Boundaries are Boundaries,whether they are put on by the people issuing the tournament permit or by the orginizing committe, all tournaments have boundaries.I don’t see what the big deal is your still fishing although it may be a smaller area. Do you think that the sponsors of these anglers care if their angler runs 30 miles or 60 miles? No,at the end they want their angler on stage and their name mentioned and that is all that matters. Do you think that the crowd that is there to watch weigh-ins care if their favorite angler caught fish just outside the launch area or 40 miles away,I don’t think so.They are there to hopefully get some angling tips,autographs,and some FREE sponsor stuff, they don’t care where the fish were caught. All tournaments need some type off boundaries and in the end it is really simple, if you don’t like the tournament boundaries- DON’T FISH THE TOURNAMENT
The big deal is they would have brought in much bigger sacks. And yes sponsors do like to see bigger weights to generate more chatter on sites like this. Wisc. came up with boundries well after permit was granted or B.A.S.S. would probably fished elsewhere. And as far as don’t fish if you don’t like boundries you obviously don’t have a clue how B.A.S.S. operates.