It is 9:15 p.m and I am still ticked off, you now what the sad thing is I saw one of the owners of the Redwing tannery at the Lake City parade and every person who was running for a political office made it a point to go and say HI to him just because he has money!!! I have never in my life fished the St. Croix but I have noticed that our Department of Negative Results has been screwing us the sportsmen and women of MN for years they get a raise and they are still doing less and less for us the people that are the driving Fource behind the DNR we are the reason that they have jobs. What is the last thing they have ever done for us besides shifting the flyway west and east of MN, they have always sided with the Money. Have you ever noticed that its always the private sector that has a river clean up. I know I have done countless papers on the reorganization of the DNR in college I have a BS degree in Natural Resources. The truth of the matter is they dont listen to us they are just like every other political or government body follow the money to protect their own jobs. Maybe the MN DNR dosent have to follow their own regulations the meianduring waters act that states in basic terms all water is public as long as you dont touch the bottom with your physical person basically you cant set foot on the bottom but you can float the water. By haveing these gates up this is a serious violation of their own regulations and you know as well as I do, that if any of us violated this law we would be hung out to dry!!!!I have already e-mailed Gil Gutknecht and the DNR. I know maybe some of you may not feel the same way I do about the DNR but I have to voice my opinion, this being an election season the politicians will listen sadly because they need our votes we need to flex our political muscle and make as much noise as possible we need to e-mail every politician and talk to every and anybody who will listen. Sorry I’m so long winded but I am very passionate about wildlife, wildlands, and fisheries we need to band together and think about bouycotting (sp) redwing boots and shoes I have already started spreading the word in Red Wing and Goodhue, tomorrow the message will hit Cannon Falls and beyound. Together we can make a differance. Again I apologize for being long winded but I needed to vent. Thank you for your time.