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  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Thought it looked bad but then he was walking on his own on the sideline in the final seconds. No one knows at the moment. Heard today that Mccarthy felt fine after his game and the knee issue kicked in the next day.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Count me among the group looking at this year as simply entertainment. I’m a huge football fan but I don’t have any hopes for a playoff run. Part of the reason I say this is because even though this is expected to be a down year I know I will encounter plenty of friends, coworkers, and internet traffic complaining when they struggle, to which I will say “what did you expect?” My personal expectation is that they lose to the better teams on their difficult schedule and thus miss the playoffs and my hope is that we get glimmers of hope in certain areas that show the reformed defense playing decent together and the key offensive players continuing to produce. Every year there are teams that show some hope, put up a fight and scare some good teams, but ultimately miss the playoffs. If the Vikings can do that they’ll carry some momentum into an offseason where they’ll be getting McCarthy back for a full offseason and have a large amount of money to spend in free agency.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    I hope a ball doesn’t hit the seam in the outfield and contribute to a Twins’ loss.

    I was at the game this past Sunday in left field foul territory and the seams you’re referencing were as bad as I’ve ever seen. It’s one thing to notice where sod pieces were put together, but there was noticeable dirt showing in between pieces in several spots. I’m very surprised players or managers haven’t brought that up and had it fixed somehow immediately.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    This is my worst garden year ever. Mine was too wet.

    This year our yields are completely opposite of what we got last year.

    Same here guys. After planting the majority of the garden we got tons of rain for a month or so. And between work and kids/home life commitments, I really wasn’t able to pull weeds like I usually do, so a lot of weeds likely impacted what I had intended to grow by crowding the garden and syphoning water away. I have dug up about a third of my potatoes so far and they’ve done OK. They’re definitely smaller and I’m not sure if that’s because of the extra rain, the weeds, or both. I also never did get around to hilling my potatoes. Doesn’t seem to have made a drastic impact, but I did notice one plant with quite a few potatoes above ground and no good, so hilling would’ve helped that one.

    I’ll have to post pictures of pumpkins in a month or so. The past two years I’ve really enjoyed buying seed packs of unique pumpkins, like white ones or the smaller decorative ones, and ones that are white with green stripes. I usually have one or two pumpkins that get fairly large (not real monster size but bigger than what you’ll find in a store) and I don’t have that this year, but might end up with some more rare ones this year.

    One of my kids also wanted to try sunflowers this year and they didn’t grow near as tall as some I’ve seen but they’ve done OK.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    For a little deeper dive into some of their personnel for those interested (and this is off the top of my head from stuff I’ve read recently, so there could be more):

    Even with a solid RB (Taylor) the Gophers still landed a pretty solid RB through the portal, I believe he came from Oklahoma. Fleck had talked about wanting more depth at the position. Obviously it’s great if a RB can take a series or even a few snaps off, plus Taylor was hurt a little last year, so even with the way Taylor ran the ball last year the RB group has improved.

    **Sidenote: I did not know this but the Strib had a pretty good story about how Taylor’s father has been incarcerated most, if not all, of Taylor’s life.

    Daniel Jackson was solid for the Gophers last year and could possibly wind up in next year’s draft class.

    And I don’t remember the guy’s name, but they have an offensive tackle who has been discussed as a possible first-round pick. ESPN did their pre-season All-Americans and this tackle from the Gophers was an honorable mention behind a tackle from Alabama.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Just wanted to return this post to the top after the fact to say thanks to Kevin for running the event and all the sponsors that made it possible. The Red Wing Fire Department brought a ladder truck to fly a big American flag up high, and the national anthem was sung. Boaters from Walleye Searchers, as well as others just wanting to donate their boats and time, took veterans out on the river for a great day of fishing. Volunteers worked hard all day to provide food and other assistance, including helping some veterans who aren’t getting any younger in and out of boats.

    For those that haven’t seen this event before, the logistics getting everyone on and off the water are nothing short of impressive. The boat owners and veterans hop in their boat while it’s still on the trailer, and volunteers work their tails off getting in line, backing the boats with vets in the water, then driving to park and doing it all over again until the over 40 boats are in the water. The on the way back, a volunteer on the point going into the harbor gets the boat number coming in and radios it back to the group, who go get the owners truck and trailer to get them off the water. It’s a lot of work and the volunteers do a fantastic job with it.

    Thanks again to Kevin and Walleye Searchers for doing a completely selfless full day of supporting veterans. In a group of veterans I’m still usually one of the younger ones and I’m always honored and honestly starstruck to be around Vietnam vets and some of the others of that age.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Website now shows this promo ends 8/23.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Free shipping on 99 dollars or more. How much is the first one 98.99?

    $172.99 Not cheap, but I just looked and the lowest Bass Pro inflatables are $99, so I BOGO at $172.99 is a decent deal. I have no idea about any other factors, I was just comparing the lowest-cost versions from each website.

    Always nice getting recommendations from other members so thanks Jon.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    I think it was someone else.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Also, depending on the direction you’re coming from, County highway 18 between Hastings and Prairie Island (closer to PI) has a Buffalo herd that you can see from the road. I live close by in rural Welch so sometimes I’ll just take a quick drive with the kids just to see the Buffalo.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Took our wild little boys to the Steele County Fair today and had a great time. In our household our fair priorities, in no particular order, are:

    1. Rides
    2. Food
    3. Farm animals.

    And in my opinion the Steele County Fair takes care of those priorities without some of the hassles of the State Fair. As others have said, to each their own, just my thoughts.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    If you’re doing the day trip for the purpose of seeing the area, I’d definitely second the suggestion of driving to Memorial Park. Very good views of the area, my brother even proposes up there.

    The town is mostly residential with all the businesses located downtown or along 61/Old West Main, so when you’re looking at a place to eat you can go with the flow, if you’re at one part of town you can get to another part pretty quick.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Someone mentioned going to one of the concerts, a few years ago we went to the Jim Gaffigan comedy show. When we used to go more often we’d get there in the morning, so going to a show or concert was a little different, seems like a bit of a different crowd of late teens toward evening/ night time.

    Also if it helps anyone, I think Tuesdays might offer a military/ veteran discount on admission.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    I’d rather see Jordan carted off than driving the cart. Too soon?

    Not at all, got a chuckle out of me. We’ll done sir.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Kind of a long-shot pipe dream for a season where the Vikes are showing some promise but below .500 with a tough schedule…but I would love to see a situation like that where Darnold is playing well and they can somehow trade Darnold to a team in playoff contention that needs a QB due to injury. That rarely, rarely happens, but since Darnold won’t be with the team next year anyway it would be awesome to get something in return for him.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Great idea and post JJ.

    I’m like you and haven’t really looked into a much as I probably should for veterans benefits. I did use the GI Bill and eventually became a college graduate at the age of 39 this past spring. That’s a great benefit.

    Lowes and Home Depot do something like a 10% military discount for veterans. A lot of websites nowadays will go thru, which is an online verification tool. Basically you verify your service through and then a website like Home Depot or Lowes will use them to verify your veterans status and give you the discount. Once set up it goes real fast.

    I think Cabelas (which now identifies as Bass Pro) does 5% discount at all times for veterans.

    Also check out Vet Tix. They get tickets for almost everything, concerts, sporting events, comedy clubs, etc. and donate to veterans. If demand is high you’re entered into a lottery and they pick winners for the tickets. Haven’t used it much but I have taken my boys to a Twins game and PBR Bull Riding for free thru Vet Tix. It’s nation wide too, so if you’re traveling you could look to see what they have in that area. When I’ve been to Vegas (Picklerick, we should talk jester ) I’ve looked up show tickets there thru Vet Tix.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Did you guys see the reports of what other teams wanted for half-season rental pitchers? Sounds like the Twins would have had to give up Brooks Lee, Walker Jenkins or others…
    Sure they’re cheap, the TV deal is bad but price of talent was too steep..

    So…’re not wrong. And there are actually numbers out there showing that teams that give up prospects in rental trades almost always “lose” the trade by way of the pitcher not matching the production they thought they’d get, early exit from the team in the playoff, or less-than-desired playoff performance from that rental.

    Our recency bias has us all wondering why the Twins didn’t try and improve the team via trade….which would have them giving up something to get something. I know it would’ve been expensive, but they could’ve just re-signed Sonny Gray in the offseason and not had to part ways with anything other than Pohlad money. That’s what most teams wanting to go forward and not backward would’ve done anyway….

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Count me among the group that would love to do this but can’t make it. Our family actually takes off Saturday for a week near Alexandria.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    It’s gotten to the point where if you’re a starting QB and the next one up for a contract you’re likely to be the next highest-paid QB, until the next starting QB signs their contract. Maybe not for some of the bottom 5-10 QB’s, but for anyone qualifying as a guy who has the starting QB spot, that’s gonna be the case. Years ago you wouldn’t see this happening with Love or even a guy like Trevor Lawrence, but it’s to the point where there are maybe 20-25 men on this earth who can be decent starting NFL QB’s, and that rarity gets them paid.

    It can and likely will cripple teams financially so the GM’s have big decisions to make, timing the QB contracts and the guaranteed money/cap hits with other big contracts on their team. Front-load a few contracts here, back-load a few there, it’s a constant puzzle. I do wonder if there will come a day where enough teams get ruined by QB eating up such a huge chunk of their contract that they say they’ve had enough and try something else. It’s already happened in a way with teams placing such a high value on a top 1 or 2 QB in a draft class to try and win with a cheap QB so they can pay others.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    He is not exactly sitting and learning from Joe Montana so there is that.
    I believe KOC knows what he is doing with QB’s. If he doesn’t we are kind of screwed either way. I’ll trust his decision making in that department.

    From everything I’ve seen KOC does not want to make mistakes with rushing McCarthy. Any talk of rushing him comes from sports talkers on tv and radio or fans that just want something new right now.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Hoping for a quick recovery and thinking of you and your family Werm.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Only 2 MLB teams have made absolutely zero moves prior to the trade deadline: The A’s and Twins.

    Pohlads=one of the worst ownership groups in all of professional sports.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    That’s cool as hell JJ.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Good for you BC, that’s awesome to hear. Your kid sounds like a stud.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>FinickyFish wrote:</div>
    I actually thought that was a picture of a medieval carving at first. That thing looks sweet.

    Dude! Thought the same. Some sweet artwork by mother nature right there!

    Yeah thought for sure that was some sort of gargoyle-owl.

    Not sure if different types of hornets react differently, but spray can always seems to work for me. And a fresh can can spray a ways. As others have said…. have an exit strategy. Whether it’s running inside or running away, I swear those things want to kill you in the last few moments of their lives and make a run straight for you.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    Hoping all goes well for you picklerick.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    I also was glad to hear that news, and I agree that Kwesi is doing a good job building what we have so far, locking in key players, and setting the team up to have good cap space after next year. If they have hit on their QB pick (McCarthy) and can sign a few top FA pieces next offseason they will be set up with a good roster for years. And they’ll need it, because the rest of the division is also trending upward.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    If I clean fish at home I dump the scraps in the woods (on my property), which are full of coons,opposum, coyotes, and plenty of vultures in the area, so I’m not attracting anything that isn’t already there. Usually within a day there’s absolutely zero trace of the scraps, not even a bone or fin.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    That no wake zone isn’t marked the best, don’t feel bad about that one.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3608

    I would agree with that Gim, a campaigning politician on the receiving end of violence is not good at all for this country.

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