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  • TOYE
    Posts: 4


    I don’t know who you were calling out but since I posted, guide, and have the license I will be the first to respond.

    What do you mean by filling out the registration correctly? If you mean all the spam in the bio’s, no thankyou. You don’t have to call me and tell me why you don’t think you need the license, just call John Lindell with the USFW at Mcgreger at (563) 873-3423. I however fell you will not like what he has to say. By guiding un-licensed your days are numbered. You will either get in an accident and be sued or you will be checked and fined. If I were you I would get my act together before one of those things happen! If you are a serious guide this is a no-brainer!

    FYI since I received the license 3 years ago I did not raise my prices. My name is Tony Toye and my email is [email protected].

    Posts: 4

    I was given a grace period for the special-use permit only. I was still under violation of the Coast Guard for that year. What happened was a new refuge manager took over and informed the permit holders that in order to continue getting the permit and staying legal with the USFW we needed the Coast Guard Lic. We were given one year to comply. Ironicly it seemed that is about how long it took to get certified.
    This requirement really weeds out the wannabes!

    Posts: 4

    I didn’t read your post very clear. With that being said, if you are guiding and their is an accident and you don’t have the proper license I guarantee you a lawyer will rip you apart and your insuranse will act like they don’t know you. Without the license you are illegal to guide on the Mississippi River, no if’s an’s or but’s.

    Posts: 4

    I was asked to come here and explain what I know on the subject.

    I run a waterfowl guide service on Pool 9. Three years ago I was told that I needed to become Coast Guard certified to be legal on the river. I was given a year’s grace period to comply. This is not a new law, it has been in place for quite a while it’s just not been enforced in the upper river areas. That does not mean you can continue what you are doing and not be subjected to the $10,000 this fine carries if caught. As of last year there have been 3 people that complied with the rules according to the FWS manager at Magreger. Since I only guide on Pool 9 I was able to get a limited license which is somewhat easier to get than ther regular license since I did not have to take the Navagational part of the test. I studied my butt off and passed the first time. The cost was $240.00 plus the cost of a drug test, CPR and first Aide training along with a study guide I purchased. This of course didn’t include the expense of traveling to St. Louis. If you fail you can take it again the next day and if you fail again at least a week later. If you fail that, you will need to reaply which will cost another $240.00.
    Here is the deal. As a hunting guide I also need a special-use permit from the USFW. This is a anual $100.00 fee which also requires you to have the Coast Guard Lic. and Insurance. For some reason fishing guides are excempt from this permit. As of right now the only ones that are required are the hunting guides and fish-float operators.

    I’ve been checked twice so don’t think they are not out there! Also, as mentioned before, if you are in an accident and someone gets hurt your insurance will not cover you if you are not properly licensed. This is nothing to play around with!

    If some of you guys have anymore questions, I will be happy to answer them for you.

    Good hunting and fishing,
    Tony Toye

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