First, let me personally thank Glenn at gkfishingguides for a wonderful guided tour of the lake & for showing us how it’s done (ie: somehow, HE managed most of the fish! LOL) Mom & I had a wonderful day on the lake with you & we have already given out ALL the cards you gave us to fellow anglers at the tourney ~ hope you hear from them!!
Now, on to the W.A.M. Tournament this past Saturday…
Wow! What a day we had on Lake Koronis!! Started off with a sprinkle or two & ended up with an overall nice, overcast day ~ with a few thunder rolls at the end of it! However, not MANY fish were caught on the lake, as the wind had slowed down a bit, and we were coming off of a few rainy days…but, there WERE still fish to be found. There were only 10 walleyes caught & 13 northerns, to fill the top placements (1st, 2nd & 3rd) ~ the MOST fish caught in a species were Bass & Rock Bass, followed by Sunfish. The Crappies were no where to be found (more on that later)…hit & miss all day, only 9 registered during the whole tourney.
Back to the Crappie, our first fish ALMOST caught of the day, was a beautiful crappie I had on the line, trolling using rap at 8 ft depth. Got it to the boat, but mom wasn’t quick enough with the net & hook came through upper lip & lost her…the fish, not mom….LOL 
Luck got better as the day progressed, we each weighed in a sunfish and Bass (mom’s ended up being a 2.2 smallmouth, which she enjoyed landing on an ultralite), and then I caught a small northern, she a small walleye, both not big enough to weigh in….which was a bummer.
HOWEVER, we managed to find an AWESOME Rock Bass hole, all on our own, and it PRODUCED almost 2 dozen rock bass in a very short time period; we ended up weighing in 5 each, as the size progressed. I’m happy to report that I ended up WINNING the Rock Bass portion of the tourney, in 1st Place, with a Rock Bass weighing in just over 1 pound 
We had wonderful sponsors of the tournament, and the Paynesville area sponsors, businesses & townpeople were just WONDERFUL to us ~ we will be back in future years, for sure!!
The tips provided & tour of the lake were JUST the ticket we needed to have a memorable day of fishing & aided our succeeding in our goal to PLACE this year ~ thanks again, Glenn….we fished on Sunday before the rains came in, and took home 2 nice walleyes with us….
Thanks to ALL on this forum that provided tips & encouragement for our fishing the tourney on Lake Koronis, and we will take your advice as we fish the upcoming years on other lakes, as well ~ just an FYI, next year the tourney is going to be on Lake Osakis (sp?) near Alexandria, Minnesota…so we are working out details on our stay there already.
You are just WONDERFUL on this forum, and thank you ALL again, for making this a wonderful tournament to remember ~ my Mom & I will cherish the memories from this trip for a lifetime & much appreciated your helpfulness & information ~ thank you!! 
I’ll post the ACTUAL results for the 5 species in a separate post, in the event anyone would like to know (it should be in the paper this week, too) ~