My 14 yr old daughter and my 11 yr old son drew Z3 season C tags. We will be coming done to hunt the youth season Easter weekend.
Forum Replies Created
December 21, 2015 at 9:36 pm #1586425November 21, 2015 at 9:18 pm #1578710
Hunter Duncan
Team #10
NE Saskatchewan
6 x 6 with sticker
13 scoreable points
Longest tine 9″
First DeerNovember 2, 2015 at 7:32 pm #1574823Another good bow would be the Mission Craze
X2 on the Craze. I bought one for my son when he was 10. He is now 14 and is shooting it at 60#s. This is his last season with it, he will be taking over my DS EVO next year, his 11 year old sister will be shooting the Craze, and Dad is going to shop for a new one.
November 29, 2013 at 9:25 pm #1351397Quote:
Why a fixed and not a expandable?
On a bigger animal(elk, moose, bear) if you are patient enough to wait for a completely broadside shot by all means you will not get a bigger hole or better blood trail than you would shooting an expandable, but in my opinion 1/4 away shots on bigger game you lose penetration with expandables. After running an archery only bear hunting business for 12 years, and seeing first hand on video of arrow whip on contact with expandables , and losing numerous bears because of poor penetration with expandables they were forbidden. This is just my opinion, right or wrong, I am going off what I have witnessed and seen first hand and have approximately 100 clients that have experienced or have had partners experience it.
November 29, 2013 at 5:27 am #1351383It’s not hard all you would have to do is find a heavier arrow(C.E. Piledriver, Maxima Hunter, Gold Tip), and do some re-sighting with the bow. My current arrow weight is around 420g. My arrows are Maxima Hunters, when hunting elk or moose I use 100gr GR5 Montec CS and when deer hunting I use 100gr Rage 3 blades . One thing I would strongly suggest is make sure you use a fixed blade broad head and not an expandable.
November 27, 2013 at 6:45 pm #1351353I would look at getting a Pachmayr Decelerator Pad installed. I am personally not a fan of brakes due to the noise. I have a brake on a 340Wby and I won’t shoot it at any time without hearing protection. I have a 7mm with the decelerator pad on it and my wife shoots it no problem. How old is your son?
November 20, 2013 at 7:12 pm #1351180Congrats Jake, my oldest gets to purchase his first deer tag in a week, he turns 12 and gets to hunt the last week of the Sask whitetail season. I have been looking forward to this for almost 12 yrs. He has been making trips with me since he was 3. I have arrowed deer, elk and moose with him by my side and I am pretty sure he was more excited than I was. I can’t wait for Dec. 1 to get here as he will be packing a gun, and I am pretty sure I will be more excited than him.
September 5, 2013 at 5:04 am #131623Good Luck, I am going to say he would be in that 22 range, +/- 1/2″. Great Buck
November 15, 2012 at 3:14 am #126896Congrats Gunner, and way to go Jason it is a memory that will be with you and him forever
November 15, 2012 at 3:10 am #126895Quote:
HHA OL 5519
I have shot this sight for the last 5 years and would not shoot anything else. Spot and stalk it is left at 30 yards encase something not seen jumps up and stops. Treestand or ground blind you will have time for the most part to move scope to were it needs to be.
November 15, 2012 at 3:05 am #126894Kooty, I have shot 7″ brace height on pretty much my last 4 bows. This year when my bow went down before I left for my elk hunt and ended up picking up a PSE Dream Season EVO. I was a little concerned about the 6″ brace height but it has been an absolute pleasure to shoot and the shorter brace was not noticable. It is fast, torque free and super quiet. I would not pass it by with out shooting it, you will be suprised how easy it shoots even with the shorter brace height.
November 11, 2012 at 1:14 pm #126583Awesome deer Coppertop, and to share it with your dad is very special. Worth the wait for the pictures.
November 9, 2012 at 10:37 pm #126544Did it happen just like in your dream?
Congrats on the buck Kooty can’t wait to read about it.
November 4, 2012 at 12:56 pm #126092I know your pain Randy I just hope it didn’t hit bone. I was re-framing my basement 6 years ago and needed two more studs and instead of going and picking up I used two of the 35 year old hard as a stone studs that were in the basement from the tear down. While nailing in from top plate my aim was a little off and put about 3″ of a 3 1/2″ nail into my hand between thumb and index finger, when I pulled it out to my suprise no blood. Took some advil that night because it was a little sore but for the next week and a half the hand was pretty much useless. Hope it gets better soon so you can get back to the woods
November 2, 2012 at 2:16 pm #125991Congrats on the buck Tony, Sucks loosing the spot to hunt but all may not be lost that young guy is going to needs some mentoring and guidance. I my self have just as much fun and excitement with new bowhunters getting there first animals as they do.
October 30, 2012 at 2:22 am #125759Congratulations to Tyler, and way to go Lucas and Jason. You have created a memory for the 3 of you that will never be forgotten. Just like all the memories that you have from previous hunts and you think back and it is like it just happened yesterday.This is going to be just like it. I know from having Hunter tag along for the last 4/5 years it doesn’t matter what happens, it is a time that you will never forget and a memory that you will always cherish.