I got two PMs, so I best clarify now. No, I do not know Mauer personally.
I thought I put a graemlin in that post?
Ah thats just funny
I got two PMs, so I best clarify now. No, I do not know Mauer personally.
I thought I put a graemlin in that post?
Ah thats just funny
As far as I know from my inside source Nothing is really wrong other than never playing a position other than catcher his entire career. Now with that said Even the Maure camp has started to talk to him about getting him to move out from behind the plate for good. Thats not going well.
Inside source?
Inside where? Twins offices or the Mauer family?
Johnny Bench, Jason Varitek, Mike Piazza just to name 3 all played their whole careers behind the plate. They were able to handle it.
I had walking pneumonia a few years ago, very similar to what Mauer has. 3 days after getting drugs I was right back to where I was before being sick. No…..there is more wrong here then catching as a position.
Hey Smart Its about as close a source as one can get with out it being the kid himself.
As far as I know from my inside source Nothing is really wrong other than never playing a position other than catcher his entire career. Now with that said Even the Maure camp has started to talk to him about getting him to move out from behind the plate for good. Thats not going well.
Hey now, I am a huge basketball fan. You can’t bash the talent on the TImberwolves. We have LOADS of young talent. Beasley, Love, Johnson, Ellington are all fantastic players and young. The one thing we are missing is a pg. Now that we have a coach that is not only a crowd pleaser but can coach a winning team I have confidence that the wolves will suprise people this year. They have had way to many lottery picks to not have talent. So do not bash their talent. If you ever watched an college ball and not pro’s a lot of the guys the wolves have were amazing college players. They just haven’t had the right coach yet. At their respective college’s they had fantastic established coaches. That is my opiion.
I think you mean they have loads of “young” players. If they had loads of “talented” young players they wouldn’t be the worst team in the league. Love can play, at least so I’m told. But the future is bright! Don’t they have a guard coming in that averages almost 5 points a game in Europe and was a NBA lottery pick?
Nope he meant talent. just cause a team has talent doesn’t make them good. Plenty of teams have won titles by having good players and a good coach, and when Lebron (the big baby) took his “talents to south beach” he proved the point that talent does get anything handed to you. Heck only one team has really ever had a combo of talent players, and coach. Bulls of the 90’s
Cut breast in to 2″x1/2″ strips or chunks well anything bite size works. one can pineapple, one can water chestnuts. a pound or two of bacon. Cut bacon into 1/3 Wrap around goose and pineapple/chestnut and goose. Toothpick to hold toss on grill until bacon is done, turning frequently.
Cold beer and AOLT of hunting BS make it that much better.
Definitely research the breed as some are known for medical issues more than others.
For instance Tuffy being a pug has had crystals in his bladder which led to 2 times him needing to be drained. The last time they cut a hole in his weiner behind the (don’t giggle Brian) penis bone and it drained. It healed well, and the doc said we could just leave it and maybe avoid problems in the future. So far, so good and he doesn’t seem to be emasculated with his new V-jayjay, even though I tease him about it.
Wish I wou… Huh Wish I would have known this a bout a year ago. Our Boston had crystals for the 5th time.
I doubt it’s that much of a myth, It’s a “feature” that All companies Charge for, and even with that All companies Minus sprint Monitor your usage, and when you exceed what they limit you too they Throttle your speed down. Everyone is paying attention to AT&T to see if they can get away with their Data tiers. Which , in about a month or so will be pointless. as I think Sprint is going to pick up a few users when a 4G iPhone is introduced on the only non limited, currently, carrier. But thats a different conversation.
I’d ask Puggzy’s wife
Oh thats funny! I think she did that one for free cause it was fun. THANK GOD my wife doesn’t read this site.
Ugh.. Yeah Verizon may say they are unlimited but they aren’t. You can give it a shot, but you are dealing with one of the worst companies when it come to this. AT&T and Verizon are terrible about this kind of thing. and If you exceed 2Gig, which depending on how you use it isn’t that hard to o, expect a letter.
I think I IDed Sweet’s caterpillar.
He will have to verify that is it. Hard to tell from his picture.
Yup thats the one. THanks Pug I hadn’t gotten around to looking it up yet.
IF and Big big IF he stays with the team for the entire contract then YEah he will have them turned around. We have enough talent to win. could use a little more leadership from a vet or two, but I’m sure once the lock out is done with that’ll happen. I’m actually excited about this hire.
Yes PUG, I’m a BEars Fan & WOLVES fan. What circle does that put me in?
As a Bears fan…
You are going into a circle all your own on G+. And you will be very lonely all by yourself.
I’m use to that. Hey I support all other MN sports. But I had to pick one team that new what a championship was.
As a Bears fan I was happy to see the Bears do what they did. Sure some things to work on still , but I actually would agree that they easily handled ATL. I was expecting that game to have the scores flipped. Cutler Looks MUCH improved, so for all the Natl. Media that pissed him off at the end of the season and questioned him THANK YOU!
The Ravens Manhandling of the steelers shocked me. that game never shockes me either team could win and it always is close.
The Vikings shocked me… that they were able to hang in that long with that bad of a game, and still almost pull off a W.
Detroit is always a team of Destiny. Their Destiny is to always under achieve. Sorry until we get to division games and real contenders I’m not going to be impressed. It’s kind of like being shocked that the Lynx are making this run. AFter a few #1 picks, and Even more top 5 Picks EVENTUALLY you have to start winning right?
PDF’s can be made to be editable in areas and have “fields”. Of course then in those PDFs certain areas can be filled in by anyone. That information is all embedded in the file.
However generally speaking PDF are far from perfect in the secure manor in which you speak. I believe the initial idea of them was to be secure and uneditable, and be a cross platform viewer. However Very few people actually know how to properly create such a PDF. If you have Acrobat Pro rather than acrobat reader, you would be shocked at all the editing you can do. pictures, text, videos you name it. Or iff you don’t have Pro there is always Photoshop or Illustrator that can open the file and you make some edits via them as well.
In case you can’t tell I deal with PDF’s regularly and could go on and on about them.
If you ever want to see what I could do to one of your PDFs for fun feel free to send me one.
Alright I’ll be the odd man out. There is no way in H3LL I would by an M2. atleast not one in the past 2-3 years. I was in the market for a new gun last year. All my buddies have Benellis. So of course the pressure was being put on me. of course 3 out of the 4 have them because they are lefties so no company is more user friendly for them. The other righty had just bought an M2 the previous year. That thing has been returned to Benelli more times than I can literally count. It’s been repaired replaced Still Wont work properly. So now it’s just a pretty looking gun that sits in the safe. Same with one of the lefties His M2 Gets used for Pheasant and Pheasant only. Because he can never get more than two round through it with out having jams, that one is about 3 -4 years old. Other Guys ar running SBEII MUCH better gun in my opinion. Worth the extra $$. Sure they still have issues, but they also run a couple thousand rounds through there gun every year. But it’s never anything a new spring, or cleaning can’t fix.
Needless to say from my rave review here I didn’t go the M2 route, I went with a Winchester SX3 May never buy anything else.
They may put up 38 on them but that still wouldn’t beat the 50+ the pack could drop on the Saint…. That hurt to say by the way. Go BEARS.. I need a beer.
Nice my buddies and I were just talking last night that we need to learn the WI area and start hunting that.