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  • benotto1
    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 7


    First of all Jeremy you should not make general remarks about kids in tourneys that they are always worthless because I am a college kid (21 years old) and I fish just as hard as the next guy. I would spend atlest three days a week on the water this summer and I know many do not do that, so I do spend tiem on the water. However, in regards to the “Dock Talk” I agree with what many of you are saying about the “pearls” and tuning the rest out. I was in a two day tourney in Rhinelander this last summer and on day one all the talk was about the big largemouth that everyone was catching and when it came to the weight in nobody caught brought in any big sacks with largemouth. My partner (also 21 years old) and I were at the pre tourney meeting everyone made fun of us young guys, but when everything with day one was over we were in second place (with all smallmouth) out of fifty five boats. Then came day two we were the sixth boat to take off and all the people that made fun of us (also the ones that talked about the big largemouth they were catching but didnt catch during the tournament )just followed us to our first spot. I knew they were following us because on day one we only saw five boats within a three mile radius of us and plus it took us almost and hour to get to our first spot. We had atleast a dozen or so boats follow us and once we started to fish so did they. We even had many guys ask us what we are using, what color, how are we working the bait, when they would pass us with their trolling motors. I have never been so mad in my life because my partner and I spent two whole weekends prefishing and these guys just wanted to know everything that we were doing . I think that a lot of the dock talkers are people who have no idea with what is going on. I believe that they give out false information to try to get someone else give out real and helpful information, so that is why I do not participate in dock talk before the tourneys. After the tourneys, I am willing to spill the beans about everything if people are willing to ask and be curtious while we are conversating. I am not saying that I know everything because I don’t and I am willing to admit that I am not always on fish, but I will tell you that I would never lie to someone who asked if I was catching fish. I think this forum has been very helpful to me because many of the information has helped put me on fish and for you guys out there giving good and honest information THANK YOU . I agree with river fan about the dock talkers and ignoring them because many times you will never get valuable information; you will just end up second guessing yourself.

    Good luck to all you hunters and fisherman that are brave enugh to go out in the cold weather . Lets keep up the good chattrer this winter so that this site is still helpful to all of us bass fisherman.

    Good luck on the water .


    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 7

    i am planning to fish this weekend. hopefully the ran will hold off. lets go everyone, one of the last weekends to have some fun on the river.

    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 7

    I am definately in. It sounds like a lot of fun. Is there anyone out there who needs a partner? Send me a pm. Hopefully, this will be a fun weekend for us to get out and fish.

    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 7

    I have a question for you guys about culling. I was in a tournament this summer and it was a team event (2 people in one boat) and it was a six fish limit. Now legally with two people in the boat you can have 10 fish in the livewells. I know that culling went on in the tournament (my partner and I did it), but what upset me was that some guys were bringing seven or eight fish in to the wiegh-in in case one or more of their fish died on the long trip back to the weigh-in site. I know that one boat’s livewell stopped working with about three hours left to fish, so they brought nine fish to the weigh-in and of those none fish two were dead and was in serious condition , so they weight the six that were still alive. I was wondering what you guys think about this because I realize it is legal to have more thatn six fish in the livewell, but what if you were in a six fish limit tournament can you have more than six fish in the livewell . Let me know your thoughts. Thanks for you thoughts. Good luck on the water .

    Onalaska, WI
    Posts: 7

    Hi ReelGuy, This is Ben the guy who you met at the wing dam last weekend. I agree with you about those guys that were prefishing for that tournament this weekend. I had one guy go as far to ask me what I was using to catch fish and if I had any particular spots that I had for him. I think that crossed the line. I found my spots by just spending time on the water, and I think he should do the same. However, I did tell him that if he finds places with some flow he is going to fing the fish.
    I did very well off our spot on Sat. but Sunday was a different story. I went back to it about noon and did not even get a bite. However, I did catch a 4lb smally off a wing dam. I have started to catch some nice smallies of wing dams in pool 7. Have you heard if anyone is cathing anything on pool 8. When you go into blue pond, how far back can you go on plane. The weeds in there are just rediculous. Thanks again for informing me to this website. It is great and I am going to take advantage of it. Thanks again, bassboy.

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