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  • TCKatMan
    Posts: 1

    alright, i fished in this tournament, and reading this has got me kind of worked up, so i finally decided to register an account and post my two cents.

    first off – chris, thank you for running this tournament, you did a good job, even with the entries dropping with the poor water conditions.

    but, regardless, this is a tournament that had rules, and listed payouts. we all understand that you had to lower the payments due to fewer entries, but when you specifically state that CASH is getting paid out to the top 3 spots, that does NOT equal a gift card.

    a gift card is probably roughly 70% of face value. not to mention, you are forcing them to spend their winnings at your establishment.

    the guy who is arguing about this stated that he lives in lake elmo, so this is not a matter of “supporting your local bait shop”, because that would be blue ribbon or gander mountain.

    Plus what about the door prizes and random drawings? if they were cut out of the tournament, why was the field not notified? You cannot just whittle away on rules on the fly, without telling anyone, and expect everyone to be cool about it.

    You’re a sponsor on here, therefore the staff and regulars are obviously going to side with you, because you pay them money every year (they probably could really careless about your or your company, just as long as those checks keep rolling in)

    The bottom line is, you LIED to us, and there is no going back on that, nor is there an easy fix for it.

    I would say the only legitimate thing to do would be to cancel the gift card that Dr got, and mail him and anyone else you shorted, a check.

    If you want to have a sequel to this tournament, and have it be successful, don’t be pi$$ing off the people who enter it and make it possible.

    TCKatMan – didn’t weigh anything in, but if i would have, and would have placed in the top 3, i would have expected cash, like you stated we were getting.

    Peace Out!

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