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  • bigmuskie1
    Posts: 2


    Do you honestly believe that there is a shortage of forage in Mille Lacs? If the Muskies ONLY ate Eelpout they wouldn’t even make a dent in that population not to mention all the other forage fish in that lake. Come on!!!!!!!!!!
    Steve Voigt

    Where did I say anything about a shortage for forage in Mille Lacs? Or Bald Eagle for that matter? They are both full of forage. Bald Eagle has 150-200 fish houses on it every winter if there weren’t panfish nobody would be there. Anyway, it is likely wrong to compare these two vastly different ecosystems. I am all for CPR and have never kept a Muskie, just stating that 100% CPR doesn’t mean we’re going to get 75″ Muskies in the future there always must be some selective harvest.

    Posts: 2

    48″ limit is great in theory. Unfortunately, selective harvest is needed. I suppose on Mille Lacs the Indian nets take care of some of that however 48″ limits don’t lead to bigger fish just longer fish. Need proof of this theory compare Bald Eagle Lake to White Bear Lake. 2 lakes nearly side by side BE has a 48″ limit and has plenty ‘o skinny fish not WB where you will regularly find 40″ fish with 18-20 girths. Is it due to the regs? Who knows. Just my 2ยข

    Jason Sturm
    Hugo, MN

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