THX guys!
Forum Replies Created
December 11, 2018 at 8:20 am #1816756
I think the Vikes have been out coached on every level since the debacle of the NFC championship last year. So many coaching mistakes cant count them…
EX: How many times will they try and run the ball on 3rd and short with Latavius Murray and end up with Zilch, Nada, nothing?
And thats just one issue……very poor coaching and play calling. IMHO
May 10, 2018 at 6:11 am #1773813Boys/girls…..their all the same now. No difference anyways right???
Whats wrong with having boys or girls being mentored by their own sex?
Oh that’s right we are all sexless now aren’t we?
Can’t believe where this country is heading with this social crapola! IMHO
April 16, 2018 at 5:42 am #1768152Not a chance! IMHO
I live in the Park Rapids – Walker area and I highly doubt ice will be off any of but the very smallest lakes in the entire area. We cant even get rid of the snow that fell in December! But I have heard we will have at least the Month of July for open water fishing this year
This is getting ridiculous!
February 19, 2018 at 6:29 am #1753385Call Vexilar and they will tell you what to do and if it can be fixed. They have the best customer service in the business……IMHO!
February 19, 2018 at 6:27 am #1753384Yep, nuke the thread… until the next mentally ill person gets the attention they seek by harming others… that’s been the cycle for years.
For those who think the 2nd Amendment was designed for people to keep their guns for hunting… go back to history class. Who wants to face a tyrannical government with fully auto weapons, with a 6 round bolt action ? (the fact that fully autos are outlawed is infringing on the Constitution already btw)
February 16, 2018 at 6:06 pm #1752993Ill be the first fool to chime in. The FBI is too busy defending itself against the president to do their jobs. its a 24/7 job these days just trying to pick yourself out of the mud that comes daily from the tweet monster.
RIP Florida students.
Ya lets go a head and politicalize it …..really thats the best solution you can come up with? Good God Ethel!
I agree with “bigpike” wholeheartedly
“Keeping schools safe:
Bring prayer / God back into schoolBan video games that only play death by shooting
Make parents responsible for raising there children.
Stop confusing children about there gender, it was picked for them. A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl.
This would be a good start. I’m sure there is plenty more but in the world we live in none of the above statements will ever happen. Even though as a kid all these things were in our schools and I never recall a school shooting. In fact I brought my shotgun to high school on the bus so I could go hunting with buddy’s after school. Think about that for a moment.”
February 16, 2018 at 7:14 am #1752808I would keep your 6″ and add the 8″. I purchased the 8″ first and now have added the 6″. Love them both! I use the 6″ for scouting and the 8″ for fishing. Best of both worlds. IMHO
February 11, 2018 at 10:09 pm #1751577I want the walkway. guy is a friend of mine and he made me some awesome steps. I am going to have a grab pole added.
February 11, 2018 at 10:03 pm #1751575They are part of or affiliated with Vexilar. I would expect their customer service to be as fantastic as Vexilars! IMHO
December 26, 2017 at 10:00 am #1738434<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gizmoguy wrote:</div>
Surprised nobody has mentioned The Michelin m/s. Great traction and you can get up to 80k out of them. You will pay a bit more for them. But cost per mile is very good.Michelin is all I will buy. I’ve gotten suckered on trying other brands and ended up pizzed every time. I consistently get 75-80k miles, great all around for wet and snow. Saving 150 to 200 dollars on tires that only lasted 35 to 50k tops has been a joke. Not on me anymore, won’t play that game. Only way I’ll run different tires is if I’m paid to.
All other tires in my opinion are engineered for entertainment purpose
Hey Randy which michelin model do you drive?
December 24, 2017 at 10:32 am #1738059I don’t know if Rodgers is that good or the rest of the Packers and/or coaching is that bad. It was a frustrating situation and season to say the least. The constant dig dig dig around here by the Viking fans gets old.
You have got to be kidding right?
Poor Packer fans I feel so bad that they got cold and lost last night!
December 21, 2017 at 5:16 am #1737159Not sure on your size but I put on the Cooper AT3’s last year on my 04 2500HD and love them. The are quiet but give me great traction for ice fishing and plowing.
PLUS they are made in the USA!
Up-date….MY AT3’s are basically shot at 35,000 – 40,000 miles. Rotated religiously. Looking for a tire for good winter plowing & ice fishing but will also get more than 40k miles. Might have to look at the Hankook’s….
December 18, 2017 at 8:35 am #1736488Ive had my 8″ for at least 3 maybe 4 seasons cant remember exactly. Love the drill so much I also purchased the 6″ this season to add to my auger arsenal!
I did have my 8″ come out of the chuck last year on my very first hole and down it went to the bottom. I was “deer in the headlight” shocked! Put down the camera and low and behold it was straight down the hole and standing perfectly up and down. Put down a big weighted treble and hooked the float on first try! We were in only 12′ of water which helped. Called K-Drill/Vexilar and they sent up new floats pronto! Since mine was one from there first generation productions they felt a new and slightly bigger float would help and it did take care of the problem. I believe I also have another float on the extension but since I have not looked at it yet this year I am not quite sure.
I use the M-18 Fuel in DRILL mode and SPEED #1. I always back flush the holes.
These are truly a great addition to my Strikemaster!
December 18, 2017 at 8:26 am #1736485walleyebuster….
I agree 1 game but to be a realist not so sure much or any past 1.Yesterdays game was fun to watch a win but it was the Bengals which are not too far from the Browns if you get my drift. It was actually a poor showing IMHO for the Vikings as far as consistency and errors. Kenums first long pass should have been an interception which looked like the same play he was interception during the game with Panthers. Penalties? They tied their season high with the earlier game with Stealers.
They have a lot of work to do before the playoffs to tighten up on many levels IMHO
SKOL Vikes!
December 16, 2017 at 10:43 am #1736052<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>pool2fool wrote:</div>
It’s not “news” — and to keep from treating it as such I DVR and watch a day late so I’ve already taken in the facts and formed my opinion — but I’m also a huge fan of the Daily Show on Comedy Central. With all of the global insanity surrounding me I find it helpful to re-digest this garbage with a heavy dose of humor.I’ll admit I to find more transparency in comedic news that the mainstream.
I’ve never really thought about NPR MPR. Maybe I’ll pay a little more attention to them.
Im sorry but choosing NPR & MPR is as far left as Fox is far right. IMHO
December 11, 2017 at 12:13 pm #1734606I have had my Otter Lodge for two years with no issues. With that said I would make sure and get the new model. Bigger skirt, storage, anchor straps, lp hose hole. Lots of nice improvements. IMHO
December 6, 2017 at 6:43 am #1733218Pick up two used FL8’s or FL18’s and you would be set. As Blake stated it will depend on the depth of water and degree of ducer.
I run the FLX28 but I just picked up a FL8 used for $100! I have a few friends that fish with me and none of them have a flasher so now I have a spare for them to use. So there are deals out there if one spends the time to look.
November 30, 2017 at 9:04 am #1731434I on sheer ice my trailers with wheels always have the tendency to fishtail but I would think a few studs would take care of that problem.
November 30, 2017 at 9:02 am #1731432Great topic! Out of respect for the OP and all who is hurt by this tragedy I think another thread should be started.
Agree 100%
November 30, 2017 at 6:41 am #1731388My sympathies go out to all who have suffered in this tragedy.
I can’t wrap my head around the idea that this is somehow the resorts fault.I acknowedge that each person has a choice to make on whether to go out on any ice. “However”
I find the whole ice fishing Industrie at fault here, with their constant promotion that early ice is the best fishing, that simply is not true!
All of you professionals promote it and encourage it, when the truth is these tradegies happen every season. So when you put on that new ice suit, start your new augers, turn on your new depth finders, fish with the great new rod and new lures that were given to you in order to sell and endorse their products. Remember these two lost lives and know that you and your industry had a hand in it.R.I.P. Melissa and Zeth
Im not in the business but love to fish and I think your blaming the professionals and industry is absolutely absurd and completely unfounded! What ever happened to personal responsibility and common sense of which your post seems to ignore. IMHO
November 23, 2017 at 9:01 am #1730025For those of you that are in favor of more taxes and that is exactly what this is.
Please forward your credit card info so I can pay for my new tax. Obviously you also believe in more redistribution of wealth since we are so under taxed.
Drill baby drill or in this case TAX baby TAX! The Minnesota way!
November 22, 2017 at 9:27 pm #1729959I’d say if you leave a house unattended it should need a license regardless of type. if occupied shouldn’t need one regardless of type. That’s my vote.
I agree 100% but then that would be way too much common sense involved….unfortunately!
November 22, 2017 at 4:11 pm #1729908Has ANYONE ever tried to run for office at any level to fight for what you believe in or just complain about it on the web?
I guess there are 100 senators and 435 congressmen at the federal level that ran for office and probably complained on the internet also. Just saying……