Ionics, they had about 25% charge on them, the Minn Kota brought all 3 up to 100% in about 3ish hours.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Got The Ionic 100AH this spring, the biggest thing for me was shedding about 150lbs out of the front of my boat. I was running group 31 AGM’s I never had a problem with them, but wanted to cut out the weight in my boat. as far as run time its pretty crazy how much longer these last. I am a musky guy by heart and just recently was able to really test them out. Fished for 8ish pretty hard hours on the TM with a good bit amount of wind. Mind you I have a AlumaCraft 205 Competitor sport, so it catches lots of wind. At the end of the fishing session I was only down to 86%. I also really like the Ionics for the Blue Tooth connectivity, its is pretty interesting to watch amp draw and how different factors play into it. All in all, I dont have that much time on them yet, but so far they are awesome! As you can see by the picture, they are pretty small, and the compartments of the 205 are not that big, I used the packing foam they shipped in to make it work for now, Will be getting a better battery box soon.

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    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Got out at 5am and had action the whole time, boated 2 muskies, both smaller in the 35-38″ range, didn’t bump them. In total we caught the 2 muskies, caught 4 pike and had 12 muskie follows, all in all good action, but the water needs to warm up as most follows were pretty lazy.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Comes with hard Costa zipper Case.

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    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    James, does Joes have the Silencer Shop Kiosk? According to the Silencer shop website they do not. Thanks

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bigstick56 wrote:</div>
    I have been running Duracell Group 31 AGM’s the past 3 seasons and noticed towards the end of last year I wasnt getting the performance out of them that I would like. ( Which is expected)

    Is that normal for AGM battery lifespan? I thought they were supposed to last longer than a standard lead acid battery.

    I haven’t personally had any kind of of wet battery in a trolling motor application be very good past 4 years….after 3 years it still worked fine, but noticed a slight decrease in performance. For my experience this is normal and expected, I could be wrong though.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I have a ton of spinning reels, I started off with “cheaper” reels early in my fishing career ( Presidnets, Sedonas, Symetre’s) They all worked good for what I needed them for. As my financial situation grew, along with my fishing needs, I moved more towards “better” reels ( Tatulas, Stradics, Patriarchs) and again they did everything I needed them too and they were a little better compared to the difference in the price, and that made me think…..I now have purchased about 10 Piscifun Carbon X’s in all different sizes and honestly for a spinning reel, they do everything I need them to and I save soo much money to buy other things. I have over 10 Carbon X’s from 500- 100 sizes for ice fishing and 2000-3000 for open water and I haven’t had an issue yet with any of them. I am a big fan.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I have 6 Shimano Symetre’s 500 that I absolutely love, unfortunately they don’t make them anymore. Since they stopped making them I have experimented with a few other 500 size reels, I have a few Ceymar C-10’s that are pretty good for the money, a few older Sedona 500 that are pretty good, and I just picked up a couple Piscifun Carbon-X 500’s. I don’t have too much time with the Carbon-X’s yet but out of the box they feel pretty good, a little more time with them and I can give a better review.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Don’t have a ton of cranks, but found myself to have more of the #5-#7 shad rap style baits. Seem to use these the most for my trolling applications. I picked up a B&B Boxes (Model #454) and it has worked out awesome. At first I had plenty of room in there, but like any true fisherman, seeing empty spaces just drives a guy nuts. Now I am looking into another one as my first one is plump full and have a pile of cranks still in the packages on the shelf….really like these boxes.

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    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I added 2 Wave pro’s to my 2019 Alumacraft 205 Sport this summer and have been extremely happy with them. I have them in some pretty rough stuff out in the Dakota’s and up on Kabetogama, and they performed awesome. I would strongly recommend them. Have had 0 issues so far.

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    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    The fan in the buddy heater is currently working, I also have some cheap-o clip on’s that I was going to hang above it. As mentioned this is Gen 1, going to see how it actually works on-ice this weekend.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    2019 Alumacraft 205 Competitor Sport, Yamaha 250 SHO, Minn Kota #112 Terrova, Helix 10 & 12.

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    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I have a 250 Yamaha SHO, and I run a Helix 12 and 10, livelwell pumps, radio and everythign else. I currently have a Group 31 Durecell AGM as my starting battery with everything hooked up to that as well. I do alot of casting, and sometime well go 3-5 hours of using the TM and not starting the big motor, and have never had any kind of issue with starting up the SHO. I would highly recommend this set up.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Yes it’s stock still, rod socks are a must, on the bottom row I can get 2-3 bait casters per tube, with a 9’ length, you can stagger the rods and lay them on the bottom. The top row I double up a couple of them.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I have the below 205, I mostly muskie fish but do fish for everything. Boat has an amazing layout for multi-species. In the pic of the front deck, that is a 8’6″ musky rod and it lays flat on the deck in front of the windshield, the deck is massive and a treat to cast from. I got the jump seat / casting deck extension and really like that when I decide to troll or have 3-4 people in the boat, no need for extra seat bases. I got 16 rods in the front rod storage, and can fit 12′ trolling rods in the side rod locker, and a whole bunch of them at that. I really like the way this boat handles, yes its a big tin boat, so wind can be tricky at times when casting, but with a 36V TM and some practice you can fish in about anything with this rig, if you have questions let me know.

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    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Anyone been on Horseshoe/Long/Cedar Island lately? Thinking about pulling the ice castle up, it’s been a few weeks since I fished, not knowing the ice condition I would hate to pull it up with ice conditions that wouldn’t allow me to drive on…any ice update would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    James, why stop at the 7, you mentioned you just grabbed 2 helix 9’s, do a quick software update and the conversion kit from Hbird and you got a perfect ice fishing set up. I did this with my Helix 10 as I figured I spent that much on a “summer” graph, why the heck not get your money’s worth out of it and take it on the ice. I am powering this with the Amped 12ah battery and can fish all day if I keep the back light setting in mind. Really like what these units can do on the ice.

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