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  • Trouble-Hook
    Posts: 9

    I thought I read somewhere, “…One Nation, Under God, Indivisible…” Sounds like TWO nations, different rules for each? Be sure to patronize the other nations casinos!

    Posts: 9

    Whereas I understand everyone’s need to post here, it’s really a bit off mark if you intend to affect change. That whole issue has rankled me for years, and I just sent another email off to my congressman here in Wisconsin. I suggest all of you do the same. Hey, call your local DNR, call the local wardens. They all end up at meetings, like every other issue the government has to manage, the squeeky wheel gets the grease. If you have more time, ask why the casinos are out there sucking up our hard earned money.

    Posts: 9

    THIS IS the essence of Brett Favre on display. As a Packer fan I admired him until, only late in his career there, did we realize it was Brett playing for only his own ego. That was the part that stung. And when Minnesota snapped him up, when he willingly defected because he thought it would further his cause, how could you still respect him. Had he gone elsewhere after the years of rivalry, so be it. But then not to have the stones to say “I’m retired” and stay there, so finally realize, what the man morphed into. Until now, always a physical gem. Lost my vote on the defection. And ya, Chili ain’t doing you guys any favors hanging on to the T-Jack. Rosenfels was at least a serviceable QB. Another ego that needs to be dealt with.
    But there are still 14 games to go, no trophies have been handed out yet. Check back in after ten games.

    Posts: 9

    I have a used canvas cover (no longer needed, doesn’t fit new boat) for a 16′ – $25 includes motor cover. Lacrosse area. Email me if interested. Can drop off or pick up if in the area.

    Posts: 9

    Do you REALLY think the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is going to allow the federal government to round up our guns? Geez, that wouldn’t allow them very much to do, would it? As for gun control legislation, I monitor that topic on National Write Your Congressman web site and the National Federation of Independent Businesses and I don’t see anyting to worry me. I own a bunch of guns and I’m not going to give them up. We aleady have enough misinformation floating around the internet. Do a little research, stop the fear mongering, push for term-limits on all elected offices, stop sending money to the Washington lobbies, i.e., NRA, etc. They are all individual, parochial interests, just wanting to retain their jobs, just like the politicians. And wouldn’t it be nice to have JUST ONE website where we could go for pleasure, read about fishing, without someone having to throw politics in. And for that matter, quit with the Vikings, the Packers, and the whole stale Brett Favre controversy. Post it somewhere else. Fishing is my diversion from reality. If I want to get depressed, I can find a million other websites that offer doom and gloom.

    Posts: 9

    Hey, many thanks to the guys that responded. I’ll try another fuel line/primer bulb. And yes, it is a built in tank. I’ll also check the valve in the tank. Didn’t even realize it had one. Nothing worse than boat and motor problems. Takes the fun right out of the fun. I’ll probably check the carbs also since there will likely be time to do it before we see a lot of open water again. Likely time to replace the spark plugs too. Don’t think I did that last spring and they are usually fouled in a year’s time. Thanks again.

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