if your nuts enough to go noodling you would probably prefer it stays illegal

Posts: 9
if your nuts enough to go noodling you would probably prefer it stays illegal
why start with anything else but a topwater? The first half hour of the day anyway. Fish the funnest baits first.
I think we should get to keep fish if their gut hooked. I really hate throwing back a fish I know is gunna die.
Maybe people could intentionally let fish eat it to abuse even this…
Oh well it still fun in my boat. good fishin
have rods will travel
You need to back up on your last paragraph Mr. Beef. The residents of Minnesota were not asked to be a part of any of that bargaining. The dnr, yes. The sportspeople who SUPPORT the dnr were handily left out of the conversation and any finished agreement. Don’t lump the sportspeople in with the limp noodles who are/were supposed to act on behalf of the sportspeople. The people of Minnesota were maligned by their own dnr in that settlement, which in today’s world warrants re-visiting it….with a more complete representation on the part of Minnesota’s sportspeople.
I remember in the early 90’s there was a settlement blocked that looked pretty reasonable to what we have today. I believe that the Save Mille Lacs Lake Fishing Association had plenty of influence to be decisive in the close vote in 1993. The attitude was screw the Indians they should live by the same rule other American’s have.
There is irony in the fact that in the early 90’s some fish would have been great benefit to an extremely impoverished tribe. Now they have the casino’s they don’t really need it as much.
Fishing is good! I like the guys post about 100 fish days
OH shoot if I am wrong about the net being from WI. I thought my buddy was getting his info from the glifwc officer he was working for who is probably the guy who finally pulled the net. He worked the lake all spring.
If somebody needs to the angry I could tell ya about the 35 in walleye a goofball speared …
Big small mouth in the gill nets? I’ve seen northern tossed because people didn’t want to clean them. It kills me but it’s what it is.
In the big picture I’m happy that here in MN the Natives were granted a very small piece of the promises made to them in 1837, considering how many promises to the native tribes the USA has broken in its history? This is a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the travesty of corruption and discrimination against them.
You need to back up on your last paragraph Mr. Beef. The residents of Minnesota were not asked to be a part of any of that bargaining. The dnr, yes. The sportspeople who SUPPORT the dnr were handily left out of the conversation and any finished agreement. Don’t lump the sportspeople in with the limp noodles who are/were supposed to act on behalf of the sportspeople. The people of Minnesota were maligned by their own dnr in that settlement, which in today’s world warrants re-visiting it….with a more complete representation on the part of Minnesota’s sportspeople.
I am looking over this post with my good friend who is a Mille Lacs band member and he and his wife have worked for Glifwc for years monitoring the bands fish harvest. I have spent many spring evenings with them waiting to measure and record fish from the nets and spears. Every fish is counted toward the quota calculations.
The Mille Lacs band has accounted for all their nets this year, there were about 20 nets out by the mille lacs band.
The net that was abandoned belongs to the Lac De Flambeau clan they have a bunch that come over every year from Wisconsin. The one group puts out 20 nets a nite and my friend believes they had to many nets to handle properly.
Every net has a tag so I believe they will catch up with the owner of the net and he will get a fine.
The Mille Lacs band is sick about the waste too. Prior to the supreme court ruling for the current netting rights all the Mille Lacs band wanted was a little water out in front of their reservation. They don’t like the fact that the whole lake is now open and there is not good feeling between the mille lacs band and the group from Wisconsin.
Also the Glifwc does surveys of the lake and can’t understand MN DNR not allowing a least one fish under 21 in and even a trophy greater than 28, their surveys show a strong population of walleye.
There is a lot of quota left for the mille lacs band and my friend is recommending the tribe donate some of the remaining quota back to the DNR as they have done before.
People must remember that when MN failed to settle with the band what was granted by the supreme court was a whole lot more than the band ever asked for. Minnesota residents had a chance to settle but were to stubborn.