The Minnesota Whitetail Alliance IS NOT calling for the expansion of APR to all areas of MN. MWA supports the expansion of yearling buck protection regulations to areas that:
1. Have deer densities that are at or slightly above goal.
2. Have excessive yearling buck harvest (typically 40% of the buck harvest or better).
3. Is socially supported.
While we have limited data on yearling harvest rates, we have good reason to suspect MN has yearling harvest rates at 50-70%. Every survey done since 2001 (there are about 6 of them) have shown great support for a regulation that limits the harvest of yearling bucks. This is not just certain areas. This is in nearly every part of the state, although I am not aware of a survey that really targets the NE part. I am not sure it would be accepted there.
The only requirement that we are not confident we have met in all areas would be the deer density issue. We would not support yearling buck protection in lottery areas for sure.