I know- unexpected hall pass! Still don’t know if I want to fight the wind-
Haha, he is referring to your post title 12 -24-14
I know- unexpected hall pass! Still don’t know if I want to fight the wind-
Haha, he is referring to your post title 12 -24-14
I have a 2002 silverado and I just got used to the “clunk”. They have terrible slip yokes in them that get sloppy (doesn’t hurt anything, just makes a clunk). If I get bored, I drop the driveline and pack it pull of grease and re-intall. It creates a cushion to keep the clunk from occuring. The alternate is replacing the factory slip yoke with a $600 nickel one. That may be what you are hearing. One way to tell is come up to a stop, and do a hard/fast stop, then accelerate. That will usually produce the tell tale slip yoke “clunk”.
I use a John Deere 322 with a 36″ tiller to do my foodplot. It is about 1 acre and I can get it done in a few hours and a couple tanks of gas. It really burns through the fuel when the tiller is engaged. Planned on doing it today, but it is raining!
Had him come by at 15 yards this morningbut let him walk. he definitely needs another year.
With a User Name of Heavy CHEVY, I can’t believe you sold out and bought a Ford. You must like fixing stuff
You didn’t take pictures “You didn’t really catch them then”. You took pictures “you are ruining our fishery keeping these”, you took a picture “that’s photoshopped, you didn’t catch a fish this big”… LOL, you just cant win nowadays
Picture one looks an aweful lot like the mouth of Joe Creek Kooty. I agree it is totally fake. Lake Oahe doesn’t kick out fish this big, there is no reason for anyone reading this post to make a trip there
Wow, watching them fix a recoil what not nearly as exciting as watching them start the SOLO!!!!
Built up some more Tip Downs for a few of the guys on here hope you like them TG002
Very nice looking. Are those oak??? You’ll have the fanciest tip-downs on the ice!
Thanks for the ideas. The battery was good at 100% on the meter. Something is definitely wrong with how it is behaving and it sounds like the transducer is the culprit.
We could run to perch puddle and try my Transducer
Thanks for the offer Bret. I have an LX 5 as well, so I will try my transducer on the unit when I get a chance. Perch puddle… ive yet to catch a Perch in that slew However, so far this ice season, anytime the Marcum finds a ledge dropping down to ~17 ft, there seems to be tasty critters that are hungry
I’ve tried dozens of different jigs and baits, but I find myslef always returing to the Gil Pil with a spike when I want to put them topside!
I’ll run circles around your 9.5 you knob
Jump in my boat and I can show you proper boat control… That should help keep you from running in circles
It’s been proven that a dirty boat goes faster. Really!
Then mine should really fly
Well….if you see a sad looking guy standing on the shoreline looking for a boat ride, that’d be Slop Bass….
Be sure to wave as you drive by.
Shaver, You can always borrow my 14′ flat bottom with the 9.5 hp. You should be able to keep up with Bret’s “troller”
I had my boat in the slip for 3 weeks and it has horrible build up. I am going to pull it and try using The Works toilet bol cleaner. That stuff seems to remove anything. It was so bad that I thought I blew a cyclinder in my motor becuase I lost 12 mph on the top end
Sweet deals, I just put in an order. My wife is going to really thank you for showing me this site Shaver
My favorite Senkos (red shad) for only $4.49 a pack how can you pass that up!
I don’t know about Francis Case at this time, but Lake Sharpe is on FIRE
I would think you may be a little too far North for the heavy bite during that timeframe. Usually around the end of May and early June, the fish are between Bushes and Whitlock. I would put myself at Bushes and head North a little ways to Sutton’s and Willow the first day. If North doesn’t produce, start working your way South to the Mouth of the Cheyenne.
I fished Saturday and Sunday, water temps on all 4 different graphs were between 41.4 and 41.8. The Flow is high and the current is rolling! For me, the quantity was not hard to accomplish, but quality was pretty tough. I found all my fish in the slack water next to the current seams. Jigging yielded very few fish. Most of them came from slow trolling bottom bouncers (I am a SD guy and we use bottom bouncers, lot easier to manage than 3 ways ) with a bare hook and a minnow. They tended to be located in the 8 to 10 foot range.
Good luck out there and watch for floating crud, there’s a lot of garbage!
I have had overall great experience. There is a common trend when I use my 2.5 hp solo with 8″ lazer around people and that is “I sure would hate to race you in a hole drilling contest!” It is definitely a cutting machine.
Only a couple small issues. one is the recoil can be sticky and I luckily haven’t sprung the spring yet. The other was not really the equipments problem but I had an issue where it floodeed out. We had some rain storms this year and my air filter gor wet and froze. When I tried starting it, it was like having the choke on constantly and flooded the machine. I pulled the air cleaner and ran it without until it unthawed over the trucks defrost.
Cooler looking with all of the frost and ice. Thanks for posting
That’s actually Goose Droppings Capital Lake gets swarmed with Sky Carp!
The Christmas trees inside are a treat to see as well.
I just bought mine from Farm and Fleet for $380. Best money I spent since I bought the LX5. I was drilling holes the other day next to a retired gentlemen who had an older auger and I quote, “That thing drills like a Motha #%(#&*”
Nice innovation
Just make sure you use the door from now on instead of flipping the shack
Thanks for the clarification and once gain congrats
Textual content can be very misleading.
Cade, you have been having great success in the last few years and are clearly learning the patterns of the river and how to take advantage of them. Congrats for being able to accomplish what takes many years or lifetimes to achieve. I must comment on one thing though. I routinely see your posts talking about selective harvest and icing a limit for a good fish fry. However, each and every post that you talk about this, you have limits or messes of fish on the ice. In this last post, you now mention that all the freezers are full, so you are sending them to a relatives freezer. I have NO problem with keeping fish and sharing a fry with friends and family, but if you are stock piling fish in the freezer, I guess I don’t see that as selective harvest. I guess as long as you eventually eat them all (which everyone does), you technically are practicing selective harvest as the definition of from the DNR is “Selective Harvest is harvesting only the fish you intend to use for food and releasing the rest of your catch unharmed.” With the amount of time you spend on the water/ice and the success you have, I would challenge the need to fill your and others freezers with possession limits. I am not trying to start anything or take away from the excitement of your posts, I just wanted to express my opinion as a fellow fisherman on selective harvest. Fish are better fresh anyways
BTW, Those are some true jumbos. And Kyle’s Walleye is an absolute beauty. I hope you were successful in convincing Kyle to release her, so that I can catch her this Spring
Since Brett C hasn’t commented yet, I suspect he is currently in the garage tweaking his Strikemaster!
the problem is in the wires from the switch into where it goes thru into the boat the wires flex and break inside the insulation if you take it apart and pull on the wire you can see the insulation streach my son just had his do this and I’ve had it happen on my nitro I had,I finally took and cut a bigger hole to stop it from pinching when you move the shifter ,take a look it’s quite common I believe
Thanks for the advice I will have to check that. I didn’t have time to track down the problem before my trip up North. While on the water I figured out that if I moved the throttle just far enough ahead into gear, the trim would start working. The minute I backed off it would stop again. The same starting spot was extremely consistent. I will start tracing and checking wires.
Thanks for the replies. The battery is brand new and fully charged, so I elimated that issue. I thought maybe bad solenoids, but the other swtiches working eliminated that one. I believe I have a faulty switch of possibly bad connection in the wiring to that switch. I pulled the throttle apart and everything looks brand new, but that means nothing with electronics. Ill check voltage tonight.