It has everything to do with sponsorship money period. Take a look a the PGA payoffs. The average tournament now pay’s out 6 million, if the PGA was covering the tab they would be broke in a few months, and the PGA pros don’t even pay an entree few in most cases. The only way to figure this one out whould be to know a $ figure on what the sponsors are kicking in. You talk about Walmart, Citco had the greatest earnings in america history of any company, brining home around 9 billion in profits. Just say Citco kicks in $1,000,000 a year, thats only 1/9,000 of there profits which is a tax write off anyway. That amount along would cover most of the Elite Circut. You then have all the other sponsors, plus who know’s Citco could be putting in $5,000,000 ??? Anyway you look at it there’s money coming in from this. Plus I’m sure ESPN has some pretty deep pockets anyway.