Congrats Tom! I still can’t believe he is that big, our original guess was 20 inches lower… Probably better that we guessed low. You killed the biggest deer you have ever gotten on camera and the biggest you have ever seen! What an accomplishment!
Forum Replies Created
October 28, 2013 at 4:19 pm #133292
Congrats to my brother!!! This thing is a pig, he has hunted this deer smart and hard. No one, I repeat, no one deserves this deer more than him.
July 6, 2011 at 11:31 am #107157Tom,
That looks similar to the buck you have the shed of. He also kind of looks like that buck you have pics of that was taken by the funnel stand at night from last year.
May 25, 2011 at 6:12 pm #106538Great work, wish I could have been there… Good luck this fall, you’re on your own this year.
April 21, 2011 at 1:07 am #105142Thanks for the advice guys. I sighted/patterned the gun on Monday. The modified choke and hevi-shot patterned really well at 30 yards, but was unacceptable at 40 yards. The hevi-shot with the turkey choke (i know i was taking a chance) at 30 and 40 yards just opened the pattern. I decided to use lead shot with the turkey choke, this gave me the best patterns. Now all I need is to get one closer than 40 yards…
December 28, 2010 at 2:41 am #97705Thanks for posting that for me PTB! I was going to do it this week. It was a cool hunt being that it was the first deer I have shot in December and the first I have shot in the snow. Thanks again for helping track with all that snow
Maybe I can return the favor later this week.
November 30, 2010 at 12:32 pm #94948We have a couple Big Game hang on stands and they are really comfortable. We also have a couple Loggy Bayou hang on stands and like them because they are really light. As far as cameras, my brother handles all of those but we get the best pics with the Cuddeback. Good luck!
November 23, 2010 at 2:59 am #93960I have an encore in 270 and have the same problem. What I have found is that the barrel gets really fouled after 4 shots and I have to clean it. If I clean it after 4 shots, I’m back in business. Hope that helps.
November 2, 2010 at 7:12 pm #91188Great deer Tom, glad I could be there to help and share in the experience. Hes a pig of an 8 point!!
November 1, 2010 at 10:16 pm #91029In my experience, deer usually run down hill after being hit. As far as timing to track: Unless I see the deer fall and die, I wait a minimum of 2 hours to start tracking. If I know it’s a marginal hit, I wait at least 6 hours. While we are tracking, If there is no deer after 150 yards, and I thought the shot was good, I would wait 2 more hours. Never take more than 3 people tracking as people get anxious and want to just start walking around and end up trampling on everything.
Hope that helps and hope that you don’t need tracking tips and watch all your deer drop!
May 6, 2010 at 6:48 pm #80973first gobble: 520 am
Fly down: 533
Gobbling continued until 605 and then they shut upOctober 21, 2009 at 1:05 pm #64157whoops! please only use the first picture to enter into the contest. thanks
October 19, 2009 at 3:13 am #63760Went out Saturday night 10/17 to a corner near a alfalfa field. Around 6:15 4 does walked into the field 100 yards out. At 6:45 the woods to my south became alive with the sounds of deer walking. I watched 3 does take the farther trail from me into the field that was at 45 yards with no shot. Around a minute later I hear a deer walking in the same area but it is closer at 35 yards. I raised my binocs and saw it was a doe, stopped her in the shooting lane, drew my bow and released. When the arrow hit the deer, it sounded like it hit a wood panel it was so loud. Protourbaits and I looked for a blood trail and found little that night but it was so dark and we had already gone 100 yards from where I shot her. So we backed out and cam the next morning. Went to last blood and the blood trail picked up and we found her 30 yards from where we had found blood the night before. Big doe! The arrow hit about the last rib and exited low because my stand is high. The arrow caught some liver and mostly guts but hit a decent artery because the arrow was bloodier than most double lung arrows. I would guess the live weight between 160-170 pounds. The head on her is big and she has a long nose. Now its rut time!!!
September 22, 2009 at 2:28 am #59428PTB did not mention that I have probably 100 mosquito bites on my body from tracking, gutting and dragging this deer.
My wife says it looks like I have a disease!! I would do it all again if I had to though.
September 14, 2009 at 1:36 am #58164What about a beaver? I just can’t tell if it is a land beaver or a water beaver
September 8, 2009 at 3:03 am #57549New setup as of last week:
2008 Bowtech Guardian 29 inch draw 61 lbs
Beman ICS Carbon arrows
Grim Reaper expandables
Old HHA 3 pin sight that is super bright
Trophy taker shakey taker drop away
No stabilizer, no limb savers and no after market shock reduction/ vibration reduction because this bow doesnt need it,
Truball titan release
Quickee combo 4 arrow quiverSeptember 6, 2009 at 1:07 am #57467I really want to try some hard core rattling this year. We have one property where we have like 17 different bucks on trail camera. I bought a pair of real shed antlers from canada and we have a decoy named Meck that has worked in the past.
I went to college in Stevens Point Wisconsin and have a friend that lives over on the eastern side of Wisconsin. Anyway, he believed that virtually all of the 4.5 and older bucks did not make daylight appearances until around Halloween. I really listened when he talked because He passed on 9 pope and youngs last year because they were 3.5 or younger. The year before his sister who was 16 killed a 150 inch 10 point with her bow at 10 yards. He had like 260 acres in his family next to a marsh and man did they practice quality deer management.
I’m not saying that a 3.5 year old is not a shooter, for me it usually is because of the pressure we have on adjacent properties.
With that said, the first week of bow season is promising for a mature buck and then it becomes difficult until about halloween when the true giants start to move.