They had a couple fusions on the rack in the beginning of December in Fargo. Haven’t been back to check if they have them in stock again.

Posts: 6
They had a couple fusions on the rack in the beginning of December in Fargo. Haven’t been back to check if they have them in stock again.
Grew up fishing that river. There is always a big group a fish houses near the beach where the two rivers meet. You’re better off going up the red a ways and try to find a spot where the current is still and you might have some luck. Ice was always pretty good up there, but with any river be careful. I’ve caught some pretty nice Red Lake walleyes out of that river and would slam northerns and crappies in the spring. Never had fast and furious fishing in the winter, but if your stuck in Thief its worth it. Like I said before, getting in some slower moving water will help a lot. Good Luck!
With my favorite aging trip wrapped up with portavilla I thought I would come share my expierence. I’ll start off with the arrival. Check in time was supposed to be at 12pm on the day we arrived and that did not happen. We showed up about a half hour early anxious to get out on the ice and after about an hour and half wait the showed up to the resort bar and instructed us to wait by the access and follow him out. We were in a line of vehicles about 10 long. We followed him out onto the lake we’re we came up on the first group of houses. All the houses were placed next to each other and surprisingly pretty close together. He walked up to each vehicle and pointed out which fish house those people rented and they drove off. We then followed him to another group of houses that were placed even closer together than the first group and this is were our house sat. He came up the vehicle and said that’s yours and said he would be back to square up with the rest of the house. Even though I’ve fished red lake many many times I was shocked that he didn’t have any information whatsoever. He did not give any tips on what to use or what’s been working. No explanation on why he thought this was a good spot or anything. Literally pointed out the house and left. That was the last we seen of anyone until he came out to collect the rest of the money and then disappeared again. You could tell the houses hadn’t been moved for awhile and the fishing was very slow. We had portables and were able to get on some fish but the neighbors were stuck in that spot the whole time and were not to happy with the service. There was no sight of any otter train that they advertise when you rent from them. I spoke with other people that were out renting from them and they were very disappointed in the service they paid for. If you are looking for a guided trip, absolutely do not rent from this outfit. Now I have to say the houses were in great shape and we had no issues with the house itself. The door did not seal so we had draft coming in the whole time but other than that I have no complaints about the house.
I also have to say my first experience with Rogers on Red was very poor. They were rude and it almost seemed like they didn’t want you there. Maybe they are sick of the 500 wheel houses every weekend. I will not use there access again. I don’t dare write a review on there Facebook page because they really lash out at people on there and I don’t have time for that.
All the said I had good time being out in the lake. We had a warm house and even though fishing was slow we found a few.
I have to say I love my Marcum flasher but every once in awhile I have had some glitches with it as well. It’s only a year old but the problems have ranged from not being able to find the bottom to the zoom feature not working at all. I usually just turn it off and back on and that will do the trick. I always have it fully charged and the fuse is good so I know that’s not the problem. The rest of my usual fishing group have Vexilars and they never have any issues at all, so every once in awhile I debate on breaking down and going and picking up a vexi. All though this probably won’t happen because Marcum was my first flasher and It would be hard to part ways. Time will see.
Yeah basically just looking for a hotel on ice and a warm place to tip a few back at the end of the night. I’ve also seen most of the complaints have to do with them moving the houses or not being checked on. My guess in that situation they either cant move the house because of bad weather or it just wouldn’t make any difference. I’m not too big on waiting around for fish so ill be out on the ice most of the day. I’m happy that there are outfitters out there to give people who don’t have an ice castle an opportunity to stay on the lake. Most of all I’m excited to not have to argue about who is going to be the DD at the end of the night.