Saw them on Friday and Saturday near Birchdale. Friday one of the “Team Members” was kneeling next to the motor sticking his fingers in his throat. I guess he wanted to feed all the fish!! This individual was falling over in the boat he was so full! They were also on the Canadian side with open bottles and firing a paint ball gun at some of the fish each boat was catching?? I would have liked to see their facial expressions if the Canadian CO would have showed up! They would still be visiting Canada……EH??
Forum Replies Created
December 23, 2009 at 6:28 am #825921
We had a solid 15″ of ice almost everywhere we went. I would think that by the weekend it will be pushing 18″ in most areas. Call ahead to save yourself the trouble of not being able to go out with the wheel house.
December 23, 2009 at 6:20 am #825920We were hearing 50-60 fish in houses also, only problem was, when we saw these same guys in the fish cleaning room, they only had 10 – 12 fish to clean for the 12 guys in their group!
There is a pile of _ULL SHEEEYUT being spread around by a few wanna- bees!! The pails in the fish cleaning rooms were not heaped over either. With all the reports of 60 – 100 fish, I am wondering where all of the carcasses end up??
We did catch around 30 fish between the two of us, but we also talked to a bunch of guys on the ice and they all said it was pretty slow.
We did the run and gun on Monday with not much more than really slow, finicky bite for results. Mostly small saugers. Of all the fish we had come into view of the Vexilars, we only missed about 6 or 7.
We still had a better time than we would have at work!!December 3, 2009 at 1:47 am #820047MOTLEY CRUE rates up there with the best! One of the best 80’s Rock Bands of all time!!
December 3, 2009 at 1:41 am #820041Quote:
What I don’t understand, is why does a guy like this get married? Did he some how think he was going to be able to control his desire for another hole in one? This sort of behavior is clearly out of bounds. This incident certainly gives new meaning to the phrase “penalty stroke”.
Mojogunter: I Couldn’t understand a thing you said here, I’ve been watching your Avatar trying to read what you wrote but I just keep losing my place in your comment!! Gonna try and read your post a few more times to see if I can make sense of it all!!!
August 11, 2009 at 3:54 am #796635Who doesn’t have 5 minutes to warm up your motor?? You start it to take it off the trailer, why not leave it run until you get the truck parked and all passengers in!!
August 11, 2009 at 3:46 am #796633Man, I have a 13 month old daughter and I can’t even begin to imagine how hard that would be. Our family has you in our prayers my friend. I wish the best for your little girl.
July 30, 2009 at 9:40 pm #794423Quote:
I asked this question earlier this year and I went with a new Quantum Walleye Series and love it, has the twitching bar and has been a great reel so far, with bouncing season in full swing it will hopefully be getting a good work out!
I bought the same reel and it works fantastic! I went with the left handed model because I run a tiller and it fits perfectly into the operation!!
April 2, 2009 at 4:23 am #764997We’ve gone over the hill in this country and we’re gaining speed…… stop = “HELL”!!
April 2, 2009 at 4:19 am #764994I sold my 24′ “Homemade” ice house to down-size. Well, this deal was a “MUST PURCHASE” and I had to spend the “Extra” money I had from selling my ice house on purchasing this larger ice house!! It was pretty much an even deal!!
April 2, 2009 at 4:09 am #764989This is absolutely unbelievable!! Equal rights for everyone?? That is a bunch of CRAP!! I say work the job you applied for or get the _ell out of this country!!
April 2, 2009 at 12:20 am #764916I told Adam if he left that thing in the driveway uncovered all summer like he did to his Lund, I was going to come up and beat him with a short stick!!
January 22, 2009 at 5:33 am #740199Good luck this weekend Jack!
Maybe I’ll run into you out on the frozen Tundra! I’m out of Hillman’s about 9 miles. Fishing has been pretty good this season so far!
Have a great time!
Jim~January 22, 2009 at 5:25 am #740198Quote:
Not a chance of sprint phones working up there. Bemidji will be your closest bet and that is 70 miles to the south I think. You would have a better chance of standing out on the ice and shouting your report for us to hear than your Sprint phone coming in.
What bar and time are we meeting at friday night? Pick a time and place.
Mike – I use my Sprint phone on Red all the time with “Very Little Trouble”!! West Wind is the only decent sized bar in the area, it is before Hillman’s about a 1/4 mile!
I’ll be on Red “Hand over Handin’ them this weekend!
Good Luck!December 31, 2008 at 5:19 am #732892What resort do you fish out of Russ?? I’m heading up Thursday and hoping to get into a few fish! I will be going out on the Hillman’s road.
Good luck this weekend!December 31, 2008 at 5:14 am #732890I run an 02′ 500 HO and I love it! It has all the power in the world for plowing! Always run it in Low Range for plowing, it will keep the clutches from wearing out. I have a 60″ plow on mine and it will push a “Pile” of snow! I think that 5300 miles is a ton though, I’d stay away from any wheeler with those miles, unless the seller is giving it away!
December 31, 2008 at 5:07 am #732889My opinion: Use a propane burner of some sort, it will be much easier to control the heat this way. Good Luck!
December 31, 2008 at 5:05 am #732887“IF” you remember to shut the fan off when you are done fishing, you should get 2-3 weekends of use out of a good set of “D” batteries. I think that is the longest I have ever had a set last for me anyway!
December 29, 2008 at 2:58 am #732282I heard George from Hunter’s Point dropped his plow truck through in 20′ of water. Reports are he got out ok though. Caution is the word on Mille Lacs!!
December 27, 2008 at 6:15 am #731954Ask bobberal what happens when you drill a hole and don’t clean it out as you go down!!! He went home with a power head and an auger that was trashed because he “STUCK IT” in the ice and absolutely could not get it out!! We were on it with a pipe wrench and bar and it did not budge!! If you ask him today, he still blames the auger!!
At some point in your hole drilling experience you will get an auger stuck!! It took bobberal over 3 hrs of chiseling to get his auger out of the ice!! The worst part of that was that it was in his wheel house and he had to get it out or he couldn’t move the house!! The auger was sticking up about 18″ above the floor!!
If I remember correctly, bobberal was a little upset with his auger that day. I was a 1/4 mile away and I could here someone cussin’ outside………..yeah, it was him!December 23, 2008 at 2:19 pm #731105DA BEARS!
“Who would you choose between Ditka & God?”
God, but it’d be close!December 23, 2008 at 2:17 pm #731104Merry Christmas everyone! May you have safe travels and tight lines!
December 23, 2008 at 5:53 am #731066You would think that after getting a buddy into the best house on the market,OTTER, he would at least call with a report right away???? I think I got the call at like 9:00 Saturday night??
Oh and I forgot –
Glad you guys had fun, wish I could have been there! I did get my new Otter Ice Lodge together this weekend. That Ice Camo does look sharp!! I will be on some body of frozen water this weekend for sure! It may even be Mille Lacs! First things first though, I have to get the “Home Base” out of storag and ready for New Years weekend! Just have to pack a few things in it and wait!! I am undecided on where it will land, Red or LOW??? May have to flip a coin on this one! I can’t wait to get the house on the lake and get the following view of it again!!
December 23, 2008 at 5:31 am #731059Here is the correct answer to the filter issue that is non-existant: I’ve run my Big Buddy off of a 20lb tank for the past four years with “NO” regulator between the heater and tank……..It Works Just Fine!!!! No filter is necessary no matter what anyone says! The only thing that filter will do for you with the Big Buddy is screw up a good fishing trip.
So now if anyone follows this post with , “I was told blah, blah, blah, that you need it”, you are talking out of your!!
Four years, over two hundred hours – no problems!!
End of story!!!!!!!!December 20, 2008 at 7:38 am #730275Sportsman’s warehouse sells them. I bought mine there last year.
December 20, 2008 at 7:36 am #730274OK, the above post is total bull_ _it!!! I had you all thinkin’, “Wonder where they were fishing?” didn’t I???
I know, I know, what an!!
I had to get the blood pumpin’ for some of you!!
I won’t be up there until New Year’s weekend. Hopefully a few of those slabs will present themselves for us then!!!December 12, 2008 at 6:47 am #728063Sometimes I think that NFL really means:
Losers!!Best Description I can give for TO =