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  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I really need to put my phone away after a couple beers. I have made all sorts of stupid purchases over the years. Some good ones however :-). Got a steal on a Dyson vaccuum. Man those things are great.

    Seems crazy but I think most of us are to the point in life where we do get very excited about a deal on a good vacuum or a pack of socks. And I’m ok with that.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Bumping this thread up because I Googled how to wash ice Armor. Last weekend I kept wiping my hands on my bibs after releasing and the bibs really smell like fish now.

    One of my Google results showed this thread so I looked at it and a lot of the comments made me laugh (Sharon’s life jacket saga!) So hopefully bringing this back is fun for a few people

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dan wrote:</div>
    sorry guys, most of what I see comes from one specific side.

    Please, do expand.

    From what I see on here I respect you, your service, and your opinions for the most part, but do you not see the absolute lunacy of the left? I mean the general majority of moderate to even mild left? They’re bat sh!t crazy. Sure, some on the right go way too far as well, but not nearly as often IMO.

    I happen to be on Reddit, which let’s be honest is usually a leftist echo chamber, but I also subscribe to r/conservative and man is it a breath of fresh air on there. People actually respectfully debate each other and discuss controversial topics most times. Yes, they’ll even call out DT when he says something off the wall. But rarely, if ever, will they completely shut someone out when they express an opposing opinion. That’s what all the hive mind(usually lefty) subs do. You will be banned, told to shut up, reported as suicidal or racist, etc. before you even have the chance to explain yourself. That is exactly what mainstream media does too now, constantly. Don’t agree? Shut up and be gone. And they wanna talk about fascism…

    Just call it like I see it bro. Thanks again for your service!

    I greatly appreciate your comments, honesty and respectful manner.

    I had to go back and look specifically at what I had said beyond what you had quoted. I started out by referencing driving and seeing huge signs saying “f*ck Biden” and shirts and hats like that. Doesn’t matter the side that does stuff like that, it’s wrong and not a good, honest way of living. We had a good family trip up north last summer and got to talking to a great guy at the resort boat launch, and i could tell my 6- year- old was trying to read what the guy’s hat said, which was “Joe and the Hoe must go.” Anyone can feel free to call me soft or a snowflake. I don’t think i am, I’m just asking for a society that lives and shows respect no matter the situation. It never seemed to be a problem with those supporting Bush, Kerry, Obama, McCain,etc but it seems SOME in the MAGA crowd just don’t care. And I do. People can rip me all they want, but I think it’s best to respect others.

    Of course, as you said, it’s on both sides. I don’t agree with a lot of Democrat priorities anyway but I don’t even know where the far- left comes up with their stuff. Student loan forgiveness, open borders, defund the police, DEI, tribal influence in Minnesota, etc.

    Maybe it’s just where I live and what I come across. Regardless of what I believe in, most of my experiences that I wish my kids wouldn’t have to see is around the “f*ck your feelings” crowd.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    He said he would start working on that day 1

    No he didn’t. He said he’d lower prices on day 1. Again, his words, not mine.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Sorry I know I go on long posts on this stuff but I’ve gotta add one more thing: Since watching the movie and reading the book, the tale of Delta MSG Gary Gordon and SFC Randy Shughart has always moved me. Those are the guys that were providing cover fire as snipers from their aircraft after Durant’s chopper went down but they knew that crash scene would get overrun. They requested and were denied twice to insert on the ground to support any survivors. They kept requesting to be inserted and were finally granted permission and were basically told they’d be on their own, that further support couldn’t be risked. They were well aware of that and dropped in anyway because they knew American soldiers could be alive down there (I have chills as I’m typing this).

    You’ve all seen the movie and the documentary…MSG Gordon and SFC Shughart were dropped into a hornet’s nest. The crash scene was being overrun from all sides by Somalis who were out for blood. They pulled Durant out of the chopper and tucked him away in a nearby building and fought off the Somalis as long as they could. They knew it was a suicide mission but did it anyway.

    Both MSG Gordon and SFC Shughart were posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Maybe because of it’s recency or all the reading and viewing I’ve done on their saga, but to me it’s one of the very top MOH stories in our great American military history. I truly don’t mean to diminish those that have been killed or wounded in the way I’m about to describe…but I see what these Delta guys did as even greater than, say, jumping on a grenade or even running through enemy fire in some cases. These guys in Mogadishu were dropping into a nightmare. They figured they’d probably die, but it wouldn’t be over quick like jumping on a grenade. They’d have to scan for threats, fight them off, probably be wounded many times, reload, constantly react to movement coming from all directions, and eventually meet their fate. I believe some roads and schools have been named after these two but as I’ve mentioned on here before, names of our nation’s fallen should be mentioned periodically on the news, or on a billboard that just scrolls through those who have given their lives for our country.

    That’s why I stand for and respect our flag.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I had some initial thoughts that I wish I would’ve put on this thread when I watched it a few weeks ago and I wish I would have.

    One thing I do remember is agreeing with what one of the veterans said about getting off the plane in Somalia. In my own experiences of landing overseas, like the vet on the series said, you can only describe it as a whole different world. The facts are that you’re consumed by heat, but it’s so much more than that. It’s like a blow dryer that you just can’t get away from.

    I strongly encourage anyone who hasn’t to watch the movie Blackhawk down, and for those that read, read the book as well, as well as any books written by Mike Durant, the pilot who was captured. In the movie, when the two Delta guys are killed and Durant’s position is overrun, he’s shown being hit in the face by a buttstock. Durant reveals in his book that he told people at the time it was a buttstock because he didn’t want to reveal the horrific truth so soon after what happened. But, as described in the Netflix documentary, he was actually struck by the ripped-off arm of another soldier from that scene. Truly horrific.

    This two-ish day battle has so much to it that the Neftlix documentary honestly just scratches the surface. I was 17 on 9/11/2001, and I had always loved history and military stuff, so the Mogadishu battle was one of the most very recent combat engagements I could read about growing up. My senior year of high school I needed to fill a few class hours one semester and didn’t really have much to take so I had a general elective period where the teacher basically just said “come up with a project, anything” so I spent a quarter or semester researching the Mogadishu battle and wrote a 20-page paper on it. So many interesting details in that saga.

    I’ve said many times before, the military in some ways is only as good and up-to-speed as its last war. When we went to war in Afghanistan/Iraq in the early 2000’s we had some Desert Storm experiences to go by but honestly a lot of gear, tactics, and medical training were still based on Vietnam. Then when you get into new wars everything accelerates very quickly and you get (or at least try to) caught up.

    On that note, some of the shortcomings of the Blackhawk Down situation improved our preparedness in the early stages of the Iraq war. If you remember from the documentary or movie, when soldiers were gearing up things like water, food, and night-vision were mentioned and mostly dismissed because they figured their mission would only take them outside the wire a few hours. Fast-forward to Iraq in 2004 (for me and my unit) and it didn’t matter how long we expected to be out, we were bringing all of it, and people quite literally referenced Blackhawk Down as the reason.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I sure could use some power! From what I could tell power went out once overnight, then again around 5 right before I got up. Had to prob my garage door up on a ladder and bucket to get it to stay open while I drove out. Wife says the updates are it could be restored this afternoon.

    Hoping the wind subsides just a bit so I can plow when I get home, I’m sure a lot of it will just drift back over but it should be better than what it is now.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I haven’t seen road conditions this bad in years.

    Yeah this is definitely up there for craziest drive to work I’ve ever had. The amount of snow combined with the high winds made it real bad. I live on a dead end gravel road and drive about 5 miles of gravel before hitting a highway. I was very close to plowing the driveway before I left but decided just to floor it through the drifts. Very low visibility and crazy drifts everywhere.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dirtywater wrote:</div>
    Bearcat, grubson, crawdaddy—- we are light years apart on this, let’s just leave it at that. My point was that I don’t see a role for the POTUS in policing gender or sexuality and as such I didn’t factor it into my voting decision. Trump is good at identifying opportunities to exploit rage. It’s a great distraction tactic. Meanwhile we’re looking at Ontario applying a 25% surcharge on all the energy they supply to this state as a retaliation to the tariffs.

    They can have their energy. We won’t need it when we can start burning coal again and have nuclear power.

    This has got to be a satire account.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Exploit rage? Scare tactics? You mean there aren’t really dogs getting eaten by Hatian immigrants in Ohio?

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I’ve had a few very inexpensive ones that charge through USB and I’ve liked them.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Politically- I’ve always considered myself independent with conservative tendencies. Growing up on a farm, joining the army, and being mad as hell at 9/11, I’d say I was pretty close to the early 2000’s Republicans- the ones the MAGA crowd would call a RINO today. The gay marriage situation and the folks losing their minds over Sunday liquor sales, all by the supposed party of “freedom, ” really identified that I don’t belong in either side. I can’t agree with either and don’t pretend to.

    By far the thing that matters to me most right now is my kids, boys that are 4 and 6, and their future.

    The oldest wants to be a cop. I love cops and think that’d be great, and I hate to think he’d live in a world where everyone pulls their phones out to video cops because they hate them.

    I think they’ll do great in life and don’t want to see them get passed over on a job because of DEI or other nonsense.

    I also want them to live in a world where people are respectful and decent. Last year driving to the fair we see a huge, huge sign that says “F*ck Biden.” Then later at the store a guy has a shirt on that says “Biden blows, Harris Swallows.” How the f$ck do you explain that sh*t to your kids?

    At some point we as a society stopped caring about being respectful to others and sorry guys, most of what I see comes from one specific side.

    So yeah, it’d be great if we could get some more down to earth, decent conservative types at the top of our government again, without the bats*it crazy element.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Bigstorm i agree about the “Day 1” promises by Trump. It was mentioned earlier in this thread Trump has so far done everything he’s said he’d do. No he hasn’t. He promised egg and gas prices would go down on Day 1. Before the angry crowd brings their torches at me, those are his words, not mine.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    It may have been mentioned on previous pages but when applying for Real ID you can get your lifetime angling license (if you have one) designation on your new Real ID card.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I agree he’s an all time play-hard, hustle player across all sports.

    As far as betting goes, no he did not bet on his team to lose. He also didn’t bet on his team to win EVERY game…. which could mean as much as betting on them to lose…

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    How can you possibly arrive at this? When I ice fish, I have a hard time managing 2 lines most of the time, now 4 potentially? Catch rates would definitely go up. I suppose if someone was solely using 4 lines for tip ups that is one thing, but say you are jigging a line, have a set line and then 2 tip ups? Ridiculous.

    I guess I’m looking at it in the same sense people talk about adding a line for open water fishing, where many have the opinion where if people are fishing for a limit, they’re going to get it either way, adding lines just means it’ll happen sooner. I’ll admit I chose my words poorly and it could very well lead to more harvest. I just don’t think more lines means death to all fish as some do. Fishing with more lines, be it winter or summer, can catch more fish and it can also cause more problems.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    In favor.

    Yeah if they’re not changing limits, in theory we’ll see no change to the number of fish harvested but revenue (i.e. future funding) will increase.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    One hell of a story Randy, I’m sorry for your loss.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Am I missing something…or is there a reason we can’t just seat people…in order? You know, people with tickets to the back of the plane board first and that’s how we fill it up? So much time is wasted waiting for the guy trying to stuff his bag into the overhead bin that was too big to begin with, holding up a line of others who need to get to their seat and settled. I’m sure there’s some reasoning behind it and why the easy fix just can’t be made, but man would that save a ton of time.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    its the people that have a maximum size carry on they put in the overhead bin and then they also have a “personal item” (which is supposed to go on the floor at your feet) that is dam near the same size as the carry on and they throw that up in the overhead bin too. They do this to avoid checking a bag and it ends up screwing over the people in the last boarding group because the overhead bins are already full. Many times people’s personal item is bigger than my carry on. The flight attendants don’t enforce anything related to personal items being in the overhead bins, so people abuse the system.

    You are 100% correct. The absolute root of all of this traced back to when airlines started charging for bags. However, that charge has been the norm for about 20 years now, and although it’s stayed there because of corporate greed, every flier knows about it and as you stated Mr. Gummi, it causes people to act crazy with the baggage situation. I tend to follow rules in life so I’ve never pushed it and we typically end up checking bags, yet as you said you can always find a large percentage of passengers with way too many “carry-ons” or ones that should have 100% been checked. That causes the mad dash to get on the plane and claim some of the finite space available. And as mentioned, airlines rarely do anything to enforce it. Spirit/Frontier does, and because of that they get crucified in reviews. I’ve probably flown Spirit at least half a dozen times (never had any issues) and there’s always someone about to lose their mind that the terms they agreed to when booking their flight are being enforced in regards to their carry-on; they likely just skipped that part and didn’t do any research. Then that person spreads the word about how awful and cheap Spirit is and a reputation is formed. I don’t have a dog in the fight, I’m not trying to really defend Spirit at all, I’m just saying a huge percentage of complaints against them come from people mad about something they should have already been aware of.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I could use some advice on the deer protection. I’ve probably wasted over $500 on trees that deer have destroyed. Kinda gave up. But… we had to take down several large oaks near the house recently so this spring I HAVE to plant some trees. Thinking a mix of maple and pine.

    I could get back to you on exactly what I use. I always get it at Menards, it’s maybe 3-4 feet tall. Comes in a roll and I just cut it to the length I need. I’ll put 3-4 rebar rods or fence posts in the ground and wrap the fence around it.

    I typically keep mine closed by bending one of the wires on the end to sort of make a latch but you could use anything really to secure it. Every week or so I’ll open the fence up to trim. Usually I can get by with staying outside the fence to water the tree from a bucket.

    I’d recommend being very conservative and giving yourself plenty of distance for protection. Obviously deer will reach over with their head and neck so it’s gotta be a few feet wider than the branches. That 2022 winter with all the snow, my apple tree fence just got mangled.

    It can be a pain and somewhat of an eye sore at times but I keep telling myself that when the trees are finally big enough to pull the fence away things will look real nice. And like you mentioned, the dollar amount… might as well protect the tree money you have invested.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I’m interested in hearing what all of your watering practices are. I think in the past I’ve probably been guilty of both over-watering and not watering enough. I’ve seen before from the DNR or something that trees that are 1-3 years old need 15-25 gallons of water per week, more if it’s been really dry. I swear I spend half my summer with a hose in 5-gallon buckets, waiting for a dozen of them to fill up, and then driving around in my SxS watering them. I might see if I can find an affordable large tank of some sort to save some time this year.

    Just wondering if you all water them often or just let God take care of it, and how you go about doing it.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    To each their own, but I cannot understand this for the life of me. I’d pay extra to be guaranteed last person to board on every flight. Hate sitting there waiting for everyone to shuffle in, I want to buckle up and take off asap.

    I would agree with you in all caps x10 if I could. 10000%. My wife is the complete opposite, she wants to go right away, even if we sneak into a zone ahead of us. When I’ve asked her why her answer is always “just to get on the plane.” I hate it, you’re gonna be sitting on that damn aircraft for hours anyway.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I’m sure I’ll be planting something. My guilty pleasure/toxic trait as they say is adding trees to our property. And the way I view it (or maybe I’m just justifying the money to my wife) is that to even enjoy some trees on the landscape on our property in our life, we’ve got to keep planting now.

    Agreed on the tree protection. I’ve said before on here, I’ve probably got well over $300 invested in fencing between our gardens and young trees and I’m sure I’ll be adding to that this year. That can get expensive but it’s a no-brainer to me. Paying money for trees and not protecting them is completely wasting that money because our local deer will destroy them.

    Last year we spent about $300 combined between a potted white oak and a potted birch cluster. Don’t know the size but they must’ve been at least 6 feet tall already. Might add another birch cluster this year. These were purchased from Sargents in Red Wing, which from what everyone says seems to be the gold standard as far as plants go around here.

    Three years ago we planted two apple trees that have been fenced and are doing quite well. We bought them in May or June from Runnings in Red Wing so by then they were marked down a little and were about $75 apiece. As long as they continue to survive we’ll easily make our money back on them in apples.

    And I’ll probably continue my habit of randomly picking up some 2-3 foot potted pines from Menards, Runnings, or Walmart depending on the price. Typically I’ll grab a few when they’re $25-$30 and put them in the ground in the hopes they’ll make it.

    I’ve never gotten a large volume of saplings. I’d be interested but not sure I’d have the time to tend to them (mainly watering the first few years) and protecting them.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I agree with that, it’s tough scoreboard-watching late in the season and seeing a team you’re chasing (or being chased by) all tied up in the third knowing if both teams just kick the can down the road for awhile they’ll get a point. Some urgency could be added in late third periods.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Since the Wild are on an off-day I’ll throw this one out there. I’ve stated before that I’m not nearly as hockey literate as a lot of you on this thread so maybe this is a dumb conversation.

    What does everyone think of the team scoring system used in the 4 Nations Faceoff? I believe it was 3 points for a win, 2 points for an overtime win, and 1 point for an overtime loss. I know there’s a lot going on with that scoring system, and it was needed to create some separation in a 4-team tourney with just a few round-robin games.

    I can see the case for the fact that winning outright in regulation is different than not putting a team away until OT. And maybe some people don’t like that an OT loss gives a team a point. I’ve never minded that rule. I remember years ago the Twins seemed to lose in extra innings a couple times a week, and I remember thinking that a team losing in extras sure seemed to be more competitive than a team just outright losing.

    Thoughts? Would it create some separation and better reflect a team’s performance? I’ll hang up and listen.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    This will get blamed on DOGE for sure.

    Always best to be outraged in anticipation of the outrage. That way we’re all outraged all the time.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Why would SW have to pay anything for an error by a completely different pilot/airline? If I was on that plane, I’d be pretty darn happy how aware and proactive the SW pilots were. If you want to understand what actually happened, Pilot Debrief does a great job explaining every detail.

    It’s two different situations. B-man’s title and first sentence reference the Delta flight that crashed and flipped upside down going from MSP to Toronto last week; the video he has is the SW flight from this week. The $30,000 has been offered to passengers on the Delta flight.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Last night’s light rain really took the snow down in the neighborhood. Maybe a small hump where someone had to pile it but for the most part we’re that wonderful brown.

    Had some fog lingering this morning and its still hanging around but not right on the ground.

    I just got the second round of cut muscle jerky in the smoker. Then on to summer sausage. Then the last batch of sticks. There’s a few random chances for light rain again towards the weekend but it won’t bother the smoking at all.

    I might have to take a little road trip to see if my early open water places are free of ice. Should be about any time now.

    I’m very curious if Silver Creek Reservoir down your way has had a lot of water open up near the shoreline. I know there will be plenty of ice on most of the lake still; I’d like to get my boys there one more time but I’m worried by the time Saturday comes around the ice will have pulled away from the shore too much.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    The real winner was the sport of Hockey.

    Absolutely. Ratings were good and everyone was talking about it. The product on the ice did not disappoint, and I think any casual fans tuning in and seeing the gloves drop, seeing the Tkachuk brothers smash Canadians into the boards, or just seeing all the superstars they may have heard about all on the ice at the same time likely drew a few more to the sport.

    It also happened at a time where the All-Star Games/Pro Bowls/Other exhibition games are being exposed for being not worth tuning in to. Ironic that the NBA All-Star weekend took place last weekend as well and almost every aspect of that has been getting hammered as a joke.

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