Make sure you use the male cig lighter to USB that came with it I had one that would not work.

Posts: 13
Make sure you use the male cig lighter to USB that came with it I had one that would not work.
I had interference with 2D and the only way I could fix it was start pulling wires out and pulling decks to get to them out on the water, found a roll of ducer wire against the alu hull tied to the power wire roll. Pulled them apart tied them with wire ties to the wood deck separately and interference gone. That was after drilling holes in the foot of a new Terrova running a ground wire down the shaft to the foot and installing two different electronic toys as per birds request to no avail. Ground wire is already in the shaft of the Terrova and has been for years along with a fuse in the head that can blow and I think you loose your ground. This took three months to figure out and fix. Lesson learned always install your own equipment thats not factory installed and dont call the bird unless its a last resort.
OH boy Im starting to worry about doing updates. Mine is working Im thinking no more updates.
Thanks, I said I was not going to spend another nickle until I mastered these Helix 7s but Im not sure I will ever master them. Jason Halfen had me thinking I could but updates seems to change a few things as I go along. Do we ever master them ? the menu is a lot to learn. Understanding whats on the screen is a whole lot more to learn but sure is fun. One year ten months and still at it. We fish year round study weekly and fish two weekends a month. My TV time is u tube I dont have time for entertainment TV OK I guess fishing school is entertainment.
Update ! Pulled all helix and Terrova wiring back out of boat. The I pilot to helix wiring was coiled up under the front deck right beside the Ethernet wire that was coiled up. I separated the two coils of wire and interference cleared up. I used wire ties to keep the two coils of wire separated from each other and bingo problem solved. I will guess this was the EMI type of interference. That’s a new one on me but at least its fixed.
FYI, as per Minn Kota all 24 volt and 36 volt terrova motors made after 2013 already have a ground wire connected inside the foot up thru the shaft thru a 3 amp fuse and to the battery ground. It is for interference issues. The hole I drilled in the foot as per hummingbird instructions was a waist of time. I would not suggest calling bird or kota for tech support.
Update ! the interference is BACK ! now only when the prop is turning in the water and not on the trailer. After the software update to 2.280 it seemed to get worse, It now blocks out the whole screen. I drilled a hole in the foot fin and ran the ground wire from the foot bolt I installed to starting battery ground which done nothing. This thing is starting to get to be a pita. I finally found an angler that told me to unplug the ducer and see if it is a EMI problem or a power wire problem. Going back to the lake and tare the boat apart again and pull every wire out and lay them on the deck to separate every piece to see if that will stop it. I have no idea why it want show interference on the trailer now when prop is turning. I am missing something.
Also I think you can use external or internal GPS u need to see ifs its set to internal for the GPS receiver built into the control head and not a deck mounted puck GPS I can use either one on my Helix 7 default is built in. I had mine so messed up I had to go back to factory default and start over.
Well after running temporary ground and power wire from every entity possible the only thing left I had not done was to update to 2.280 software and low and behold after 8 more hours labor it was a software problem. Interference is gone, thank goodness, Im tired of fixing Johnsons outdoors computer problems. Thank you all for your help this forum rocks and seems like the place for serious tech support. Im glad I found this one. Billy
Well here I go hunting that gremlin, on the Terrova running an external ground wire is out. It will rip it loose, I ran temporary power from engine battery to helix and disconnected main power from battery chargers. I have a two bank charger in the front to charge the 24 volt Terrova batteries and a single bank in the back to charge cranking battery. When I start trolling motor I have interference continuous until I let the button on the foot pedal go. Same thing from remote starting motor. I have interference at every speed except 10 full power. It is defiantly coming from the trolling motor. The 2 batteries in the front only power the Terrova. I can pull two wire off the helix and leave only the power wire and still have interference. Seems like it has to be in the power circuit. Tomorrow I will remove charger wires from trolling motor and starting motor battery and try it again. I already checked the fuse in the Terrova head with ohm meter its is good. Power wires for helix and Terrova are separated. This is starting to get time consuming but it is what it is and has to be corrected. Thanks for replies will post back after pulling charger wires.
will have to check power source dealer installed, my terrova has all the wires in the shaft, i hope i dont have to run external wires i dont think that will work with the motor sometimes turning over 360 degrees on spotlock i sure am glad it can be fixed its a real pain, now for hunting the grimlin