I have the 5 and love it. Couldn’t swing the 7 at the time.
A bigger screen would better but it doesn’t hinder me when compared to my friends 7’s.
I’ve found the lakemaster maps to be more accurate than the navionics on a phone. This is comparing the mapping on my helix vs my buddy with his phone and we’re standing side by side. To be fair, I do have the Lakemaster Plus MN card installed, I don’t know if that makes a big difference.
Battery life was decent with the stock SLA which has turned into fantastic with a Lifepo4.
I’ve had no issues dialing out interference from other units. (Helix,Vexilar and Panoptix all in close proximity)
I use the flasher and graph, set on A-scope, quite a bit. I like it.
One thing I have learned is that not everyone is cut out for a Helix. If you’re not willing to learn/tinker with the settings each time you put a different lure on, go to a different spot or whatever change has occurred, then the Helix is not for you.
My buddy’s dad fits that description to a T. Lol
He constantly cusses it and the vexilar comes out. I’ll fiddle with his helix, show and explain to him what I’m doing and get him squared away. Never fails. Lol.
Just my thoughts.