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  • trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Also at the double check south of brady ive seen some remains lately of some bank-side gutted wiper here and there. My guess is they’re getting them off the bottom on worms or minnows a little ways down from the gate.

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Ive been hitting the checks from maxwell to johnson a lot this year. Cant remember exactly when but right around the white bass spawn thats about all we were catching everywhere were white bass and it was good. They were mostly right over the gates in the swirl right up against it close to the top. After the spawn everything just died and for what seems like at least a month now theyve had the water blowing through the canal up until last week. Should get easier at all the checks now that the current isnt as strong and the shad are getting bigger and moving up into them. If any of you are looking for pan sized channel cats though i can say that everytime ive fished sutherlands inlet this last month ive seen people pulling them out of the water within a few minutes of eachother. I couldnt even keep them off the wiper jigs. Might check that out if your desperate for some sort of action

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    If your fishing from the bank, good luck…. They finally slowed the water down throughout the canals so the fishings picked up a little from what it has been the passed couple weeks(horrible). Id say anytime now, especially within a couple weeks it should get real good on the whites and more wiper should move in to. The inlets starting to look thick with this years shad. They’re about an inch long now and gettin bigger, couple weeks and they’re gonna be just about the right size that bring the schools of white bass and just about everything else into the inlet to feed. Topwater fishing should pick up to with that. Been waiting and waiting and i think the real good summer fishing is almost here in the inlet and it ought to get better about everywhere else

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    They are very good to eat, not as good as walleye but still good. Taste just like white bass. No they cannot reproduce, but they still go through the same spawning behaviors as white bass. Although I believe there has been one or two cases where they actually sucessful documented, not sure but i believe so. Basically every wiper you catch came out of a tank. They’re open water hunters that travel in schools but they will pin schools of shad or alewife up against some structures especially dams and concrete walls. In the concrete inlets around here they even have ambush spots like sharp corners on walls and anywhere else a shad my not be able to see them waiting. Inlets and outlets to waterbodys tend to be “the spots” especially the inlets. They do get big around here, my biggest is 14 lbs. with a bunch more over 10. I believe the state record is somewhere around 20lbs. Look up steve lytles website and you’ll see a bunch of the past state records, he tends to be the wiper king of this state. Great fish and the fish I tend to go after the most…..

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Inlets still good for white bass if you know what your doing….. probably doesnt pertain to you but to others it might

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    So how did you do? i heard it from a bunch of people that they finally came in but i went out wednesday evening before dark and there wasnt even a bluegill on the prowl. Cold front pry didnt help but the water level, flow, the number of shad, and the spot i fought my way into was perfect

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Thats not a wiper…..

    This is a wiper, muhahahahahahaaa…..let there be stripes!

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    I was wondering if they were tearing it up on the top much out there, a guy wanted me to go out there with him saturday evening to see if they were doing anything but i think the rain scared us both away….. i havent found really anything good around here lately. Steam plants been descent for some odd-ball fish, the white bass have been schooling on the top good at johnsons outlet, and i think the wiper mardi gras at harlans dam has dwindled out. Johnsons inlet hasnt been good for anything lately that i know of. The shad came in, nothing happened, and now they’re getting to big. Who knows what the future holds but hopefully it’ll get good before the summer ends..

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    A buddy and i tried making a shot down there with his boat last week but we left to late and only made it red willow. All we caught were loads and loads of little white bass on top. I wish i had more experience with those lakes…

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Im with you brian, i havent caught poop for “big” fish this year, more walleye, crappie, and wiper than any other years but nothing “big” yet. On the bright side….i made a follow-up cast behind my buddys buzzbait today after a big somethin swung at it. It nailed my spit n image when it came from behind and turned out to be a 5+ largemouth. Shook off before i touched it but hey it was big

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Do they all look like that up there? lol looks a little out of proportion……..or ate a gull

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Ya i gave into myself and went down there last night to, it was still hot. More bigger fish than the last time….

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Maybe no one knows?? lol last weekend, 2 evenings in a row, the wiper were going nuts infront of the spillway on top. We tore them up, they were big too….a couple were at least 8lbers. Just going back and forth from one end to the other. Hopefully they’re still going good….im planning on hitting them again tomorrow evening

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    The fishing pretty much died off today, nothing but cats, tons of carp, and a few pike and muskie. I got a 34 in muskie the other night my first cast but that was it. Its a bowfishermans paradise out there right now with the water up in the weeds.

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    We got out there on day 2 right about the time the thunderstorm hit and fished till dark. We REALLY tore the walleye and wiper up that day on soft plastics. Friday though was a completely different story, they were hardly touching any lures or soft plastics. Everyone was bringing them in on nightcrawlers, shad sides, and chicken liver. I just took a peek down there yesterday and it didnt look like people were having much more luck than the day before. To anyone who did make it out there, friday i was the one wearing the trash bag lol than the alma track sweatshirt, saturday the same sweatshirt. I talked to a lot of people out there this weekend from places back east, Im sure i talked to a few of you lol

    p.s. I have no confirmation of this but the elwoodian’s are saying 25 feet before its over, the C.O. from north platte had heard the same

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Man coyote chaser caught a 21 footer?? So it wasnt nessy I saw out there the other day…. And greg…what kind of binoculars were you using when you saw 8lbers tail 30 feet from the boat im just givin you $hit. Heres my weekend…starts out at our hot spot of the past month, lots of 17 to 23 inch walleye in the first couple hours(im tellin ya brian you gotta hit it), then the sudden idea of hitting big mac. Couple hours later we find ourselves on the lake, waves so big it was like alaskan crab fishing, didnt catch a thing. After a long night at the bar we wake up to hit the canal below ogallala. Just a little water coming out, only about a foot of water to fish in, not a trout in sight but a lot of big walleye against the walls. We were told they’d been there for weeks apparently everyone else had tried catching them and failed…including us. We head home and 3 miles from lex the boat trailer wheel comes off. Ya that was us hooked onto a boat in the tall weeds of the interstates edge….. wasnt the best weekend but it was pretty exciting. Im tellin ya brian, if you want the endless numbers of good walleye and sauger, you gotta try it

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    ya it is, we had to walk across a cornfield with knee deep water from the river when we went shrooming wednesday, the hay fields down there looked like the everglades

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    Hey LuvEyes, have the crappie moved into that boat garage behind you yet?

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    hey brian, we went out yesterday and caught 15 all together and lost a bunch more by the boat. Caught 2 big largemouth and a drum to. We got most of the crappie out of one little cove, you know that one with the house in it, the one where the house is right next to water, if you cant figure it out from there its the house with the rocks and fallen down trees in the water…. most of them we caught off of black and white road runners and right up against the bank

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    he’s lying, nothing but bluegill in there

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    The damn what?? I still wanna know where the water was 50 degrees

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    After they read this, they’ll pry be to afraid to go get it in fear of embarassment if someone saw them

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    i take that back $6,550 just for the yotes, $2,450 for the cats, and $380 for the fox with the crappy prices we get locally

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    i take that back $6,550 just for the yotes, $2,450 for the cats, and $380 for the fox with the crappy prices we get locally

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    I’d be guarding that barn with a gun to lol around here from the numbers of yotes, foxes, and cats in that picture, I’d say everything hanging from the sides of that barn would bank between $7,000-$8,000 stretched and dried like that. Thats just around here, send those to canada to a fur auction and $$$$

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    I’d be guarding that barn with a gun to lol around here from the numbers of yotes, foxes, and cats in that picture, I’d say everything hanging from the sides of that barn would bank between $7,000-$8,000 stretched and dried like that. Thats just around here, send those to canada to a fur auction and $$$$

    trevor nation
    Elwood/Johnson Lake, NE
    Posts: 55

    A few more things….if your hunting around sunrise or sunset, stay below the skyline or they’ll pick out your sillouette(sp)and the sun shining on the side of your face will stick out like a sore thumb. I call in mostly canyoned pastures with big pockets of cover here in there. I try to put myself where i can see the canyon bottoms coming from the cover. They dont always, but most times come into me on fencelines, cowpaths, canyon bottoms, or any other kind of “structure” leading in my direction. Well i had more but now ive forgotten so thats all for now

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